Number 1, 2023
Издательский дом «Литейное производство» выпускает два специализированных научно-технических журнала с периодичностью: «Литейное производство» – ежемесячно, «Металлургия машиностроения» – 1 раз в 2 месяца.
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Boldyrev D.A., Prasolov S.G., Popova L.I. Structural control of cast irons by means of modification
Some conditions to produce structural cast irons are described, which require the introduction of modifiers into the melt in order to guarantee the production of high-quality castings without shrinkage defects, with the necessary strength properties and acceptable machinability by a cutting tool. The mechanism of modification and formation of graphite crystallization centers in the casting during its solidification is disclosed and described.
Keywords: Graphitized cast iron, modification, modifier, cast structure.

Minenko G.N. An influence of the electric field during crystallization on the strength of gray iron
The data on the strength of gray iron castings treated with an electric field during solidification are given. A special attention was paid to the relationship between the electrical resistivity and the strength of gray iron.
Keywords: Gray iron, crystallization, electric field, electrical resistivity, strength.

Piksaev V.M. Obtaining a fine-grained structure in large-sized blades made from IN792 heat-resistant Ni-based alloy
Methods for obtaining a fine-grained structure in large-sized blades (up to 900 mm) made from IN792 heat-resistant Ni-based alloy are described. The influence of the modifier on the macrostructure of castings was studied. The effect of technological parameters of the casting process on the macrostructure of castings was established.
Keywords: Casting, Ni-based alloy, structure, modifier, blade.

Alina A.A., Kulikov V.Yu. A study of the strength of cold-hardening mixtures
It has been shown that the introduction of resin and clay in the mixtures makes it possible to use their spontaneous hardening to control properties (duration of the induction period of hardening, the strength of molds and cores) over a wide range. Samples of cold-hardening mixtures with different resin/clay proportions were prepared and tested.
Keywords: Cold-hardening mixture, epoxy resin, clay, catalyst, molding sand.

Leushin I.O., Titov A.V., Rakitin S.R. Evaluation of the possibility of using crushed waste silicone rubber as a softening additive for liquid glass core mixtures
The results of studies of the main operational properties of a liquid-glass core mixture with the addition of crushed silicone rubber waste to improve the knock-out of cores from castings are presented.
Keywords: Production waste, liquid glass core mixtures, core knockout, softening additives.

Dubrovin V.K., Kulakov B.A., Zaslavskaia O.M., Karpinskii A.V. Accelerated solidification of aqueous colloidal binders in the production of precision castings
The introduction of ferrous and non-ferrous metal alloys into the casting process according to one-time removable models of aqueous colloidal binders is associated with certain difficulties, in particular, with a long curing cycle of refractory layers applied to the model block. The article proposes an effective solution to this problem - accelerated curing of form shells on silica or aluminosol binders by dehydration in vacuum with subsequent treatment with a gaseous hardener.
Keywords: Casting according to meltable models, kremnezol, aluminosol, refractory suspension, mould shell, vacuum, carbon dioxide.

Znamensky L.G., Sinitsyn E.A., Ermolenko A.A., Zakharov N.A. Cavityless casting with the use of inorganic materials
The article analyzes casting technologies by cavityless, investment, lost foam casting. In order to improve processes precision-investment casting by cavityless casting the manufacturing technology has been developed ceramic molds made of inorganic domestic materials. The development efficiency is achieved through the use of water metallophosphate binder materials « Inorganics» and mullitized sealants and stucco domestic production. The methods of quantitative X-ray phase analysis and dilatometric analysis the composition and properties are investigated molding materials and also the physical and mechanical characteristics of the obtained ceramic molds. Installed acceleration forming and increasing their strength. Pilot test the developed technology has shown quality improvement economic and environmental indicators of production investment casting made of heat-resistant steels for the oil and gas complex of the country.
Keywords: Cavityless casting, investment casting, lost foam casting, ceramic mold, investment, binder material « Inorganics», mullitized sealant, precision-investment casting, heat-resistant steel.

Kolyadov E.V., Visik E.M., Shurygin V.D. Equipment for cleaning crystallizers of directional crystallization plants
In the serial production of gas turbine engine blades, vacuum installations of directional crystallization using a liquid-metal cooler are currently widely used. In VIAM, together with a contracting organization, a melting plant was developed and manufactured for cleaning the baths of crystallizers of UVNK-type installations by induction heating. The use of this installation makes it possible to reduce the duration of the melting process, the complexity of the process of cleaning the mold baths, increase the resource of the elements of the mold heating furnace and reduce the cost of maintenance of the installation.
Keywords: Liquid metal cooler, directional crystallization, superalloys, blades of gas turbine engines, vacuum installations.

Table of content

Boldyrev D.A., Prasolov S.G., Popova L.I. Structural control of cast irons by means of modification

Minenko G.N. An influence of the electric field during crystallization on the strength of gray iron

Piksaev V.M. Obtaining a fine-grained structure in large-sized blades made from IN792 heat-resistant Ni-based alloy

Alina A.A., Kulikov V.Yu. A study of the strength of cold-hardening mixtures

Leushin I.O., Titov A.V., Rakitin S.R. Evaluation of the possibility of using crushed waste silicone rubber as a softening additive for liquid glass core mixtures

Dubrovin V.K., Kulakov B.A., Zaslavskaia O.M., Karpinskii A.V. Accelerated solidification of aqueous colloidal binders in the production of precision castings

Znamensky L.G., Sinitsyn E.A., Ermolenko A.A., Zakharov N.A. Cavityless casting with the use of inorganic materials

Kolyadov E.V., Visik E.M., Shurygin V.D. Equipment for cleaning crystallizers of directional crystallization plants

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