Volnov I.N. Current State and Outlooks for the Theory of Crystalline Casting Structure Formation
The current state and main difficulties of the theory of crystalline casting structure formation are discussed. New methods of calculating the crystallization kinetics: averaging, phase field, cellular automation are described. These methods are compared with each other and with the kinetic A.N. Kolmogorov equation. The most effective procedure of calculating the crystalline casting structure is identified as a combination of said methods.
Key words: casting, crystallization kinetics, averaging, phase field, cellular automation, kinetic A.N. Kolmogorov equation.
Borisov A.G. Dendrite morphology in AK7ch casting depending on cooling rate in crystallization interval
Dendrite morphology of mould castings of AR7ch alloy was investigated. Experimental dependence of dendrite parameter on cooling rate was established. Existence of dendrite branches in non preferential direction was fined
Key words: aluminum, dendrite parameter, cooling rate, preferential direction of growth
Ri E.H., Hosen Ri, Khimukhin S.N., Kalugin M.Y. Effect of Overheat Temperature on Component Distribution in Structural Constituents of Silumin
The investigation results show that overheat of silumin melt substantially affects the nonmonotonic character of change in the components concentration in its structural constituents. The nonmonotonic change in the composition of solid solution, eutectic and intermetallides caused by the overheat temperature can be explained by the existence of temperature thresholds of abnormal change in the physical properties of melt.
Key words: overheat temperature, concentration, intermetallide, solubility.
Shutko K.I. Evaluation of Sensitization of Corrosion-resistant Steels and Alloys by the Method of Potentiodynamic Reactivation. Nondestructive Testing Equipment
It is shown that the method of potentiodynamic reactivation (PDR) is the most sensitive for the evaluation of proneness of austenitic corrosion-resistant steels and alloys to intercrystalline corrosion and intercrystalline cracking, which is confirmed by microstructural investigations. That method allows establishing quantitative regularities of sensitization development.
Key words: austenitic steel, electrochemical method, corrosion, cracking, microstructure.
Borisov G.P. , Tsurkin V.N., Si nchuk A.V., Ivanov A.V. High-voltage electro-pulse treatment of melt
The experimental results of high-voltage electro-pulse treatment of solidified alloy of Ak7ч are presented. It is set that operating of pulse current on a metal shows up in refining structural components and intermetallic phases, improving of mechanical properties, fast of all plasticity. The credible mechanisms of influence of pulse electric current on liquid explorer are analyzed.
Key words: high-voltage electropulse treatment, melt, pulse current. conductor, skin layer, electrodynamic forces.
Abramov V.Y. , Derzhavin A.G. , Yevropin S.V., Shutko K.I. Technology of High-Temperature Heat Treatment of Welds of Austenitic Pipelines
Measures for preventing intergranular corrosive cracking (IGCC) of welds in grade 08X18H10T steel pipelines are proposed. Annealing variants for welds with subsequent decelerated cooling are discussed.
Key words: pipeline, weld, corrosion, heat treatment, annealing, near-weld zone, residual stress.
Syropyatov V.Y. Automatic Modular Complex MPPA-SSi12 - a Breakthrough in "Liquid" Carburization
The company "Nakal", being the absolute leader in the production of heat treatment equipment, builds its technical and investment policy in accordance with actual industry demands. Until recently, providing of electric shaft furnaces with means for creating furnace atmospheres of liquid initial components was problematic - products that would fully meet customer requirements were unavailable on the market. In connection with that, proceeding from own groundwork in the gas carburization technology, and the availability of equipment in the experimental thermal production facilities, a decision to create an own new "liquid-type" plant was made.
Table of Content:
Golubovich A.D. , Idrisov A.B., Inozemtsev V.L., Titov B.Y., Shpigel M.M. Way Out of the Crisis: Abandonment of the Raw Materials Model. New Industrialization
Volnov I.N. Current State and Outlooks for the Theory of Crystalline Casting Structure Formation
Borisov A.G. Dendrite morphology in AK7ch casting depending on cooling rate in crystallization interval
Ri E.H., Hosen Ri, Khimukhin S.N., Kalugin M.Y. Effect of Overheat Temperature on Component Distribution in Structural Constituents of Silumin
Shutko K.I. Evaluation of Sensitization of Corrosion-resistant Steels and Alloys by the Method of Potentiodynamic Reactivation. Nondestructive Testing Equipment
Borisov G.P. , Tsurkin V.N., Si nchuk A.V., Ivanov A.V. High-voltage electro-pulse treatment of melt
Abramov V.Y. , Derzhavin A.G. , Yevropin S.V., Shutko K.I. Technology of High-Temperature Heat Treatment of Welds of Austenitic Pipelines
Syropyatov V.Y. Automatic Modular Complex MPPA-SSi12 - a Breakthrough in "Liquid" Carburization