Number 12, 2024
Издательский дом «Литейное производство» выпускает два специализированных научно-технических журнала с периодичностью: «Литейное производство» – ежемесячно, «Металлургия машиностроения» – 1 раз в 2 месяца.
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Frolov A.A., Abakumov A.A., Suslin Yu.I., Aleksakhin A.V., Vinigradov A.N. Thermohardening of the cast side frames of trucks of freight wagons of steel 20 GFL to increase their fail-safety
An increase in the survivability of cast side frames of trucks of freight wagons made of 20GFL steel, heat-strengthened after normalization, due to improved microstructure (sorbitol release) is justified.
Keywords: Cast side frame, survivability, thermal hardening, residual stresses.

Malinov L.S., Malinov V.L., Gavrilova V.G. Increasing the abrasive wear resistance of cast steels by cementation and heat treatment
The possibility of increasing the abrasive wear resistance of cast low-alloy steels by cementation, subsequent heat treatment, which create in their structure, along with tempered martensite and carbides, a metastable residual austenite, undergoing dynamic deformation martensitic transformation under loading-DDMT (self-hardening effect under loading-SHL).
Keywords: Cementation, hardening, metastable austenite, abrasive wear resistance, self-hardening, martensitic transformation.

Gruzman V.M., Yasnitsky L.N., Burdakov K.A. An influence of green bond of molding sand on the level of «due to contamination» rejected castings
The article presents information on the possibility of using production indicators of full-scale production to compensate for the insufficiency of the volume of manufacturing data for reliable statistical analysis and their neural network approximation. A close correlation was obtained between the compression strength of the molding sand and the level of «due to contamination» reject confirmed by the use of artificial intelligence methods.
Keywords: Production data, contamination, erosion, mathematical processing, strength, coded level, neural network approximation.

Ovchinnikova A.O., Zhuravljov Ya.A., Furman E.L., Furman I.E. Use of aluminosilicate hollow microspheres in the creation of ceramic shell of investment casting

In this work, a new material for investment casting foundries in the form of aluminosilicate hollow microsphere (ASHM) is investigated. This material is essentially a waste product after coal combustion at thermal power plants. Based on the Department of Foundry Production and Hardening Technologies of the Ural Federal University, studies were conducted on the possibility of introducing ASHM into the technological cycle of foundries operating using the investment casting technology. During the study, both advantages and disadvantages of this material for creating a ceramic shell were identified.
Keywords: Lost wax casting, aluminosilicate hollow microsphere, casting mold, fused quartz, thermophysical properties.

Larichev N.S., Nikiforova N.A. Computerized simulation of casting technology Part 2. Feed zone of deadheads
The paper considers the problems of calculation of the deadhead’s geometry, as well as the action zone of the end effect and determines the location of the reference place of the action of deadheads. The calculations are performed with the use of PoligonSOFT and LVMFlow domestic programs, and ProCAST and Flow-3D foreign softwares.
Keywords: Computerized simulation, shrinkheads, feed zone.

Gruzdeva I.A., Denisova E.V. Features of manufacturing artistic castings
This study is devoted to comparative analysis of existing methods for producing models of artistic castings. The technologies such as manual production of models from soft materials, three-dimensional scanning of existing objects, and construction of a digital model in three-dimensional design programs with subsequent three-dimensional printing are considered. The sequence of technological stages for producing artistic castings is presented.
Keywords: Art metal, investment casting, 3D printing, 3D scanning.

Table of content

Frolov A.A., Abakumov A.A., Suslin Yu.I., Aleksakhin A.V., Vinigradov A.N. Thermohardening of the cast side frames of trucks of freight wagons of steel 20 GFL to increase their fail-safety

Malinov L.S., Malinov V.L., Gavrilova V.G. Increasing the abrasive wear resistance of cast steels by cementation and heat treatment

Gruzman V.M., Yasnitsky L.N., Burdakov K.A. An influence of green bond of molding sand on the level of «due to contamination» rejected castings

Ovchinnikova A.O., Zhuravljov Ya.A., Furman E.L., Furman I.E. Use of aluminosilicate hollow microspheres in the creation of ceramic shell of investment casting

Larichev N.S., Nikiforova N.A. Computerized simulation of casting technology Part 2. Feed zone of deadheads

Gruzdeva I.A., Denisova E.V. Features of manufacturing artistic castings

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November 2024

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