Number 5, 2009
Издательский дом «Литейное производство» выпускает два специализированных научно-технических журнала с периодичностью: «Литейное производство» – ежемесячно, «Металлургия машиностроения» – 1 раз в 2 месяца.
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Eskin G,I, Application of High-Power Ultrasound in Cleaning Molten Aluminium Alloys
Advantages of ultrasonic treatment of aluminium melts for their degassing and removing nonmetallic inclusions (NMI) are described, Key words: ultrasonic treatment, refining, acoustic cavitation, degassing, nonmetallic inclusions,

Afanasev V,K,, Dolgova S,V,, Kopytko A,A,, Lavrova N,B,, Tolstoguzov V,N,, Chibryakov D,M, Anomaly of thermal expansion of iron and steel
In work thermal expansion of iron and carbonaceous steel is investigated, Features of influence of thermal and chemical thermal processing on factor of linear expansion of researched materials are established, Are received it is abnormal low values of factor, Laws of influence of the contents of gases on thermal expansion are considered, Keywords: iron, carbonaceous steel, thermal expansion, anomaly, the contents of gases

Kuzmina N,A,, Vasikova L,M, Influence of Specimen's Rotational Velocity on the Spectrum Quality in Determining Crystallographic Orientation of Monocrystal Castings of High-Temperature Alloys
Determination of crystallographic orientation (CGO) of monocrystal castings plays the most important role in the foundry, An improvement of specimen rotation mechanism on the diffractometer of the DRON type is proposed to improve the reliability and quality of obtained spectrum without increasing time consumption for CGO measurements of monocrystal castings from high-temperature alloys,
Key words: monocrystal casting, high-temperature alloy, diffractometer, spectrum line,

Leonov V,V, Microhardness of trile solid solution Ni-Al-Ge on nickel basis
The microhardness HV, ГПа of trile solid solution Ni-Al-Ge on nickel basis from composition (X, ат,%) was investigated, Linear equation HV= 0,98 + 0,039XAl + 0,034XGe was determined,
Key words: microhardness, solid solution, nickel

Prudko O,G, Semi-hot Die Forging at OAO AVTOVAZ's Metallurgical Production Facilities
The article discusses methods of making parts by semi-hot die forging, which parts are insignificantly inferior to those made by cold extrusion in terms of surface finish class and accuracy,
Key words: semi-hot die forging, cold die forging,

Semyonov V,N, (Acad, V,P,Glushko OAO "NPO Energomash") Special Features of Industrial and Domestic Waste Recycling Technology
A plant for recycling solid industrial and domestic waste is proposed, The plant is environmentally safe, requires no special preparation of waste, has a number of advantages over the existing ones,
Key words: domestic waste, incineration process, plant, combustion gases, metal melt, fluxes,

Bykov V,V,, Golubev I,G,, Kiselev D,A, (Moscow State Forest University) Nanogalvanic Coatings for Reworking Parts of Forest Machinery Hydraulic Equipment
Galvanic coating technology is a perspective way to restore and strengthen the details of forest machines, Physical-mechanical properties of galvanic coating are improved by changing its structure under the influence of nano-dispersed particles, All this gives the opportunity to prolong the life time of forest machine details,
Key words: galvanic coating, restore, the details, forest machines, nano-dispersed particles,

Balanovsky A,Y, (Irkutsk State Polytechnic University) Plasma Hardfacing of Special Steels for Tool Making
This paper describes metallographic aspects of plasma surface hardening of special steels for manufacturing of medical instruments,
Key words: plasma stream hardening, martensite, austenite, ferrite, special tools

Borodin I,P,, Shatov Y,S,, Shiryayev V,Y, (NPO "Vosstanovleniye"), Shkatov V,V,, Shcherenkova I,S,, Gorbunov I,P, (GTU, Lipetsk) Properties of Wear-Resistant Electrochemical Coatings with Nanodiamond Strengthening Particles
Structure and fraction distribution of nanodiamond particles in composite electrochemical coatings obtained in the process of simultaneous deposition with chromium have been studied, Effect of nanodiamond particle concentration in coatings on the coating's wear resistance under various friction conditions has been investigated,
Key words: composite electrochemical coatings, nanodiamond particles, wear resistance,

