V.V. Nazaratin Use of Ash-and-slag Heat-Insulating Mixes in the Production of Large Steel Castings
The thermophysical properties of several compositions of heat-insulating mixes for heating steel castings from risers of different diameters have been compared. Optimal riser diameters and heat-insulating shell thicknesses for large steel castings of various configurations have been found. That allowed to increase yield up to 70…75% and achieve substantial liquid metal savings - up to 250…300 kg per 1 ton of good metal.
S.V. Matveyev et al. Changing Cast Iron's Heredity by Using a Fullerenes-Based Inoculant
To change an iron melt's heredity, fullerenes must be artificially added thereto. The required fullerenes content in the melt has been calculated, and a process for making a fullerene master alloy has been developed. It has been shown that the addition of only 0.05% fullerene-containing master alloy improves gray iron casting quality: reducing the chill, significantly reducing the fraction of interdendrite graphite, more than halving the length of graphite inclusions.
O.Y. Raiko et al. Use of Carbon-Containing Burn-on-preventing Additives at the Iron Foundry of OAO AVTOVAZ
Over the last years the Russian and foreign research institutes have worked a lot together with foundries to create complex burn-on-and-scab preventing additives. The additives - Bleskol-P (Russia) and Antrapur 200RU (Germany) have been developed and tested. The experience of using the developed additives at the Volzhskiy Automobile Plant confirms their effectiveness, including the improvement of physicomechanical and process properties of molding sands.
A.I.Yevstigneyev et al. Improving the Engineering-and-Economical Performance of Making Shell Molds by the Method of Electrophoresis
Two methods of reclaiming used slurries are described. Method 1 comprises collecting the slurry residues of identical original composition, drying, grinding and using them in irregular making of shell molds. Method 2 comprises adding to the slurry a calculated amount of spent ingredients after each process, the method being used in continuous shell mold production.
K.N. Vdovin et al. Improving the Centrifugal Casting Process for Making Working Layer of Sheet Rolling Rolls
By mathematical modelling, the effect of various process parameters on the process of solidification of the working layer of a roll has been established. Optimal initial conditions of roll casting have been determined, which guarantee the achievement of the required metal solidification rate (to obtain the required microstructure) while keeping the casting quality. A change in the centrifugal casting process parameters allowed to increase the chill mold life by 30…40% without losses in the quality of rolls being cast. The maximum number of chill mold casts increased by 30…40%, without losses in the quality of sheet rolling rolls as well.
R. Cuesta et al. New Casting Process - the EPGS Process: the Science and Technology of Casting Production
This paper summarises the contents of the High Quality Castings Seminar celebrated in (CIDAUT). The Seminar, which was held at CIDAUT's headguarters in Boecillo gathered professionals from the casting industry, foundrymen and suppliers alike. Both scientific and engineering aspects of casting processes were covered and the efficient use and integration of advanced product performance and process simulation tools was shown as one of the keys to drive scientific and technical knowledge into success.
Y.N. Budanov Foundry Industry in the Last 10 Years - from Default to Crisis
There are no easy ways out of the crisis except upgrading of the real economy sector, in particular foundry production, in order to increase its efficiency and competitiveness. In the last 10 years new bias have set up such as active implying of the prevailing form of foundry methods - Seiatsu process (airflow squeeze); improvement of the V-process for various casting types - as a competitive alternative to greensand molding; massive implementation of core castings on cold-box-amin process which is being applied progressively even for engine blocks and other rather complicated castings.
Table of Content
S.V. Matveyev et al. Changing Cast Iron's Heredity by Using a Fullerenes-Based Inoculant
O.Y. Raiko et al. Use of Carbon-containing Burn-on-preventing Additives at the Iron Foundry of OAO AVTOVAZ
V.V. Nazaratin Use of Ash-and-slag Heat-Insulating Mixes in the Production of Large Steel Castings
Foundry Automation Equipment for Improving Coremaking Shops' Performance and Core Quality
K.N. Vdovin et al. Improving the Centrifugal Casting Process for Making Working Layer of Sheet Rolling Rolls
A.I.Yevstigneyev et al. Improving the Engineering-and-Economical Performance of Making Shell Molds by the Method of Electrophoresis
R. Cuesta et al. New Casting Process - the EPGS Process: the Science and Technology of Casting Production
Y.N. Budanov Foundry Industry in the Last 10 Years - from Default to Crisis