Number 9, 2007
Èçäàòåëüñêèé äîì «Ëèòåéíîå ïðîèçâîäñòâî» âûïóñêàåò äâà ñïåöèàëèçèðîâàííûõ íàó÷íî-òåõíè÷åñêèõ æóðíàëà ñ ïåðèîäè÷íîñòüþ: «Ëèòåéíîå ïðîèçâîäñòâî» – åæåìåñÿ÷íî, «Ìåòàëëóðãèÿ ìàøèíîñòðîåíèÿ» – 1 ðàç â 2 ìåñÿöà.
english version ãëàâíàÿ ñòðàíèöà èíôîðìàöèÿ äëÿ ðåêëàìîäàòåëåé çàêàçàòü æóðíàëû


Matveyeva M. O. Development of Cast Irons with Higher Service Properties
Results of the effect of alloying with Cr+Ti+N, Mn+Ti+N, V+Ti+N complexes on the microhardness, quantity and distribution of reinforcing phases in white cast irons are discussed. Alloy compositions for vario­us operation conditions have been established. Practi­cal recommendations for the application of the deve­loped materials are given.

Matveyev S. V. et al. Peculiarities of Gray Iron Casting Solidification as a Possible Cause of Inverse Chill
Production of castings with homogeneous structure allows to improve their service properties. Of special importance is the obtaining of homogeneous structure for gray irons, the properties of gray iron castings being most strongly influenced by the chilling effect. Since the main cause of the chilling effect in iron castings is the high rate of crystallization, because of which the diffusion of carbon is hampered, there has been made an assumption that this causes inverse chill. The cause of the high crystallization rate is in the central zone of the casting — its geometry: in cases of cylindrical and spherical surfaces the external areas of the casting solidify more slowly than the internal ones, and in case of transition from a thin section to a thick one the thin section after the solidification has a cooling effect on the thick section that has not solidified yet. The reve­lation of regularities of the formation of inverse chill will allow to not only reduce rejects, but also to improve the service pro­perties of cast products by obtaining a homogeneous structure in castings.

Popkov K. N. et al. Dressing of Molding Silica Sands by the Centrifugal-Blade Method for Sodium-Silicate Sand Preparation
The article discusses the issues of mechanical attri­tion of molding materials. The main methods of dres­sing of silica sands are briefly touched upon. Results of processing imported molding sands from local quarries in a pilot centrifugal-blade machine are given. They are presented as comparative diagrams and tables.

Mamina LI. et al. Mechanical Activation of Kaolin and Bentonite Clays for the Foundry Industry
As a result of investigations it has been found that for clays of diffe­rent crystalline and chemical struc­ture the maximal dispersity and activity of particles is achieved at different times of mechanical acti­vation of clays during crushing in the planetary mill AGO-2.

Kovrizhnykh N.I. Immersion Casting of Automotive Engine Pistons
The article discusses issues of mastering the cas­ting of engine pistons for the VAZ-2128 car by the method of dipping the mold into molten metal instead of using forged blanks. The main technological cas­ting process parameters, mold (gravity die) design and manipulator solutions are presented. The possi­bility of using the making pistons by immersion cas­ting in mass production is pointed out.

Monastyrsky V.P. et al. Development of Casting Technology for Large-Size Gas-Turbine Engine Blades for Power Installations Using the "Polygon" and ProCast Systems
Methods of using computer simulation in fine-tu­ning the technology of casting complex and critical parts of gas-turbine engines have been developed. With the aid of the "Polygon" system of computer si­mulation of casting processes an analysis of the exis­ting technology has been performed and causes of shrinkage porosity-related rejects when casting rotor blades of power plant turbine ST-20. Based on the obtained results a casting unit has been designed for feeding the blade into the nib and temperature-and-time process parameters ensuring the production of good castings have been chosen. Production of a pilot lot of castings has yielded positive results.

Table of Content

On the occasion of the 95th Anniversary of FSUE "MMPP "Salyut"

Matveyeva M. O. Development of Cast Irons with Higher Service Properties
Matveyev S. V. et al. Peculiarities of Gray Iron Casting Solidification as a Possible Cause of Inverse Chill
Popkov K. N. et al. Dressing of Molding Silica Sands by the Centrifugal-Blade Method for Sodium-Silicate Sand Preparation
Mamina LI. et al. Mechanical Activation of Kaolin and Bentonite Clays for the Foundry Industry
Yurin Y.M. Calculation of Steel Casting Solidification Time in Damp Sand Molds
Kovrizhnykh N.I. Immersion Casting of Automotive Engine Pistons
Monastyrsky V.P. et al. Development of Casting Technology for Large-Size Gas-Turbine Engine Blades for Power Installations Using the "Polygon" and ProCast Systems
Sharikov P.V. Restoration of Historically Valuable Bells Made of High-Tin Bronze

Ðóññêàÿ âåðñèÿ

August 2007        October 2007

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