I.A. Mukhomorov Scab Defect. Ways of Formation and Measures of Prevention
The article proposes a new mechanism of scab formation in castings. According to technical literature, scabs are formed due to separation of a molding sand layer from the mold body. In the proposed method, at the metal/mold boundary there forms a metal skin that breaks due to volume shrinkage forces and in-mold gas pressure, and the formed cavity is filled with liquid metal. All kinds of scabs occurring on a casting are explained.
Yurin Y.M. Calculation of Steel Casting Cooling Time in Dry Moulds
Formulas have been deduced and nomograms gave been developed for the determination of cooling time of flat-wall, cylinder and ball type steel castings in a dry mold. The easy-to-use nomograms allow to take into account the effect of a number of factors on the course and time of solidification and cooling of castings.
S.I. Repyakh Investigations into the Kinetics of Warpage of Cast Patterns in Investment Casting Process
The kinetics of warpage of cast investment casting patterns have been studied. Identity of the warpage kinetics of castings and their investment patterns has been established.
Branchukov D.N. et al. New Combined Fluxes for Refining Aluminium Alloys
The results of experimental investigation of purification aluminum alloys by the new combined flax composition have been presented. There was established that the bricketed combined flax application in comparison with traditional flax, allows to increase alloy's tensile strength on 9,4% elongation on 43%.
V.I. Vasenin Experimental Determination of Local Resistance Coefficients of Gating System
Local resistance coefficients for the turn from the sprue into the collector, and from the collector into the ingate depending on their cross-section areas before and after the turn of the flow have been determined.
Gruzman V.M. et al. Applicability of Vegetable Oils under Modern Conditions
Cores with a vegetable oil as a binder acquire a strength of >1 MPa after heat treatment and are easily knocked out of castings. In addition to that, a vegetable oil has a beneficial effect on the human skin. The possibility of rapid polymerization processes in sunflower seed oil without increasing temperature has been proven experimentally by purging oil sand samples with oxygen. After 0,5 min of purging the sand acquired a strength of 0,15...0,25 MPa. Cold hardenability of sunflower seed oil is limited by its 25% content of fatty acids. Obtaining high strength of oil sands faster is only possible by thermally supporting the polymerization process with airata temperature of 210...230°C.
Table of Content
Branchukov D.N. et al. New Combined Fluxes for Refining Aluminium Alloys
Yurin Y.M. Calculation of Steel Casting Cooling Time in Dry Moulds
Mukhomorov I.A. Scab Defect. Ways of Formation and Measures of Prevention
Radebach D. Surface-Active Additives to Core Sands in Casting Vermicular Graphite Iron
Mogilatenko V.G. et al. Effect of Mould Filling Conditions on Ferrochromium Solubility in Cast Iron Flow
Vasenin V.I. Experimental Determination of Local Resistance Coefficients of Gating System
Gruzman V.M. et al. Applicability of Vegetable Oils under Modern Conditions
Yevstigneyev A.I. et al. Design of Shell Moulds Made by Electrophoresis
Repyakh S.I. Investigations into the Kinetics of Warpage of Cast Patterns in Investment Casting Process
Samarai V.P. Choice of Optimization Criterion. Compaction Degree of Sand Moulds as a Casting Defect Formation Risk Criterion