Boldyrev D.A., Popova L.I., Davydov S.V. High-strength spheroidal and vermicular graphite iron – an optimal material for automobile production
The article discusses non-standardized ferrite-perlite based high-strength iron ВЧ 40-1 (according to И 12011.37.101.066-2009) with spheroidal and vermicular graphite (without mentioning their ratio). Its features and advantages over ВЧ 50 and ЧВГ 40 are analyzed, the field of application is indicated..
Key words:High strength iron, spheroidal graphite (SG),vermicular graphite (VG), fields of application, castings.
Tkachenko S.S., Krivitsky V.S., Muravyov Y.N., Kolodiy V.A. Revival of shaping technology (in machine tool building) based on inorganic components
In the 21st century, the issues of ecological safety come to the foreground when determining the outlooks for development of the foundry industry. They make it possible to substantially realize the workers’ potential in improving productivity and product quality. The solution of these problems, as far as shaping castings is concerned, occurs on the background of the competition between technologies of using components of organic origin (for example, synthetic resins) and inorganic origin (water glass, metal phosphates and others) in molding sands. The former provide the required product quality, but are inferior by economic and ecological parameters, the latter improve the ecological situation and provide materials on the industrial scale with the necessary casting quality. Examples of extended use of the molding sands of the second type are shown, and the outlooks of developments of that technology are substantiated.
Key words: Ecology, molding sands, synthetic resins, water glass, casting quality.
Sokorev A.A. Simultaneous determination of grain size distribution and colloidality of clays after their mechano-chemical activations
On the basis of the results of mechanochemical activation of clays and their measurement in the laser analyzer conclusions about the obtaining of submicron particles in a mechanical grinding apparatus, the classification is also proposed mode of grinding. Developed new, more accurate method for the simultaneous determination of the grain composition, colloidality and activity of the particles.
Key words: Colloidality, grain structure, mechanochemical activation, fireclay, bentonite, classification, GOST, grinding.
Gruzman V.M., Lapina A.U. Protection of raw sand-clay moulds from erosion
The source of making a burned-in sand in the castings is the inevitable erosion of the mould surface, because of the power superiority of the melt over the compressive strength of the raw sand-clay mould. The standard definition of the compressive strength of the mixture does not display a resistance level of the mould of erosion. Here are the successful binders with a low specific strength. A new technology to protect the raw sand-clay moulds from the erosion has been developed. It doesn’t require the drying of the protective coating of the raw mould.
Key words: Erosion, melt, Specific strength, coating, speed, friability, natural mixtures, synthetic mixtures, uniform distribution, fluidity.
Korotchenko A.Y., Golenkov Y.V., Tverskoy M.V., Khilkov D.E. Simulation of the flow of metal mixtures in the mold
The article considers factors affecting the quality of castings under pressure. Shown a multi- component composition of the metal mixtures, the main characteristics of each of the three components of the metal mixture and their influence on the character of its flow in injection molding.
Key words: MIM-technology, injection molding, feedstock, rheology, viscosity models, the shear rate.
Kulikov V.Y., Isagulov A.Z., Yeryomin Y.N., Kovalyova T.V., Shcherbakova Y.P. Influence of pressure on shell mold strength
It was determined that for increasing shell mold density and strength, the pressure on sand should not be constant during the whole process of shell mold formation, but should change according to the following scheme: first, initial pressure of 0.25 … 0.30 MPa is applied, after 15… 20 s it is increased by 0.05 … 0.10 MPa, and at the end of forming a 10…15 mm thick shell it is lowered to zero.
Key words: Molding sand, mold, pressure, sand, resin.
Batyshev A.I., Batyshev K.A. Steel casting in metal molds
Discussed are the thermal processes running in a shaping chill casting with a sand core. Casting cooling curves, chill mold and sand core heating curves, as well as mechanical properties of carbon steel are given.
Key words: Casting, temperature curves, chill mold, core, mechanical properties, hot tears.
Leushin I.O., Leushina L.I., Koshelev O.S. Creep as integrated characteristic of behavior of lost-wax casting molds
Creep is defined as an integral behavior property of the mold material, determined by the cumulative effect of its thermal resistance, crack resistance, gas-generation value and gas permeability. Practical recommendations are made on mitigating the impact of creep on the quality of shell mold and, by extension, on the resulting cast.
Key words: Lost-wax casting, shell mold, ceramic, creep, deformation.
Budanov E.N. Import substitution of railroad castings and mastering of the V-process at the Tikhvin Freight Car Building Plant
The article deals with the results of large-scale modernization of foundry production in Russia in the 21st century. The results of the high-quality comparative analysis and efficiency of V-Process technology for production of large railway steel castings are described. The benefits of use of one casting technology in a certain period of time and under specific circumstances of production of the set mix of castings are in first place most illustratory shown on the example of the new production in Russia – TVSZ, Tikhvin.
Key words: Modernization of foundry production, vacuum molding, large steel railroad castings, import substitution of castings.
Table of content
Boldyrev D.A., Popova L.I., Davydov S.V. High-strength spheroidal and vermicular graphite iron – an optimal material for automobile production
Tkachenko S.S., Krivitsky V.S., Muravyov Y.N., Kolodiy V.A. Revival of shaping technology (in machine tool building) based on inorganic components
Sokorev A.A. Simultaneous determination of grain size distribution and colloidality of clays after their mechano-chemical activations
Gruzman V.M., Lapina A.U. Protection of raw sand-clay moulds from erosion
Korotchenko A.Y., Golenkov Y.V., Tverskoy M.V., Khilkov D.E. Simulation of the flow of metal mixtures in the mold
Kulikov V.Y., Isagulov A.Z., Yeryomin Y.N., Kovalyova T.V., Shcherbakova Y.P. Influence of pressure on shell mold strength
Batyshev A.I., Batyshev K.A. Steel casting in metal molds
Leushin I.O., Leushina L.I., Koshelev O.S. Creep as integrated characteristic of behavior of lost-wax casting molds
Budanov E.N. Import substitution of railroad castings and mastering of the V-process at the Tikhvin Freight Car Building Plant