N.I. Bestuzhev et al. Tooth Gears Made of Bainitic High-Strength Iron
The articles gives data on the effect of the main chemical elements - manganese, silicon, and promising alloying elements - nickel and copper - on the physico-mechanical and service properties on bainitic nodular irons produced by different processes.
For producing bainitic nodular iron with an optimal combination of physico-mechanical properties in tooth gears, the following chemical composition is recommended: C - 3,5…3,7 %, Si - 2,6…2,8 %, Mn - up to 0,35 %, Cu and Ni in the range of 0,3…0,4 %.
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V.V. Obrezkov et al. Use of FS65Ba20 Inoculant to Eliminate Chill in Iron Castings
Expediency of using FS65Ba20 inoculant instead of FS65Ba4 to eliminate chill in iron castings of different configuration and mass is shown. Casting production costs are reduced.
A.Y. Alexandrov et al. Effect of Inoculation on the Microstructure of Cast Tool Made of High-Speed Steel
The problem of improving the microstructure and mechanical properties of cutting tool casting material presenting grade P6M5K5 high-speed steel waste has been resolved on the basis of substantiation and making a choice of an efficient inoculant.
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Belov V.D. et al. New materials and the accelerated preparation of manufacture - the guaranteed success in the market of manufacture of foundry production
The research work conducted in this area for the last years shows that the best results were obtained in alloys with AI3Ni as a second phase of eutectic (these alloys are called nikalines). In market conditions the success of a new product launching is considerably depends not only on the correct selection of materials for manufacturing but also on the duration of the cycle of preparation. Recently in order to cut the production time for cast billet manufacture in Russia, the technology of rapid prototyping of models and forms (RPMF) has been used more and more often.
N.V.Kropotin, E.I.Salamatov, V.V.Kropotin Mathematical model of steel-iron welding with casting
The chemical analysis of the interfacial area of steel-cast iron system has been made. The physical and mathematical model which describes the process of the production of this area in multicomponent system is formulated.
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Levshin G.Y. Determination of Thermophysical Characteristics of Expendable Mold
The value and defect of the accounting method of the determination heat features of the material of the expandable mould on experimental data, are considered by a method of the potting. The measures on reduction defect and formula for calculation warming up mould are offered. The conclusion about practicability of the determination of these features in row of the events known in heating engineering not stationary complex methods is made, allowing to define also their dependencies from the temperature with much smaller labour content.
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Borisov G.P. et al. The role of pressure in the processes of formation of high quality castings from aluminium alloys
In the report the role is considered and recommendations are presented on optimization of the role of pressure in control of hydrodynamic processes of filling of the mold cavity by the melt, stimulation of the process of heat transfer between the casting and the mold, in control of evolution of gas shrinkage formation processes in the volume of solidificated casting.
It is demonstrated that using pressure as one of dominant thermodynamic parameter conditions for realization of barocrystallization aluminium alloys can be achieved in the conditions of athermic undercooling.
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A.I. Yevstigneyev et al. Crack Formation in Electrophoretic Shell Molds
The article discloses the mechanism of crack formation in electrophoretic shell molds at the stage of pattern meltout. Data on shrinkage processes occurring in a shell mold during its production and their role in crack formation are given.
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S.I. Repyakh Formation Mechanism of Shrinkage Depressions in Investment Patterns
One of the formation mechanisms of shrinkage depressions on the surface of investment patterns used in investment casting is discussed. The effect of the diameter of the runner in the die on the size of a shrinkage depression in the investment pattern is investigated.
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Table of Content
N.I. Bestuzhev et al. Tooth Gears Made of Bainitic High-Strength Iron
V.V. Obrezkov et al. Use of FS65Ba20 Inoculant to Eliminate Chill in Iron Castings
A.Y. Alexandrov et al. Effect of Inoculation on the Microstructure of Cast Tool Made of High-Speed Steel
Belov V.D. et al. New materials and the accelerated preparation of manufacture - the guaranteed success in the market of manufacture of foundry production
N.V.Kropotin, E.I.Salamatov, V.V.Kropotin Mathematical model of steel-iron welding with casting
Levshin G.Y. Determination of Thermophysical Characteristics of Expendable Mold
Borisov G.P. et al. The role of pressure in the processes of formation of high quality castings from aluminium alloys
A.I. Yevstigneyev et al. Crack Formation in Electrophoretic Shell Molds
S.I. Repyakh Formation Mechanism of Shrinkage Depressions in Investment Patterns