Boldyrev D.A., Popova L.I., Davydov S.V. Peculiarities of crystallization, structure and properties of hypereutectic gray iron depending on carbon equivalent
Discussed are peculiarities of graphite formation in hypereutectic gray irons. Based on the results of previous and own studies, it is established that primary graphite in hypereutectic gray iron, depending on carbon equivalent, may both remain in the structure and surface in the form of spill. The strength properties of hypereutectic gray iron are determined, first of all, by graphite morphology, and only after that by the type of metal base. Formulated and developed are ideas of the key indices of the process of iron casting production – “rational structure” and “stability of structure and properties” by the example of the casting “front brake disk” from gray iron of hypereutectic composition.
Key words: Hypereutectic gray iron, primary graphite.
Cheberyak O.I., Chuvagin N.F. Technological solutions to eleminate burn-in large steel castings
The ways to improve the surface finish on large steel castings. The features produce large steel castings for the Alpha-set-process. The analysis of the causes of high burnon steel castings. Analyzed zone at increased cinder patch. The technological solutions that reduce the probability of occurrence of surface defects on large steel castings.
Key words: Steel casting, metal penetration, affected area, Cold-Hardening Sand Processes, penetration- preventing coating, Alpha-set-process.
Zenkin R.N. The experience of using of nonstick coatings for cold-hardening mixes for producing of cast iron parts
Configuration of details and holding time in the form are depend to formation of metallized burnt-on if pouring metal heating exceed 1300°C. This burnt-on needs in additional technical processing. Are represented the results of practical research for improving the surface quality as a result of nonstick coatings.
Key words: Hot spots, metallized burnt-on, quartz, chromite.
Kosovich A.A., Gilmanshina T.R., Bogdanova T.A., Partyko E.G., Kritsky D.Y. Heat-insulating coatings for casting light alloy wheels by low-pressure casting
Influence of heat-insulating release coatings on quality of light-alloy wheels is considered. Comparison of properties of the developed compositions and foreign analogs is carried out. Computer simulation of casting a wheel by low pressure in the painted die mould is executed. Results of approbation of the developed composition in condition of existing industry are presented.
Key words: Coating, die mould, low-pressure casting, light alloy wheel.
Sadokha M.A. Production of castings made of aluminum alloy casting in a metal mold
The process of obtaining quality castings of aluminum alloy in a metal mold casting method requires a number of process steps outlined in the article. It is shown variants of reducing gas defects in the castings by proper selection of the materials used, inert gas purging of the melt. It is determined the role of the gating and feeding system in the formation of high-quality castings. It is described technological equipment used in the preparation of castings from aluminum alloys.
Key words: Casting, metal mold, gating system, aluminum alloy, gas defects, refining, metallurgical plant for processing melt, chill mold machine.
Pivovarchyk А.А. Separation erosion resistance of coatings in the manufacture of castings of aluminum alloy die-casting
The results of the study erosion resistance dividing coatings for casting of aluminum alloys by casting under high pressure. The effect of the melt velocity in the inlet cavity of the mold, time delay in a casting form, the method for applying lubricant on the tooling surface lubricating layer thickness when using water-based coatings and fat separation.
Key words: Erosion resistance, release coating, mold, melt casting, thickness.
Ovcharenko P.G., Chekmyshev K.E., Leshchev A.Y. The obtaining of castings from gray cast iron with formation of titanium carbide components in the surface layer
The method of castings obtaining from cast iron by casting on consumable pattern with formation of titanium carbides in the surface layer is considered. The titanium carbides are shown to form by interaction of melt carbon with titanium additives, which introduced in the models from expanded polystyrene (casting form). The results of phase analysis and structures of alloying layers are presented. The influence of introduction methods and characteristics of titanium additives on the structure of the surface layers in castings is reflected.
Key words: Casting on consumable pattern; titanium carbides; formation of carbides; surface alloying; cast iron.
Isagulov A.Z., Kulikov V.Y., Yeryomin Y.N., Kovalyova T.V. Reduction of prime cost of castings in shell mold casting
The article discusses the technological parameters of making shell molds for mining equipment castings. The expediency of making molds under the conditions of simultaneous mechanical and thermal action is pointed out.
Key words: Mold, sand, resin, pressure, casting.
Ivanina Y.S., Batyshev K.A. Upgrading the UVNK-8P unit for the directional crystallization of high-temperature nickel alloy castings
Discussed is the issue of making gas turbine blades by the method of directional crystallization (DC). Presented is an improved DC unit with a liquid metal chill.
Key words: Monocrystal alloys, chill, mechanical properties, structure, aluminum, dendrites.
Table of content
On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of OAO «BELNIILIT»
Boldyrev D.A., Popova L.I., Davydov S.V. Peculiarities of crystallization, structure and properties of hypereutectic gray iron depending on carbon equivalent
Cheberyak O.I., Chuvagin N.F. Technological solutions to eleminate burn-in large steel castings
Zenkin R.N. The experience of using of nonstick coatings for cold-hardening mixes for producing of cast iron parts
Kosovich A.A., Gilmanshina T.R., Bogdanova T.A., Partyko E.G., Kritsky D.Y. Heat-insulating coatings for casting light alloy wheels by low-pressure casting
Sadokha M.A. Production of castings made of aluminum alloy casting in a metal mold
Pivovarchyk А.А. Separation erosion resistance of coatings in the manufacture of castings of aluminum alloy die-casting
Ovcharenko P.G., Chekmyshev K.E., Leshchev A.Y. The obtaining of castings from gray cast iron with formation of titanium carbide components in the surface layer
Isagulov A.Z., Kulikov V.Y., Yeryomin Y.N., Kovalyova T.V. Reduction of prime cost of castings in shell mold casting
Ivanina Y.S., Batyshev K.A. Upgrading the UVNK-8P unit for the directional crystallization of high-temperature nickel alloy castings