Leushin, I.O. Chistyakov D.G., Dubinsky V.N., Vorobiev R.A. Features of the formation of structure at manufacturing of the iron details of glass-molds, influencing operational firmness of metal products
In this article describes the main reasons of the low demand for details of glass-molds a domestic production; outlined the key requirements for detail of this type, and methods of improvement the quality of metal products at the expense of receiving structures casting and after heat treatment, with a high thermal stability and heat resistance; investigated the modes of heat treatment of the details, promoting receiving of necessary final structure of a metal products.
Keywords :cast iron, casting, glass-mold, spherical graphite, heat treatment, annealing, thermal stability.
Takhirov A.A., Gushchin N.S., Nuraliyev F.A. Effect of Heat Treatment on Wear Resistance and Structure of Nodular Chromium-Nickel Iron
Investigated is the effect of low-temperature tempering on the residual austenite concentration and hardness of nodular chromium-nickel iron, as well as the effect of its composition on the value of tempering temperature.
Key words:cast iron, nodular graphite, tempering, residual austenite, hardness, abrasive wear resistance, sand preparation system parts.
Zhizhkina N.A. Investigation into the Core Quality of Centrifugal-Cast Rollers
The paper has been devoted to researches of rolls’ core structure at mechanical properties’ and stresses’ level. It has been showed that correlation of structural constituent determined by quantity of alloyed components: chromium and nickel. The increase of chromium quality in cores material raised part of carbides and level of hardness, but reduced strength. The high quantity of nickel ensures maximum level of strength. It has been established that content of chemical components, structural consistent, level of properties and stresses are reduced from lower part of roll to upper butt-end. Peculiarities of filling in form and solidification of ingots have been ensured such change.
Key words:centrifugal casting, chemical component, core, level of properties and stresses, roll.
Afanasiev V.K., Dolgova S.V., Lavrova N.B. The copper alloy casting with a low thermal expansion
The paper presents the results of a study of the thermal expansion of alloys of Cu–Si–Al. The methods of heat treatment of light alloy of copper which reduce the coefficient of thermal expansion to values typical for alloys such as “Kovar”.
Keywords :copper alloy, thermal expansion, thermal treatment, INVAR.
Yevlampiyev A.A., Chernyshov Y.A., Shvedov M.A., Korolyov A.V. On the Workability of the Side Frame Casting
The main causes of fracture and failure of the critical side frame casting are discussed. The casting’s workability is analyzed in detail from the point of view of adherence to the casting technology. Measures of improving metal quality and the cast frame’s reliability in operation are proposed.
Key words:workability, design, casting, side frame, fracture, operation, defects, load.
Tolymbekov M.Zh., Isagulov A.Z., Shaikhova G.S., Isagulova D.A. Investigation into the Low-Impulse Method of Molding Sand Compaction
As a result of investigation into the air-impulse (AI) process ofmolding there has been developed a molding machine AI valve. Low-strength (~0.05…0.06 MPa) sands with a moisture content of 4…5% can be compacted by the impulse, the process’ power intensity being reduced. Tapers can be changed by 0.5…1.5 degrees. The minimum value can reach 1.5…2.0 degrees. Even on patterns with high vertical walls. Mass of castings is reduced by 10…15%. Rejects are also reduced, for example, as compared to high-pressure pressing, 1.5-2-fold.
Key words: air-impulse process, molding, casting, receiver, valve.
Kidalov N.A., Osipova N.A., Knyazeva A.S., Tokar M.P. The effect of lignin-alkaline reagent on viscosity of water-clay suspensions for sandy mixtures
The technological properties of bentonite water-clay suspensions with the introduction of lignin-alkaline reagent are studied in this paper. The results show that the introduction of lignin-alkaline reagent reduces the dynamic density of water-clay suspensions to the 60…80%. Reduction of the conditional viscosity is 30…50%.
Keywords : water-clay suspension, viscosity reducer, lignin-alkaline reagent.
Gerasimov V.V., Visik E.M., Êîlyadov E.V. On the unused reserves of directional crystallization to improve the performance of parts of the CCD and the STU
The paper discusses the reserves of increase of tactical-technical characteristics of the jet engines, which are not sufficiently widely used nowadays. Among them: the optimal azimuth orientation of single-crystal blades, crystallographic orientation, penetrating cooling blade in order to increase the gas temperature before the turbine to a level approaching that theoretically possible temperature combustion of fuel.
Keywords: directional crystallization, single crystals of heat-resistant alloys, crystallographic orientation, penetrating (òðàíñïèðàöèîííîå) cooling turbine blades.
V.V. Marshirov Numerical investigation of the influence of boundary conditions on the solidification of alloys
Using the method of finite differences was created software to evaluate the cooling rate at the liquidus temperature of the metal. Investigated the effect of thermal contact resistance on the cooling rate during solidification of aluminum-based alloy. The article describes possibility of using pulsed pressure for enhancement of heat transfer and to influence the process of structure formation. The results can be used to create new materials with fine dispersed and microcrystalline structures.
Key words: the solidification of alloys, fine structure, new materials, finite difference method, the contact thermal resistance, pulse pressure.
Sharikov P.V. Problems of bell foundry revival in Russia
The main subject of this report is problems of bell foundry revival in Russia. Russian Orthodox Church much needs bells but volume of casting is very small. Both objective and subjected reasons of such situation are discussed in the report. One of the reasons is absent of Technology conditions of bell foundry. The project of such conditions takes place in the supplement.
Key words: bell, founding (casting), bell foundry, quality, technology conditions, revival.
Table of Content
Leushin, I.O. Chistyakov D.G., Dubinsky V.N., Vorobiev R.A. Features of the formation of structure at manufacturing of the iron details of glass-molds, influencing operational firmness of metal products
Takhirov A.A., Gushchin N.S., Nuraliyev F.A. Effect of Heat Treatment on Wear Resistance and Structure of Nodular Chromium-Nickel Iron
Zhizhkina N.A. Investigation into the Core Quality of Centrifugal-Cast Rollers
Afanasiev V.K., Dolgova S.V., Lavrova N.B. The copper alloy casting with a low thermal expansion
Yevlampiyev A.A., Chernyshov Y.A., Shvedov M.A., Korolyov A.V. On the Workability of the Side Frame Casting
Tolymbekov M.Zh., Isagulov A.Z., Shaikhova G.S., Isagulova D.A. Investigation into the Low-Impulse Method of Molding Sand Compaction
Kidalov N.A., Osipova N.A., Knyazeva A.S., Tokar M.P. The effect of lignin-alkaline reagent on viscosity of water-clay suspensions for sandy mixtures
Gerasimov V.V., Visik E.M., Êîlyadov E.V. On the unused reserves of directional crystallization to improve the performance of parts of the CCD and the STU
V.V. Marshirov Numerical investigation of the influence of boundary conditions on the solidification of alloys
Sharikov P.V. Problems of bell foundry revival in Russia