Number 11, 2009
Издательский дом «Литейное производство» выпускает два специализированных научно-технических журнала с периодичностью: «Литейное производство» – ежемесячно, «Металлургия машиностроения» – 1 раз в 2 месяца.
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Bibikov A.M. Comparison of Structural Strength of Forged and Cast Parts
Properties of forged and cast parts are compared. Advantages of casting technologies in a number of cases of making critical parts are shown. Key words: casting, forging, structural strength, reliability, stability of properties

Potapov V.V., Tsymbalov S.D., Korostelev А.В., Sokoiov I.P., Shapiro A.V. Heat Treatment of Lubricoolant-Contaminated Iron Chips
The article defines the peculiarities of influence of temperature regimes on both lubri-coolant removal from iron chips and conditions of their briquetting with the presence of residual amount of lubricoolant. Rate of lubricoolant removal from briquetted iron chips in the temperature range of 300... 1000°C has been studied. Heat treatment of briquettes at 800...1000°C resulted in lowering lubricoolant content in iron chips down to 0.3%. Key words: iron chips, lubricoolant, heat treatment, heating time, density.

Martynenko S.V., Ogorodnikova О.М., Grusman V.M. Application of computer methods to enhance the quality of large dimension thick-walled steel castings
The issue of computer preproduction in foundry with use of CAD/CAE/CAM software is viewed; the problems of cast simulation and ensuring high quality of castings at the stage of technological processes design are discussed; the experience of cast technologies enhancement is performed for large dimension thick-walled steel castings to decrease its reject limit in hot cracking. Keywords: CAD/CAE/CAM, simulation, gravity cast, large dimension thick-walled steel castings, cast defects.

Repyakh S.I., Zhegur А.А. On Risers in Investment Casting
As applied to investment casting (1С), veracity of results of calculating minimal permissible dimensions of casting risers by the compensation methods has been confirmed. Performance of heat-insulated risers used in 1С has been studied by computer simulation. Keywords: riser, shrink hole, friability, casting, pattern block

Rumyantseva G.A., Zadrutsky S.P., Nemenenok ВМ, Bezhok А.Р. Dust and Gas Formation during Melting and Refining of Silumins in Reverberatory Electric Furnace SAN-2,5
The process of dust and gas formation during melting and refining of silumins in the re-verberatory electric furnace SAN-2,5 has been investigated. It has been found that the highest dust and gas content in the furnace and exhaust flue is observed during refining treatment with zinc chloride. The intensity of dust and chlorides evolution is described with parabolic dependence on the time after introducing the refining preparation into the melt. Dispersion, X-ray structural and electronic microscopic analyses of forming dust have been carried out.
Key words: harmful emissions, dustiness, refining, chlorides, dispersion, X-ray structural analysis.

Mukhomorov I.A. How We Reconstructed Our Sand Preparation Departments
Experience of introducing a modern sand preparation complex with the possibility of making clay-bonded sand molds on AML and jolt molding machines with uniform molding sand parameters in the future is set forth.
Keywords: sand preparation complex, AML, molding machines, uniform molding sand parameters

Table of Content

Alexandrov N.N. On the Occasion of the 80th Anniversary of ОАО NPO TsNIITMASH's Foundry Department

Naidek V.L. Contribution of the Physics-and-Technology Institute of Metals and Alloys to the Innovative Development of Ukraine's Foundry Industry

Bibikov A.M. Comparison of Structural Strength of Forged and Cast Parts

Potapov V.V., Tsymbalov S.D., Korostelev А.В., Sokoiov I.P., Shapiro A.V. Heat Treatment of Lubricoolant-Contaminated Iron Chips

Martynenko S.V., Ogorodnikova О.М., Grusman V.M. Application of computer methods to enhance the quality of large dimension thick-walled steel castings

Repyakh S.I., Zhegur А.А. On Risers in Investment Casting

Rumyantseva G.A., Zadrutsky S.P., Nemenenok ВМ, Bezhok А.Р. Dust and Gas Formation during Melting and Refining of Silumins in Reverberatory Electric Furnace SAN-2,5

Mukhomorov I.A. How We Reconstructed Our Sand Preparation Departments

Samborsky V.I., Grekhov A.V. Chemical Binder Systems for Cores and Molds

Zhukovsky S.S., Korshakov A.G. On Some of Y.N. Budanov's Delusions (Letter to the Editors)

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October 2009        December 2009

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