Number 4, 2009, references
Издательский дом «Литейное производство» выпускает два специализированных научно-технических журнала с периодичностью: «Литейное производство» – ежемесячно, «Металлургия машиностроения» – 1 раз в 2 месяца.
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K.V. Makarenko Identification of Graphite Inclusions in Cast Irons

  1. Saltykov S.A. Stereometric Metallography. - M.: Metallurgiya Publishers, 1970. - 376 pages.
  2. Sotsenko O.V. //Liteinoye proizvodstvo. - 1982 - No. 6 - pp. 5-8.
  3. Litovka V.I. Improving High-strength Iron Quality in Castings. - Kiev: Naukova dumka Publishers, 1987 - 206 pages.
  4. Litovka V.I. //Liteinoye proizvodstvo. - 1983 - No. 1 - pp. 9-10.
  5. Volchok I.P. Fracture Strength of Steel and Cast Iron. - M.: Metallurgiya Publishers, 1993, - 192 pages.
  6. Imasogie B.I., Wendt U. // Journal of Minerals & Materials Characterization & Engineering. - 2004 - Vol. 3, No. 1 - pp. 1-12.
  7. Otavio da Fonseca M.G., Sidnei P. // Microscopy and Microanalysis - 2005, - No. 11 (4) - pp. 363-371.
  8. Li J., Lu L., Lai M.O. //Philosophical Magazine Letters. - 2000 - Vol. 80, No. 9 / Aug. 18 - pp. 633-640.
  9. Li J., Lu L., Lai M.O. //Materials Characterization. - 2000 - Vol. 45, pp. 83-88.
  10. Mandelbrot B. Fractal Geometry of Nature. - M.: Institute of Computer Research, 2002 - 656 pages.

V.I. Nikitin

Problems of Application Cast Aluminum Alloys in the Automobile Industry

  1. Materials in the Automobile Industry //Collected Presentations of the 2nd International Scientific-and-Practical Conference, Part 1 Metallic Materials. - Togliatti, 2003 - 398 pages.
  2. Nikitin V.I. New Technologies of Nonferrous Alloy Preparation / V.I. Nikitin //Proceedings of the 7th Russian Foundry Congress, Vol. 1 - Novosibirsk, 2005 - pp. 35-38.
  3. Nikitin V.I. Problems and Real Activities on the Acceleration of Technical-and-Economic Upturn of the Foundry Industry / V.I. Nikitin //Scientific-and-technical Internet Conference with international attendance "High Technologies in Machine Building": [Materials]. - Samara: Samara State Technical University, 2006 - pp. 361-370.
  4. Usanov I. Aluminum Automobile / I. Usanov // Nash zhurnAl (RUSAL) - 2007, No. 6, pp.47-51.
  5. Kawaguti, M. Aluminum Application in Japan's Building Industry / M. Kawaguti //Aluminum and its Alloys (Rus. Edition) - 2007 - pp. 15-18.
  6. Matveyev B.N. New Types of Materials and Blanks for the Automobile Industry (a review of international and domestic literature) / B.N. Matveyev //Blank Production in Machine Building - 2007 - No. 6 - pp. 47-52.
  7. Conserva M., Bonollo F. Aluminum Casting in Europe. Technology, Innovations and Market / M. Conserva, F. Bonollo //Liteinoye proizvodstvo - 2007 - No. 7 - pp. 15-17.
  8. Makarov G.S. Trends in Application of Products Made of Aluminum and its Alloys in Russia / G.S. Makarov //The 1st International Conference "Aluminum Casting" [Materials] - Moscow: ALUSIL MviT, 2007.
  9. Dibrov I.A. Current State and Prospects of the Foundry Industry in Russia /I.A. Dibrov // Proceedings of the 8th Russian Foundry Congress. Vol. 1 - Rostov-on-Don, 2007 - pp. 3-11.
  10. Nikitin V.I. Ways of Solutions on the Development of Aluminum Casting Production in Russia / V.I. Nikitin // Proceedings of the 8th Russian Foundry Congress. Vol. 1 - Rostov-on-Don, 2007 - pp. 158-164.
  11. Nikitin V.I. Light Alloys' Heavy Way / V.I. Nikitin // Russian Metal. Volga - 2004 - No. 1 - pp.12-15.
  12. Nikitin V.I., Nikitin K.V. Heredity in Cast Alloys / V.I. Nikitin, K.V. Nikitin - M.: Mashinostroyeniye-1, 2005, - 476 pages, - ISBN - 5-94275-234-6.
  13. Nikitin K.V. Application of Genetic Engineering Technologies to Ensure Strength and Life Characteristics of Aluminum Alloy Castings / K.V. Nikitin // The 3rd International Conference "Materials in Automobile Industry" [Materials] - Togliatti, 2008.
  14. Nikitin V.I. Creation of Regional Innovation Program "Aluminum Alloys and Products for Automobile Industry over a Period till 2010" / V.I. Nikitin // Conference "Automobile Industry in Russia: Development Strategy for Assembly Plants, Competitiveness of Russian Components" [Materials] - Samara - 2007 - pp. 173-177.

Martyushev N.V., Melnikov A.G., Yegorov Y.P. Prevention of Defects in Bronze Castings by Applying a Coating Based on Superdispersed Powder onto the Mold

  1. Khakhalin B.D. The Institute's Work on Adopting Centrifugal Casting of Iron Pipes //VNITOL collection "Centrifugal Casting of Iron Pipes" - M.: Mashgiz Publishers, 1951 - pp. 25-44.
  2. Konstantinov L.S. Gas Phenomena during Centrifugal Casting and Casting Defects Caused thereby // Liteinoye proizvodstvo - 1959 - No. 6 - pp. 32-35.
  3. Vershinin P.I., Sevastyanov V.I., Bakrin Y.N. Effect of Cooling Intensification on Structure and Properties of Tin Bronze Castings // Liteinoye proizvodstvo - 1986 - No. 5 - pp. 8-9.
  4. Gorshkov I.Y. Casting of Ingots of Nonferrous Metals and Alloys: manual - M.: Metallurgizdat Publishers, 1952 - 416 pages.

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