Number 10, 2010
Издательский дом «Литейное производство» выпускает два специализированных научно-технических журнала с периодичностью: «Литейное производство» – ежемесячно, «Металлургия машиностроения» – 1 раз в 2 месяца.
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Volnov I.N. Scientific School "Formation of Crystalline Structure of Castings" - Past, Present and Future
The history of creation of the theory of formation of crystalline structure of casting by G.F. Balandin is discussed. The main landmarks on the way of its formation are given in chronological order. The current state of the theory is pointed out and the directions of its further development in the near future are outlined.
Key words: casting, kinetics, crystallization, A.N. Kolmogorov equation, averaging, phase field, cellular automation.

Chaikin A.V., Volnov I.N., Chaikin V.A. Development of Dispersible Mixed Inoculant Compositions Using the FLOW-3D Program
Using the FLOW-3D program, new mixed inoculants based on dispersible graphite and silicon powders with addition of Mg-containing compounds have been developed. Use of MKMg19 inoculant in the production process at OAO AvtoVAZ allowed eliminating chill in castings.
Key words: in-mold inoculation, mixed inoculant, computer simulation, chill, microstructure.

Ivanov S.Y., Kalashnikov M.V. Effect of Ingate Thickness and Alloy Type on Shrinkage Processes in Jewelry Investment Casting
Results of investigations and statistical data processing on shrinkage processes in investment casting (IC) are presented. Experimental investigations in this field are necessary to improve the jewelry product quality by rationally modeling the gating system and selecting alloys to be cast. The investigation results answered questions about shrinkage processes that had not been mathematically substantiated before.
Key words: shrinkage processes, ingate, runner, model, die, casting size.

Romanov D.V. About Making Holes in Investment Castings
The article studies the possibility of making cylindrical through holes in investment castings without using ceramic cores, considering the Lo/Do ratio. Recommendations are given and their usability in production conditions is shown.
Key words: investment casting, holes, cores, refractory slurries, filler.

Timchenko S.L. Change in Hardness in Silumin Castings
There have been developed devices, one of which allows to realize directional casting crystallization by passing electric current therethrough, and the other one allows to perform inoculation of silumin in magnetic field. Use of external action resulted in improved properties of castings.
Key words: hardness, directional crystallization, inoculation, electric current, magnetic field, external action.

Belikov O.A. Structural Analysis of Performance of Two-Station Automatic Molding Units
The article presents the results of structural, layout, design and technological analysis of two-station automatic molding units (AMU) and shows that not all of the beneficial properties of those machines have been discovered and used.
Key words: automatic molding unit, half-mold, rotary table, pattern plate, filling frame, station, compaction.

Turilova K. Resource Efficiency of the Foundry Industry in Russia: Benchmarking Study
This article provides an overview of the main findings from recent resource efficiency benchmarking study of Russian ferrous foundry industry. The study identified that Russian foundries can save up to 100 bln Rub per year by implementing efficiency improvements. The article outlines where the main reserve of efficiency is hidden and explains how it can be utilized by the industry and by individual companies.

Table of Content

Belikov O.A., Gini E. Ch., Rybkin V.A. The "Foundry Technologies" Chair at the Moscow N.E. Bauman State Technical University

Volnov I.N. Scientific School "Formation of Crystalline Structure of Castings" - Past, Present and Future

Chaikin A.V., Volnov I.N., Chaikin V.A. Development of Dispersible Mixed Inoculant Compositions Using the FLOW-3D Program

Ivanov S.Y., Kalashnikov M.V. Effect of Ingate Thickness and Alloy Type on Shrinkage Processes in Jewelry Investment Casting

Romanov D.V. About Making Holes in Investment Castings

Timchenko S.L. Change in Hardness in Silumin Castings

Belikov O.A. Structural Analysis of Performance of Two-Station Automatic Molding Units

Turilova K. Resource Efficiency of the Foundry Industry in Russia: Benchmarking Study

Русская версия

September 2010        November 2010

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