Procedure of reviewing articles received by the editorial staff
1. Articles received by the editorial staff from authors on their initiative shall undergo a preliminary examination for compliance with the formal requirements established in the journal, as well as with the journal’s profile. A decision on such compliance shall be made by the secretary of the publication. In case of finding the compliance, the secretary shall register the article in the Registration log of incoming materials and submit it to the head of the department whose profile corresponds to the content of the article. In case of finding the article’s non-compliance with the formal requirements of the journal and its profile, the article shall not be registered. Irrespective of the fact that the article is registered or not, the secretary shall advise the author thereof in a letter. The editor-in-chief shall perform a preliminary examination of the article for its content, and submit it to a specialist for review.
2. The article shall be considered accepted for publication, provided there is a positive review by a member of the Editorial Council or specialist working in the same field. The conditions for publication shall also include the availability of a license agreement between the publication and the author to the effect that the article will be placed on the Internet. Another publication condition shall be the availability of a positive expert opinion on the absence of classified information in the article. The order and priority of publishing the article shall be determined depending on the volume of available materials on the given subject in each specific issue.All reviewers shall be recognized specialists on the subject of materials to be reviewed, and during the latest three years have publications on the subject of the article to be reviewed. Reviews shall be kept in the editorial officefor five years. The editorial staff shall submit copies of the reviews to the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation upon having received a corresponding request.
3. The secretary shall advise the author of the acceptance or rejection of the article. If the article has been accepted for publication, but needs to be improved, corresponding recommendations shall be sent to the author. The authors shall have the right to improve the article or replace it with another material. All the stages of the article examination by the editorial staff shall be recorded in the log of incoming materials. Ñopies of reviews are sent to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation upon receipt at the editors request.
1.1. The articles shall be
- With reviews, expert opinion.
- Desirably provided with UDC.
- Make sure the article is provided with an abstract and key words in Russian and, desirably, in English.
- Save the article’s text that should contain the title in Russian and, desirably, in English, in MS Word text editor.
- All measurement units shall be in the International system of units (SI).
- The article shall contain references to all figures and tables, as well as cations to them.
- All figures, sketches, fragmentary drawings, diagrams, graphs, schemes shall be clear (with a resolution of at least 300 dpi) and sent in as separate files with standard graphical resolution *pdf, in color – CMYK (with separate attachment of the fonts used, if they are non-standard).
- Formulae and letter designations should be typed clearly and large.
- Within the text, references to literatureshould be given by ordinal numbers in square brackets, the list of literature should be composed in the order of citation, for articles there should be given: title of journal, collection or the like, which they are published in, year of publication, volume, starting page number; references to unpublished works shall not be allowed.
- Volume of article – not more than 8 pages, number of figures – not more than 4.
- The article shall be signed by all its authors.
- Required information on the authors: surnames, names, patronymics, e-mails, and phone numbers, academic degree, position, place of work.
1.2. Materials shall be provided in the following fashion:
- In Microsoft Office Word 2003 (or 2007) text editor;
- Font “Times New Roman”, line spacing: 1.
- Body: type size 12 (except for references and notes);
- References (sources) and notes, author info: type size 11.
1.3. Each material shall be provided with:
An expert opinion (only for materials presented to a technical series), signed by the chairman and secretary of the expert commission, and approved by the head of the institution, which the author works with.
1.4. Order of arrangement of article or other material (in accordance with the requirements of the RF’s Supreme Attestation Commission as given in Information report No. 45.1-132 of October 14, 2008):
- Surnames and initials of the author in Russian and English (on the left);
- Title of the article in Russian and English (under the surname, on the left);
- Information on the author in Russian (surname, name, patronymic, academic degree, academic title, position, and place of work (with indication of the country and city of his (her) residence), postal address for correspondence, contact phone number, e-mail);
- Abstracts in Russian and English disclosing the main content of the article (first, an abstract in Russian, and in the following paragraph in English shall be given; total abstract volume: 8-10 lines; the content of the abstract in Russian shall be identical to that in English; abstracts on scientific translations shall not be needed);
- Key words in Russian and English (not more than 10 words in either language);
- UDC;
- Body of the article (other material);
- List of references made up in accordance with GOST.
Omission of lines between the above components and the body of the article shall be obligatory, otherwise it shall be forbidden. The text shall be aligned by the page width. All components of the text, except for information on the author, abstracts, key words, list of references, and notes, shall be indented.
1.5. The materials may contain formulae, tables, figures, and graphs made in Microsoft Office Word 2003 (2007) text editor.
Illustrations (figures) shall be made up in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.105-95. The illustrations shall be provided with captions – text under the illustration defining its subject, explaining its content, and connecting it by a number with the text it relates to. Each illustration in the text shall be referenced.
Formulae shall be typed in Microsoft Equation 3.0 editor.
Letters of the Roman alphabet in mathematical formulae shall be typed in italic, those of the Greek alphabet - in upright type.
1.6. Requirement to presenting photographs (for this purpose Microsoft Office Picture Manager shall be required):
- File type – JPEG picture;
- File size – from 600 kB to 1 MB;
- Photograph size (resolution) – at least 1024x768.
Photographs should be sent be to the editorial staff as separate files, with indicating their location in the text.
1.7. Materials shall be sent by e-mail (all files shall be named separately and have continuous numbering).
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