Nikitin V.I., Biktimirov R.M., Nikitin K.V., Akishin S.A., Putilov M.A. Obtaining alloys of the Al-Mg system based on genetic engineering technologies
The results of the analysis of the literature data on the composition and properties of alloys of the system Al-Mg and the parameters of the technology of preparation of the AMg6LCh foundry alloy in the conditions of the foundry of an aerospace enterprise are presented. The results of a study on the hereditary influence of fine and microcrystalline charge metals on the properties of deformable (AMg6) and foundry (AMg6LCh) alloys are presented
Keywords: Deformable and foundry alloys of the Al-Mg system, charge metals with a fine-crystalline structure, synthesis of alloys, genetic engineering, physical and mechanical properties.
Ermolenko A.A., Znamensky L.G., Tkachenko S.S. Advanced processes of shaping using inorganic binders
Publications devoted to the use of molding and core mixtures varying in composition, preparation and hardening conditions are reviewed. Prospects of using inorganic binders for mixtures when casting into sand molds under conditions of individual and batch production are noted. At the same time, they are not inferior to the most common organic binders in terms of their performance characteristics, and noticeably surpass them in terms of environmental compatibility. The results of a series of evaluative tests of an inorganic binder-based mixture cured due to exposure to super high frequency waves are presented. In this case, it is possible to reduce the time needed to reach the working strength by 1 - 2 orders of magnitude. It becomes possible to use mixtures based on "Neorganica" binder for mass production.
Keywords: Molding mixtures, core mixtures, binders, hardening, molds, drying, strength, environmental compatibility, super high frequency, inorganic.
Varfolomeev M.S. Features of the production of corundum ceramic shells for investment casting based on a water inorganic binder
The work is devoted to the study of manufacturing processes and properties of samples of ceramic shells for investment casting based on white electrocorundum and an inorganic ash binder of domestic production Ultracast NSi30. The quality of the front layer was evaluated and mechanical tests of the manufactured samples were carried out. Based on the work done, conclusions are drawn about the features of using binder in investment casting.
Keywords: Investment casting, water-based binder, colloidal silica binder, electrocorundum, ceramic shell mold.
Livshits V.B., Mamedova I.Yu., Zyabneva O.A. Non-metallic inclusions in silumins produced by countergravity casting
Formation of nonmetallic inclusions in AK12 and AK9ch alloy castings produced by countergravity casting was investigated. An influence of the material of melting crucibles (graphite, micas) and the metal supply pipe (steel, cast iron) of the countergravity casting machine, as well as the chemical composition of the alloys on the formation of nonmetallic inclusions was shown. The study showed that manganese influences the contamination of silumin castings with nonmetallic inclusions.
Keywords: Silumin, composition, melting, non-metallic inclusions, castings, casting, pressure.
Doroshenko V.S. The usage of pressure casting on the conveyor lines
The most typical engineering solutions and examples of pressure molding methods are analyzed in the review. Solidification of castings under pressure is widely used for non-ferrous metals and alloys and it has an insufficient application for steels and irons because of a low resistance of casting chambers and molds. The known engineering solutions in terms of the supply and squeezing of the melt into the casting mold, the lining of the squeezing chambers, metal supply pipes, methods and values of application of the pressure to the melt were analyzed for using them in the design of rotary conveyor lines. A resource-saving technology of the lost foam casting is described, which makes it possible to produce precise castings and repeatedly regenerate the fluid dry molding sand in a closed pipeline conveyor with the possibility of sand compaction in the molds when moving on the rotary conveyor lines and simplification of the knockout of castings. Based on potentialities of the lost foam casting, some concepts of the mutual complementation of the possibilities of the lost foam casting with the use of pressure were developed.
Key words: Rotor-conveyor lines, squeezing casting, crystallization under pressure, casting conveyor, squeezing chamber, Lost Foam casting, gasified patterns.
Potaturina E., Seeger K. Coatings for additively manufactured moulds and cores
3D printing gives designers unprecedented freedom in designing moulds and cores. Since printed cores differ significantly in some important properties from blown cores, there are specific requirements placed on the coatings. HA has developed a special series of Arkopal RP (Rapid Prototyping) coatings for the 3D printing process, which are already successfully being used for actual cast parts. They provide a smooth surface free of casting defects in aluminium, iron and steel castings.
Keywords: 3D-printing, additive technologies, refractory coatings, defect prevention, surface roughness.
Anderson V.A., Nimas V.N., Shapovalov Yu.P. Technology of casting in cold-hardening mixtures based on organic resins to eliminate the toxic gas emissions during pouring
The article deals with the application of Cold Hardening mixtures based on furan resins widely used today for the manufacture of castings used in drilling units. Casting processes with this technology are characterized by significant environmentally harmful emissions into the atmosphere. The proposed variant of combining a number of original solutions made it possible to significantly reduce the gas contamination of technological sites, bringing the level of emissions to the approved MPI standards.
Keywords: The technological process of HTS, vacuuming system, gases, installation of neutralization of harmful gases.
Table of content
Nikitin V.I., Biktimirov R.M., Nikitin K.V., Akishin S.A., Putilov M.A. Obtaining alloys of the Al-Mg system based on genetic engineering technologies
Ermolenko A.A., Znamensky L.G., Tkachenko S.S. Advanced processes of shaping using inorganic binders
Varfolomeev M.S. Features of the production of corundum ceramic shells for investment casting based on a water inorganic binder
Livshits V.B., Mamedova I.Yu., Zyabneva O.A. Non-metallic inclusions in silumins produced by countergravity casting
Doroshenko V.S. The usage of pressure casting on the conveyor lines
Potaturina E., Seeger K. Coatings for additively manufactured moulds and cores
Anderson V.A., Nimas V.N., Shapovalov Yu.P. Technology of casting in cold-hardening mixtures based on organic resins to eliminate the toxic gas emissions during pouring