Gushchin N.S. et al. The Linear Expansion Coefficient of High-Nickel Austenitic Nodular Iron at an Elevated Temperature
For ensuring higher accuracy of sizing tools, measuring instruments and templates, and also higher strength and gas-tightness of joints with glass and ceramics at different temperatures, in many cases alloys with a reduced linear expansion coefficient ? are required. Results of investigating high-nickel nodular irons have shown that tempering after normalizing, favoring the precipitation of the cementite phase from austenite, results in a 15% reduction of ? both at heating and cooling specimens, especially at 600…800°C and at the usually applied heating and cooling rate of 200°C/h.
Pelykh S.G. Optimization of Metal Intensity and Reliability of Cast Parts
The mechanism of formation of metal consumption and reliability of cast details as system criteria of quality of cast details is investigated depending on conditions of their manufacturing and operation. The developed algorithm of optimization of these parameters is stated.
Kidalov N.A. et al. Optimization of Sodium Silicate Bonded Sand Composition
Methods for optimizing the composition of sodium silicate bonded sand have been developed, taking into account the fact that the subjectivity of formulating the optimization criteria is strictly regulated by the production requirements. Regression equations have been obtained and optimality criteria have been determined (besides sodium silicate bonded sands) for clay-bonded sands and a number of burn-on preventing coatings, for which optimum compositions have been determined.
The optimization methods have been approved and are used for developing compositions of burn-on preventing coatings, molding and core sands.
Mukhomorov I.A. Stability of Molding Sand Properties
The dimensional accuracy and surface finish of castings depend on the stability of molding sand parameters and the operation of sand preparation department. The main problems facing foundry shops and measures that help produce quality castings are indicated.
Frimengsdorf O. et al. Upgrading the Cupola Melting Process
Voronin Y.F. et al. Pragmatic Simulation of Metalcasting Processes
Variation of process parameters in metalcasting does not allow using in full measure strict analytical solutions in simulating the processes running in a mold. Use of results of mathematical processing of experimental data in analytical solutions allows determining the investigated parameters with sufficient accuracy. Such common use of analytical and experimental results is called pragmatic simulation (PS). An example of PS is given.
Application of PS allows reducing harmful effect of negative deviations of a number of parameters and attaining optimal results of the investigated process.
Pirainen V.Y. Design in the Metalcasting Industry
In creating new and reconstructing the existing production facilities it is necessary to responsibly approach the issue of choosing materials and processes from the point of view of modern design, regarding as of paramount importance the criterion of environmental safety.
In casting production it is necessary to take into account the interrelation between the aesthetic characteristics and the science-of-materials and technological parameters of a product. In doing so, the predominant factors that determine the aesthetic perception of a product depending on its functional purpose should be singled out.
Yaskevich I.A. On the Proceedings of the 7th Russian Foundry Congress
Symposium "Equipment from Germany for Russia's Metalcasting Industry"