Kolokoltsev V.M., Goltsov A.S., Shevchenko A.V. Complex effect on the melt of alloyed white irons in purpose to improve the it properties
Complex-alloyed white irons (CAWI) are perspective material for the production of cast details for equipment, working in difficult conditions of wear at elevated temperatures. Highly effective impact on the formation of structure and properties of castings from CAWI is possible by combining of processes of modification, refining and hightemperature treatment of melts (HTTM). Modes of HTTM and the optimal amount of refining-modified materials for CAWI were selected with the help of performed practical researches. The research of examined methods of increasing the operational stability of castings gave chance to work out the new refining-modifying complex.
Key words:Iron, microallowing, refining, thermo-time treatment.
Bublikov V.B., Bachinskiy Y.D. Melting of FeSiMg master alloy in liquid cast iron
This article is devoted to the study of FeSiMg master alloys melting process in cast iron melt to optimize the elemental and phase composition as applied to the conditions of modifying atprecrystallization period. The influence of FeSiMg master alloys phase composition on structure formation of ductile cast iron thin-walled castings obtained within-mouldmodifying is determined.
Key words:FeSiMg master alloy, phase composition, melting speed, temperature, precrystallization period, ductile cast iron.
Skoblo T.S., Avtukhov A.K., Sokolov R.G. Impact new generation of modifiers on metal structure centrifugally sheet mill rolls
Results of researches of influence of modifiers Superseed® 75 and Reseed® on the metal structure of a working layer double layer roll performances LPHNMd-71 and LPHNMd-73.
Key words:Mill rolls, modification, modificatory, the structure of the rolls, coercive force, the level of stresses.
Isagulov A.Z., Kulikov V.Y., Kovalyova T.V., Shcherbakova Y.P. Rheological properties of resin-bonded sand molds
The article discusses a device for determining the rheological properties of a threephase resin-bonded sand. Also discussed are the main functions that show the rheological properties of compressible elastic viscous-plastic media.
Key words:Rheology, molding sand, viscosity, elasticity, plasticity, resin, static load, thermal action.
Sinichkina T.S., Belikov A.V., Visik E.M. The problem of burns on the castings of alloy GS-32
The article is devoted to the problem of formation of defects in the castings from heat-resistant alloys with carbon, identify the causes of defects on the surface of the castings the several research works to correct this defect.
Key words:Heat-resistant alloys, gas-tight form, ceramic inclusions, the marriage of surface impurities.
Chzho Zin Aung, Hein Khant Zo, Zarubin A.M. Study of influence of gating and venting systems’ design on the formation of cast parts in die casting
The existing notions of influence of gating and venting systems’ design on the quality of cast parts in die casting are analyzed. The operation of a tangential gating system when filling dies for body castings of the needle radiator type is examined. Experimental die design versions have been developed.
Key words:Die, gating system, venting system, overflow well, casting, porosity, vents with variable depth.
Kuznetsov R.V., Martynov K.V. Aqueous anti-penetration coatings with fine-dispersed fillers
Article is devoted to the comparative analysis of characteristics of fillers for the nonstick coating used in kokilny casting. A row new the non-stick coating on the basis of the water binding is offered. Described a number of technological properties of the experimental coatings and the results of their testing.
Key words:Casting in the chill mold, non-stick coating, water solutions of silica-sol.
Naumova A.S., Akimov O.V., Penzev P.S., Marchenko A.P. Programming the controller for automation of clamping machines
Automation of process control using a controller – a new level in the development of production. The paper proposed a method of programming the controller for automation of clamping machines. The basic operation of the machine during operation, proposed an algorithm for consistent performance under the direction of the controller.
Key words:Automation, operation algorithm, PLK programming, connection of instruments and automation means, chill casting machine, internal combustion engine piston.
Ogorodnikova O.M. Conjoint computer-aided analysis of cast alloy, casting technology and component
The article describes an idea developing by the author which enables to consolidate computer-aided analysis of cast component and casting technology. Simulation according to the conception takes into account the inhomogeneous structure of cast alloy and regular distribution of shrinkage porosity. Such structural parameters determine non-uniform mechanical properties in casting. As an example of application the simulation of cast component produced by centrifugal casting technology was viewed. The casting was made of super-invar alloy Fe-32%Ni-4%Co.
Key words:Computer simulation, structural strength, cast alloys, super-invar.
Table of content
Kolokoltsev V.M., Goltsov A.S., Shevchenko A.V. Complex effect on the melt of alloyed white irons in purpose to improve the it properties
Bublikov V.B., Bachinskiy Y.D. Melting of FeSiMg master alloy in liquid cast iron
Skoblo T.S., Avtukhov A.K., Sokolov R.G. Impact new generation of modifiers on metal structure centrifugally sheet mill rolls
Isagulov A.Z., Kulikov V.Y., Kovalyova T.V., Shcherbakova Y.P. Rheological properties of resin-bonded sand molds
Sinichkina T.S., Belikov A.V., Visik E.M. The problem of burns on the castings of alloy GS-32
Chzho Zin Aung, Hein Khant Zo, Zarubin A.M. Study of influence of gating and venting systems’ design on the formation of cast parts in die casting
Kuznetsov R.V., Martynov K.V. Aqueous anti-penetration coatings with fine-dispersed fillers
Naumova A.S., Akimov O.V., Penzev P.S., Marchenko A.P. Programming the controller for automation of clamping machines
Ogorodnikova O.M. Conjoint computer-aided analysis of cast alloy, casting technology and component
48-th Census of world casting production. Steady growth in global output