Rogotovsky A.N., Shipelnikov A.A., Kravchenko T.V. Effect of Ladle Inoculation Methods for Cast Irons on the Microstructure of Intricate Castings
Article is devoted to research of a perspective of influence of ways of kovshevy modifying on a microstructure constructional alloys the otlivka of a difficult configuration of centrifugal pumps intended for production. In work results of the original pilot studies which carried out in 2006…2008 at leading machine building plant Russian Federation and have passed industrial approbation are presented.
Keywords:Modifying, microstructure, alloys.
Jenjurist I.A. Activation Bentonite Additive Gidrozoley Aluminum and Electromagnetic Field
Work is dedicated to study influence of nanodispersed particles by ash alumina on structurization water suspensions bentonit clays. The Explored action nanodispersed hydrosols and organocserogel oxides alumina on characteristic modified nanosol bentonit clays. It is analysed dependency of modifying bentonit to compositions from the type an nanosol, influences of the electromagnetic field.
Key words: nanodispersed particles, hydrosol oxides aluminum, water suspensions bentonit clays, structures by ash, electromagnetic field.
Voronin Y.F., Kamayev V.A., Fomenkov S.A., Matokhina A.V. Technological Approach to Making Defect-free Castings
It is not always that foundrymen know casting defects. For effectively revealing defect varieties, stages of their formation and elimination methods they must be analyzed. There are presented ideas of defect origination dynamics and methods of their elimination.
Key words: casting, technology, defects, gas bowls, shrinkable bowls, cracks.
Doroshenko V.S. Cryotechnology for metal casting ice patterns as applications themselves to damage materials, hardening sand mold
Cryotechnology of casting of ferrous and nonferrous metals using ice patterns can be eliminated from foundry organic materials. This increases the ecological safety of production, reduces the cost of casting and promotes problem-solving resource.
Keywords: Cryotechnology, ice pattern, filtration molding, shell mold, casting, nonorganic materials, metal.
Gerasimov V.V., Visik Y.M., Kolyadov Y.V. Mastering the Technology of Directional Solidification of Large-Size Castings on the UVNK15 Unit
The article is dedicated to the technology of making large-size castings from VKNA1V intermetallide alloy on a directional solidification unit UVNK15. There have been conducted experimental melts that showed the functionability of the unit, and problems have been set that are to be solved in improving the unit.
Key words: units and technologies for directional solidification, microstructure, macrostructure.
Barinov S.G., Slabko M.L. Production of High-Chromium Grinding Balls on DISA Vertical Flaskless Molding Lines
From this article the subscribers can learn more about the most cost-beneficial method of the high-chromium grinding media production. It is widely used and very popular among leading foundry companies all over the world, but unfortunately is not used in Russia yet. Actuality of this technology for Russian Foundry market is stipulated by the high demand of the high quality cast-iron grinding media by the Cement and Mining industries.
Key words: grinding media, Cast-iron grinding media, Cement industry Ball grinders, Vertical molding, High-chromium iron
Table of Content
Rogotovsky A.N., Shipelnikov A.A., Kravchenko T.V. Effect of Ladle Inoculation Methods for Cast Irons on the Microstructure of Intricate Castings
Druzhevsky M.A., Konstantinov Y.D., Matyushev I.I., Volkov V.N., Bogatyreva O.N., Muravyov Y.N. Experience of Using Olivine Sand as a Filler for Facing Sands
Jenjurist I.A. Activation Bentonite Additive Gidrozoley Aluminum and Electromagnetic Field
Voronin Y.F., Kamayev V.A., Fomenkov S.A., Matokhina A.V. Technological Approach to Making Defect-free Castings
Doroshenko V.S. Cryotechnology for metal casting ice patterns as applications themselves to damage materials, hardening sand mold
Gerasimov V.V., Visik Y.M., Kolyadov Y.V. Mastering the Technology of Directional Solidification of Large-Size Castings on the UVNK15 Unit
Popov A. Laempe Automatic Core-Making Machines of the New Generation
Barinov S.G., Slabko M.L. Production of High-Chromium Grinding Balls on DISA Vertical Flaskless Molding Lines
Results of Census of World Casting Production
Yershov M.Y., Zadiranov A.N. The Double Jubilee of the P.N. Aksyonov Chair "Foundry Machines and Technology" of the Machine Building University
The Conference "TestMat-2012"
Gniloskurenko S.V. The Physics-and-Technology Institute of Metals and Alloys at Ukraine's National Academy of Sciences - Organizer of Foundry Exhibition-Conferences in 2012