Number 4, 2016
Издательский дом «Литейное производство» выпускает два специализированных научно-технических журнала с периодичностью: «Литейное производство» – ежемесячно, «Металлургия машиностроения» – 1 раз в 2 месяца.
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Afonaskin A.V., Malinovsky V.S. Observation of metallurgical processes theory requirements – the basis of making quality castings
In the article the analysis of causes for the decline in the quality of the casting, in particular, rail. It is due to mass not compliance with the requirements of the classical theory of metallurgical processes in the production of castings.
Key words: Castings, quality, diffusion processes, three-dimensional processes, melting furnaces, classical technologies, metallurgical processes.

Luts A.R., Timoshkin I.Y., Latukhin Y.I. Properties of alumomatrix composite alloys
Results of investigations of the mechanical characteristics of composites and casting alloys compositions Al–10%TiC, Al–5%Cu–10%TiC, АМ5–10%TiC, reinforcing phase comprising titanium carbide in particulate form ultrafine and nanosize.
Key words: Composite alloy, reinforcement phase, titanium carbide, fluidity.

Feklin N.D., Voronin Y.F. Promising developments in the field of vacuum molding
The considerable part of defects of castings arises from low-quality development of the technological project. In the present article information on use of vacuum and film molding for production of castings of the increased quality is considered. When using the cores made by the VPF method it is possible to leave from the majority of defects of molding and shortcomings inherent at use of traditional cores. Use of this way allows: to use low cost of receiving high-quality molding; application of environmentally friendly foundry technologies; to realize high precision of the received castings; use of the container instead of a set of a molding; possibility of storage of forms in the container without vacuum;decrease in losses of forming sand and another.
Key words: Defects of castings, steel, cast iron, form, polystyrene, vacuum filters, absorption, gas, decomposition, firmness of a form, fast knockout, high quality, analysis, decrease in marriage of castings.

Sokolov A.V., Nikitin K.V. Utilization of Al-containing slags recycling products for a ceramic shell at investment casting, based on water-colloidal binders
Shown is the possibility of using Al-containing slags recycling products at forming a ceramic shell for investment casting of Al alloys. Investigated are properties of ceramic shell with different variants of refractory dusting materials.
Key words: Investment casting, ceramic shell, water-based binders, Al-containing slag, ecology.

Batyshev A.I., Batyshev K.A. Production of castings from composite materials with metallic matrix
Presented are data on castings from composite materials with metallic matrix, in the production of which strengthening additions are used mainly in the form of special inserts from nonmetallic materials. When using the latter it is recommended to use pressure die casting or casting with crystallization under pressure.
Key words: Castings, composite materials, casting with using pressure, technology, quality, properties.

Budanov E.N. Modernization of foundry production in China on the basis of technology by Laempe
An analysis of the state and modern trends of foundry production development in China is given, castings productivity rates are compared with those of the leading European foundries and the experience on introduction of modern Laempe Coldbox-Amine coreshooting machines at chinese foundries is shown.
Key words: Modernization of foundry production, modern core-production technologies, Coldbox- Amine-process.

Table of content

Afonaskin A.V., Malinovsky V.S. Observation of metallurgical processes theory requirements – the basis of making quality castings

Luts A.R., Timoshkin I.Y., Latukhin Y.I. Properties of alumomatrix composite alloys

Feklin N.D., Voronin Y.F. Promising developments in the field of vacuum molding

Sokolov A.V., Nikitin K.V. Utilization of Al-containing slags recycling products for a ceramic shell at investment casting, based on water-colloidal binders

Batyshev A.I., Batyshev K.A. Production of castings from composite materials with metallic matrix

Successful commissioning of the German-Chinese molding line MGM – Suzhu

Budanov E.N. Modernization of foundry production in China on the basis of technology by Laempe

49 Census of World casting production. Modest growth in worldwide casting market

Русская версия

March 2016        May 2016

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