Number 1, 2005
Издательский дом «Литейное производство» выпускает два специализированных научно-технических журнала с периодичностью: «Литейное производство» – ежемесячно, «Металлургия машиностроения» – 1 раз в 2 месяца.
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Sedelnikov V.V. The Dynamics of Structure Formation of Crystallizing Systems when Being Modified with Superdispersed Powders
Principles of synergetic allow to consider the problems of developing of nanotechnologies from a new point.
The self-controlled synthesis is discussed to model processes of the self-organization of structures in nonlinear systems. Bifurcational diagrams are used to analyze the self-organization of structures at crystallization of solution and melts.

Andreyev V.V. The Role of Deglobularizing Elements Comprised in Inoculating Additives for the Production of CV Graphite Iron
An analysis of the role of various elements comprised in inoculating additives used in the production of CV graphite iron is given. Both qualitative and quantitative composition of additives has been investigated. Besides, the process of adding the master alloy has been worked out. The results of the work allowed making conclusions having practical importance.

Suchkov A.N. et al. Influence is haved a exothermal modifying additive on temperature and characteristic sulphur cast iron of cupola swimming trunks
Technology was designed of increasing the temperature and modifying of cupola cast iron by additive, it is consisting of aluminum with oxides iron in proportions 2:3 or 3:3. This additive follows had been introducedin a scoop before mending into the cast iron in the manner in conformity with of the making barbell. It is made Sure the high-quality casting with characteristic not below SCH20 and hardness not above 229НВ.

Milyayev V.M. et al. Use of New Chromite Materials in Steel Casting Production
This article is devoted to search of new heat-resistant antipenetrations moulding materials for large and heavy steel castings.
Here is shown development of using different chrome-contained materials in compound of molding sands at "UHM-Special Steel" Ltd (ex "Uralmash plant").
The best results were achieved on castings that have been produced with using sands on basis of chromic concentrate (AHK-1). The authors apply technological data of this material and make practical recommendations of its exploitation.

Kvasha F.S. et al. Influence of Core Rests on the Properties of Molding Sands
Core rests getting into molding sand substitute for sand required for refreshing the molding sand and may cause uncontrollable reduction of inactive fines and the grade of oolitization, changing of the grain base, for example, increasing the average grain size when using coarser-grained sand for making cores. Partial deactivation of bentonite and loss of binding capability may result in some impairment of physical-and-mechanical and process properties of sands, higher gassing. To neutralize the negative effect of the higher than optimal amount of core rests it is recommended to sequentially produce castings with many and few cores, increase the "metal to sand" ratio, return to the sand the cyclone dust and the sludge from rotoclones of the sand preparation department.

Belyayev I.A. et al. Organic Binder for Foundry Cores
A new organic binder for intricate cores to be used in the production of iron castings has bee developed, wherein special attention was given to use secondary raw materials, specifically, vat residue of oil refining. Optimal composition and hardening process have been developed.
The new composition can completely replace the expensive and scarce USK component. In addition to that, the high strength in the hardened state combines with easy decoring.

Yevlampiyev A.A. et al. Scabs on Castings and Destruction of Sand Mold Surface during Pouring
The article discusses causes of scabs on castings, the mechanism of their formation depending on the mold properties and melt parameters. Dilatometer investigations of clay-bonded sand samples have been conducted, recommendations on eliminating defects related to deformation of dressed mold during filling are given.

Andreyev I.D. et al. Melting Iron in DC Arc Furnaces of the New Generation Produced by OAO Kurganmashzavod
For making synthetic iron, a DC arc furnace of the new generation allowing to make iron from charge without blast-furnace pig iron is recommended. This provides iron of higher quality, fuller and faster assimilation of the carburizer's carbon by the metal. The casting machinability is improved even at an elevated content of carbide-formation elements in the metal. The replacement of pig irons in the charge with steel scrap allows reducing the net cost of iron castings.

Melnikov A.P. et al. Sand Mold and Core Making Equipment. Working for the Future
At the Institute, they have created a complex of efficient processes and equipment for the production of high-quality castings. The works done have shown the reliable operation of the created coremaking machines and the possibility of using the coldbox-amine-process for the production of large basic parts from gray cast iron and large freight railroad car steel castings.

Zhukovsky S.S. et al. Computer Simulation of Gas Evolution during Casting Cooling in Cold-Hardening Molds
The technique of computer simulation process of outgassing from the moulds of the coldhardening sands is offered. Have conducted calculation of a gas mode of the foundry moulds on the basis of a phenolformaldehyde resin (ОФ-1) at cooling of a flat gray cast iron.
The obtained results correspond to experimental data. The tendered technique of calculation of outgassing can be used at definition of technical parameters of vent systems of foundry plants.

Fishman O. The Ringing of Bells from the Past into the Future

Degtyarenko G.I., Ruskol V.I. Review of International Information

Bestuzhev N.I. Production and European Market of Spheroidizing Inoculants (a letter to the Editors)

Русская версия

December 2004       Feburary 2005

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