Potapov V,V, (OOO "GAZ vtorresurs", Nizhniy Novgorod), S,D, Tsymbalov (Glavstroi), A,B, Korostelev, I,P, Sokolov, A,V, Shapiro (Moscow State Evening Metallurgical Institute) Investigation into the Process of Lubricoolant Separation from Cast Iron Chips by the Cold Pressing Method
The article discusses the most common methods of cast iron chips recycling, and their drawbacks have been determined, The lowest value of lubricoolant concentration in cast iron chip briquettes that can be achieved by the method of cold pressing by varying the pressure in a technologically expedient range has been revealed, The character of concentrating of organic substances in the lubricoolant present in cast iron chips with the increase in cold pressing pressure has been determined,
Key words: cast iron chips, lubricoolant, cold briquetting, concentration, organic component,

Baranov M,N,, Isupov M,G, (Votkinsk Branch of the Izhevsk State Technical University) Restoration of Precision Parts' Dimensions by Abrasive Blasting and Friction Brass Plating
In the article the technology of the reconstruction of precisional details by means of jet-abrasive processing is presented, It is founded on riveting of holes that forms the growth of hole's edges, The following putting into moulded microrelief deepenning of antifrictional material allows to create the heterogeneous antifrictional surfaces uniting contradictory requirements which are brought to them; surface must possess the given solid features to bear the service loads and simultaneously it must be plastic to provide antifrictional triboconnection,
Key words: jet-abrasive processing, blow, antifrictional material, antifrictional triboconnection

Sheinman Ye, Are Nanotechnologies Dangerous?
The basic provisions of ASTM International E 2535-07 "Standard Guide for Handling Unbound Engineered Nanoscale Particles in Occupational Settings" are described, The developed Standard Guide describes a user's actions to minimize human exposure to UNP during investigations in production, laboratory and other rooms where their presence may be expected, The Standard provides a general guide on minimizing dangers related to UNP based on taking into account many points of view,
Key words: nanotechnology standard guide, production room, life hazard,

Table of Content:

Eskin G,I, Application of High-Power Ultrasound in Cleaning Molten Aluminium Alloys

Afanasev V,K,, Dolgova S,V,, Kopytko A,A,, Lavrova N,B,, Tolstoguzov V,N,, Chibryakov D,M, Anomaly of thermal expansion of iron and steel

Kuzmina N,A,, Vasikova L,M, Influence of Specimen's Rotational Velocity on the Spectrum Quality in Determining Crystallographic Orientation of Monocrystal Castings of High-Temperature Alloys

Leonov V,V, Microhardness of trile solid solution Ni-Al-Ge on nickel basis

Prudko O,G, Semi-hot Die Forging at OAO AVTOVAZ's Metallurgical Production Facilities

Semyonov V,N, (Acad, V,P,Glushko OAO "NPO Energomash") Special Features of Industrial and Domestic Waste Recycling Technology

Bykov V,V,, Golubev I,G,, Kiselev D,A, (Moscow State Forest University) Nanogalvanic Coatings for Reworking Parts of Forest Machinery Hydraulic Equipment

Balanovsky A,Y, (Irkutsk State Polytechnic University) Plasma Hardfacing of Special Steels for Tool Making

Borodin I,P,, Shatov Y,S,, Shiryayev V,Y, (NPO "Vosstanovleniye"), Shkatov V,V,, Shcherenkova I,S,, Gorbunov I,P, (GTU, Lipetsk) Properties of Wear-Resistant Electrochemical Coatings with Nanodiamond Strengthening Particles

Potapov V,V, (OOO "GAZ vtorresurs", Nizhniy Novgorod), S,D, Tsymbalov (Glavstroi), A,B, Korostelev, I,P, Sokolov, A,V, Shapiro (Moscow State Evening Metallurgical Institute) Investigation into the Process of Lubricoolant Separation from Cast Iron Chips by the Cold Pressing Method

Baranov M,N,, Isupov M,G, (Votkinsk Branch of the Izhevsk State Technical University) Restoration of Precision Parts' Dimensions by Abrasive Blasting and Friction Brass Plating

Sheinman Ye, Are Nanotechnologies Dangerous?

Review of International Information

Русская версия

Number 4, 2009      Number 6, 2009

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