Number 5, 2015
Издательский дом «Литейное производство» выпускает два специализированных научно-технических журнала с периодичностью: «Литейное производство» – ежемесячно, «Металлургия машиностроения» – 1 раз в 2 месяца.
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Eparkhin O.M., Alov V.A., Popkov A.N., Melnikov A.P., Karpenko M.I., Khomets U.S. The elevation quality of cast wear-resisting detailsЛитье в песчаные формы
The distinctive features of manufacturing and elevation quality of cast wear-resisting body details have been examined.
Key words:Grey iron and high-tension cast, modification, wear-resisting body foundries, exploitation qualities, elevation quality.

Kukartsev V.A., Drozdova T.N., Kukartsev V.V., Atroshenko A.V. Using of the hear of liquid glass mixture during production of molding box
The changing in a long aging of waste of liquid glass mixture in the heap on the open air are researched in this article. Possible degree of regeneration this mixture is assigned.The changing of detect of liquid glass on the sand crystallite, passed all cycle of preparing and mold knockout are explored. The possibility of using regenerate, making during mold knockout production with Alfa set-process, is determined.
Key words:Ecology, waste, heap of liquid glass mixture, detect of liquid glass on the sand crystallite, the foundry sand with regenerate of liquid glass mixture.

Kidalov N.A., Grebnev Y.V., Zharkova V.F. Surface alloying of the part “track link” in foundry mold
In this article expected the brunch of rise wear resistance detail “part of caterpillar” by surface alloying in mould. There is the composition of alloying paint, macrostructure and microstructure of received composite material and result of durability test. There are the recommends for improving composite material of detail “part of caterpillar”.
Key words:Surface alloying, alloying paint, wear resistance.

Kanunnikova S.G., Zhukebayeva T.Zh., Bakhridenova T.B., Mutalyapov S.M., Aitbayev N.B. Determination of parameters of disperse resin-bonded sands
The main parameters of shell molds include the composition of resin-bonded sand, its properties and application. It was established that with increasing pulverbakelite content in sand its strength characteristics improve by increasing adhesion of resin to sand grains. Use of smaller fraction sands results in higher strength. Shell mold formation is accompanied by exerting pressure to the sand during all the time of shell formation.
Key words:shell half-molds, casting pattern, pattern plate, pulverbakelite resin.

Dan L.A., Trofimova L.A., Dan E.L., Reva I.A. Grumbling-away and residual strength of moulding sands with addition of waste foam polystyrenel
The crumbling-away and residual strength of sand-clay moulding sands with additions of solution of waste foam polystyrene in turpentine are studied.
Key words:Wastes of foam polystyrene, turpentine, crumbling-away, residual strength.

Izotov V.A., Akutin A.A., Fedulova Y.S., Ravochkin A.S., Fedulov V.M., Vishtalyuk A.A. About thin-walled aluminum castings production technology with PLA-plastic application as the cast models material by sand and plaster moulds foundry
The technology of thin-walled aluminum castings production by investment casting is presented below. PLA-plastic used as a material of models. For the models manufacture used FDM-printing technology. Testing of the proposed technology allowed obtaining a suitable casting.
Key words:3D-prototyping, plastic, investment model, FDM technology, plaster form, aluminiumbased alloys.

Shinsky O.I., Maksіuta I.I., Neima A.V., Kvasnitskaya Yu.G., Mihnyan E.V. The technological problems of getting GTE parts in shell molds with dissolved models
The task of replacing the LVM dissolves polystyrene molding on models is at the present time, technologically, economically and environmentally promising from the point of view of industrial applications for gas turbine plants in Ukraine. The authors proposed and tested manufacturing process of casting ceramic molds way to remove the polystyrene model of the dissolution of her organic solvents. As a result of studies for the solvents defined temperature and time parameters of dissolution and removal of the degradation products to form different volumes. No surface defects of castings obtained in this way possible to reduce the cost of machining of cast parts that substantially increase the utilization of expensive superalloys.
Key words:Superalloy, ceramic mold, dissolve model, polystyrene, kinetic parameters, destruction products.

Ovcharenko P.G., Leshchev A.Yu. Manufacturing of composite castings solid heat exchanger by casting for consumable pattern
This paper describes a method for manufacturing solid-state heat exchangers made of aluminum alloy by casting for consumable pattern (CCP). The method includes the production of foamed polystyrene patterns with their fixation in the space and on the surface of the mounting elements of metallic materials (aluminum, copper, steel), followed by filling of the molten aluminum.
Key words:Composite casting, casting for consumable pattern, positioning elements, aluminum alloys.

Morozov V.A. Production of steel castings by the expanded pattern casting method
Presented are data on the linear shrinkage and carburization of grade 30L steel castings in expanded pattern casting method. It is shown that the shrinkage of castings increases with increasing pattern density. Carburization depends on casting dimensions and type of gating-and-feeding system.
Key words:Expanded pattern casting, steel castings, linear shrinkage, carbon liquation, pattern density, gating-and-feeding system.

Znamensky L.G., Varlamov A.S., Ivochkina O.V. Easy-to-remove cores for art casting using expanded patternsите
The article is dedicated to the use of high-precision ceramic cores to produce art castings. It is proposed to use a water solution of alumoboronphosphate concentrate (ABPC) as a binder, quartz sand plated with a suspension from a solution of carboxymethyl cellulose and a periclase powder hardener as a filler. Established were the mechanism of strength formation of ABPC bonded cores, and processes taking place during their heating and cooling. The developed technology makes it possible to accelerate the shaping cycle, increase core strength, and ensure their breaking out of the developed cavities of art castings.
Key words:Investment casting, art casting, ceramic rods, alumina-boron-phosphate concentrate, periclase, clad sand, expanded clay.

Table of content

Eparkhin O.M., Alov V.A., Popkov A.N., Melnikov A.P., Karpenko M.I., Khomets U.S. The elevation quality of cast wear-resisting detailsЛитье в песчаные формы

Kukartsev V.A., Drozdova T.N., Kukartsev V.V., Atroshenko A.V. Using of the hear of liquid glass mixture during production of molding box

Kidalov N.A., Grebnev Y.V., Zharkova V.F. Surface alloying of the part “track link” in foundry mold

Kanunnikova S.G., Zhukebayeva T.Zh., Bakhridenova T.B., Mutalyapov S.M., Aitbayev N.B. Determination of parameters of disperse resin-bonded sands

Dan L.A., Trofimova L.A., Dan E.L., Reva I.A. Grumbling-away and residual strength of moulding sands with addition of waste foam polystyrenel

Izotov V.A., Akutin A.A., Fedulova Y.S., Ravochkin A.S., Fedulov V.M., Vishtalyuk A.A. About thin-walled aluminum castings production technology with PLA-plastic application as the cast models material by sand and plaster moulds foundry

Shinsky O.I., Maksіuta I.I., Neima A.V., Kvasnitskaya Yu.G., Mihnyan E.V. The technological problems of getting GTE parts in shell molds with dissolved models

Ovcharenko P.G., Leshchev A.Yu. Manufacturing of composite castings solid heat exchanger by casting for consumable pattern

Morozov V.A. Production of steel castings by the expanded pattern casting method

Znamensky L.G., Varlamov A.S., Ivochkina O.V. Easy-to-remove cores for art casting using expanded patternsите

Blast cleaning of casting weighing up to 250 metric tons

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