Interview with Alexander Petrov, Minister of Industry and Science of the Sverdlovsk Region
Grigoryev V.M. Features of reception new zirconium alloy
Received from concentrate of the Algaminsky deposit alloy contains, weights. %: silicon 27…35; zirconium 19…38; tungsten 0,3…0,5; aluminium 3…6; magnesium 2…5; calcium 0,1; iron - the rest. The fusion temperature of alloy makes 1160°C, relative density 4,88…5,5 g/sm3, it is well ground. Alloy is recommended for use in alloys on basis of iron, magnesium, the titan, aluminium, copper, molybdenum, zinc. Its application for manufacture of solders on the basis of tin, lead and silver, and also for manufacture powder welding-filler wire and powders for dusting is possible.
Keywords: zirconium concentrates, zirconium-siliceous alloy, electroslag melting
Panov A.G., Konashkov V.V., Tsepelev V.S., Korniyenko A. E. Structure Formation of Fe-Ni-Mg Master Alloy Melts
In foundry production for modification cast iron are used the ligatures, which are manycomponent alloys with composite structure in solid state. Authors for the first time have researched the melt structurization of such ligatures. The Present article contains the results of studies of Fe-Ni-Mg-ligatures in hard and melt conditions. It is shown that during melting and overheat of ligatures, their melts are inherited solid state structure forms, realignment of which has long time character under all explored temperature.
Keywords: modifcation, ligature, structure, melt, heredity, viscosity, structurization, cast iron, micro lumpy.
Afanasev V.K., Dolgova S.V., Kopytko A.A., Vashchenko A.Y., Chevozerova A.K. Thermal expansion and coercive force cyclically deformed low-carbon steel
In work features of influence of thermal processing on factor of linear expansion and coercive force of cyclically deformed killed steel 10 are established. Laws of change factor of linear expansion after carrying out of thermal processing are investigated, the opportunity of decrease coercive forces of thermally processed steel up to the values identical coercive forces of transformer steel is presented.
Keywords: steel, cyclic deformation, thermal expansion, coercive force.
Afanasyeva L.Y., Yakovlev I.A., Zubkov N.S., Zorenko P.O., Grechishkin R.M. Structural State of Tool Steel upon Laser Hardening with Surface Melting
Microstructure and microstrength of surface layers of tool steel upon laser treatment with surface melting have been investigated. Laser strengthening was carried out using Bystronic's BySprint 3015 process complex with laser cutting test samples of overlayed high-speed steel of P2M8 grade using nitrogen blowing. It has been experimentally shown that with laser separation of blanks there form hardened layers with higher microstrength. Metallographic analysis has revealed that the melted zone of tool steel has a structure of high-alloy solid solution with a small content of carbide phase.
Key words: laser hardening with surface melting, tool steel, steel microstructure.
Koftelev V.T. Unconventional Methods of Investigating Powders in Powder Metallurgy at OAO "AVTOVAZ"
At OAO "AVTOVAZ" in investigating metal powders they apply such unconventional methods as determination of stabilization presence and degree of oxidation of copper powders, dust-forming properties of powders, amount of nonmetallic particles in powder, abrasive properties of powders showing at pressing. These methods may also be used by other businesses involved in development, investigation and use of metal powders.
Key words: powders, powder metallurgy, stabilization, dust-forming properties, nonmetallic particles, abrasive properties.
Ganeyev A.A., Demenok O.B., Ishmukhametov L.K. Enhancing Heat Resistance of Foundry Alloys
The authors make an attempt to generalize the results of numerous investigations into the possibilities of synthesizing heat-resistant alloys and to work out new approaches to predicting their properties.
Key words: heat resistance, blades, planning of experiment, information search system, mathematical model.
Martyushev N.V. Influence of requirements of a crystallization on structure and properties of bronzes containing lead
This literary review contain data about influence of speed of refrigeration on form of plumbeous actuations of bronzes containing lead in the structure are submitted. Relations of some properties of castings to speeds of refrigeration and to the sizes of plumbeous actuations in them are adduced. Expositions of gears of forming of morphology of plumbeous globules for different speeds of refrigeration are adduced. Ground reduced data conclusions about influence of speed of refrigeration on morphology of actuations of lead, and through it and on properties of bronzes containing a plumbeous phase are made.
Key words: bronze, inclusions, shrinkage pores, dendrites, segregation, cooling rate.
Mysik R.K., Brusnitsyn S.V., Sulitsin A.V., Ilyinykh M.V. Problems of Melting and Casting of Bronzes Containing Easily Oxidizable Alloying Elements
Chromium and chromium-zirconium bronzes, their application, melting peculiarities and alloying methods are analyzed.
Key words: bronze, ingot, master alloy, deoxidizer, inoculant, affinity with oxygen.
Troitsky O.A. Use of Electroplastic Effect in Metal Forming
The article is dedicated to the new field of metal forming (MF), wherein at the same time with mechanical forces and stresses above metal's yield point, electroimpulse action on the metal being formed in a special mode not causing blanks heating is used, which is called electroplastic metal deformation (EPMD). The pulse current is fed directly to the metal deformation zone, thus facilitating its deformation by tens percent, which creates the first power saving effect.
Key words: metal forming, briquetting of metal waste, pulse current.
Table of Content:
Interview with Alexander Petrov, Minister of Industry and Science of the Sverdlovsk Region
Grigoryev V.M. Features of reception new zirconium alloy
Panov A.G., Konashkov V.V., Tsepelev V.S., Korniyenko A. E. Structure Formation of Fe-Ni-Mg Master Alloy Melts
Afanasev V.K., Dolgova S.V., Kopytko A.A., Vashchenko A.Y., Chevozerova A.K. Thermal expansion and coercive force cyclically deformed low-carbon steel
Afanasyeva L.Y., Yakovlev I.A., Zubkov N.S., Zorenko P.O., Grechishkin R.M. Structural State of Tool Steel upon Laser Hardening with Surface Melting
Koftelev V.T. Unconventional Methods of Investigating Powders in Powder Metallurgy at OAO "AVTOVAZ"
Ganeyev A.A., Demenok O.B., Ishmukhametov L.K. Enhancing Heat Resistance of Foundry Alloys
Martyushev N.V. Influence of requirements of a crystallization on structure and properties of bronzes containing lead
Mysik R.K., Brusnitsyn S.V., Sulitsin A.V., Ilyinykh M.V. Problems of Melting and Casting of Bronzes Containing Easily Oxidizable Alloying Elements
Troitsky O.A. Use of Electroplastic Effect in Metal Forming