Muzhichenko A.F., Shevtsov V.L., Atroshenko M.G., Poleshchuk M.A., Udartseva T.Е. On Water-Cooled Bimetallic Hearth Electrodes of Steel Making DC Arc furnaces
The choice of the optimal structure of the watercooled bimetallic hearth-level electrodes is based on modeling of the temperature fields that appear during the operation of arc steel-making furnaces of direct current. The model considers an impact of heat flow of the melting area on the steel endas well as Joule heat sources. The model allows to examine temperature fields of hearth-level electrodes of different structures and methods of joining their cooper and steel parts under the specific conditions of metal smelting.
Key words: arc steel-making furnaces of direct current, bimetallic hearth-level electrodes, temperature fields, mathematic modeling.
Panov A.G., Mukhametzyanova G.F. On the Structure of Iron Melts
A review of modern ideas about the structure melts, in particular, shown that cast iron melts micro heterogeneous, have a variety of volatile constituents, the structure of which is currently not clearly defined.
Keywords: cast iron, melt, structure.
Degtyaryov A.F., Nazaratin V.V. New Nitrogen-Containing Nonmagnetic Corrosion-Resistant Steel with High Strength and Ductility
A study of the structure and properties of nitrogen-containing non-magnetic, corrosionresistant steel 05Х20AГ15Н9M1БФЧЛ. Developed steel has high strength and ductility at temperatures ranging from plus 20 to minus 163 ?C. Steel can be successfully used in shipbuilding, mechanical engineering, oil and gas industry.
Keywords: Of high corrosion-resistant non-magnetic austenitic steel, castings, solidification, crystallization, fluidity, heat treatment, homogenization, mechanical properties.
Afanasiev V.K., Popova M.V., Samon V.A. On the creation of new light wrought alloys for space Applications
The regularities of changes in the linear expansion aluminum-silicon alloys during plastic deformation. Established that the factor determining the linear thermal expansion coefficient (CTE) «alusin» is hydrogen. The methods significantly improve the mechanical properties of Al–Si-alloys are based on the change in hydrogen content. The paper discusses the prospects of the developed alloys for space applications.
Keywords: Hydrogen, thermal expansion, mechanical properties, plastic deformation, Al–Si-alloys, invar, thermal expansion.
Kolobnev N.I., Khokhlatova L.B., Yakovlev N.O., Oglodkov M.S. Al–Cu–Li alloy V-1461 intended for cryogenic temperatures
Mechanical properties of rolled semiproducts made from Al–Li alloy V-1461 of the newest generation of Al-Cu-Li series and welded specimens made from the above semiproducts were investigated at –196°C and 175°C. V-1461 alloy and its weld joints have rather high level of mechanical properties within a wide temperature range. V-1461 alloy compares favorably with cryogenic AMg6 and 1201 alloys in strength characteristics and with 1460 alloy – in fracture toughness at room and cryogenic temperatures.
Keywords: Al–Li-alloys, cryogenic temperatures, embrittlement, fracture toughness, anisotropy of properties.
Mukhina I.Y., Duyunova V.A., Frolov A.V., Uridiya Z.P. Влияние легирования РЗМ на жаропрочность литейных магниевых сплавов
The properties, structure and features of alloying of domestic, foreign and new casting heat-resistant magnesium alloys containing rare earth metals are considered.
Keywords: Casting heat-resistant magnesium alloys, heat treatment, alloying rare earth elements, phase composition, strength characteristics, long-term strength.
Gulevsky V.A., Styazhin V.N., Volchkov V.M., Vlasov S.E., Kidalov N.A. The optimization of the chemical composition of copper alloy for impregnating of carbon
The article describes the method of optimizing the chemical composition of copper that enable to select the alloying elements for developed impregnated casting alloys. The optimal solutions for the model which constructed on the basis of experimental data were obtained in the program Estecomode FRONTIER as Pareto frontier.
Keywords: Composite alloy, coal graphite, impregnation, limiting wetting angle, surface-active elements.
Vodennikova O.S. Thermo physical characteristics of carbon-aluminium composites
Results of model estimation of influence of maintenance for components of initial powder charge of carbon-aluminium composites on their basic tribotechnical characteristics with the use of calculation model, built on the results of decision of statistical regional task of micromechanics for composite materials for the wide range of composite compositions. It is shown that for carbon-aluminium composites with the increase of maintenance of refractory components of Al2O3 and TiC substantially heat conductivity of material goes down and the coefficients of linear thermal expansion rise.
Keywords: Carbon-aluminium composites, thermophysical descriptions, mathematical models, estimation.
Table of Content:
Muzhichenko A.F., Shevtsov V.L., Atroshenko M.G., Poleshchuk M.A., Udartseva T.Е. On Water-Cooled Bimetallic Hearth Electrodes of Steel Making DC Arc furnaces
Panov A.G., Mukhametzyanova G.F. On the Structure of Iron Melts
Degtyaryov A.F., Nazaratin V.V. New Nitrogen-Containing Nonmagnetic Corrosion-Resistant Steel with High Strength and Ductility
Afanasiev V.K., Popova M.V., Samon V.A. On the creation of new light wrought alloys for space Applications
Kolobnev N.I., Khokhlatova L.B., Yakovlev N.O., Oglodkov M.S. Al–Cu–Li alloy V-1461 intended for cryogenic temperatures
Mukhina I.Y., Duyunova V.A., Frolov A.V., Uridiya Z.P. Влияние легирования РЗМ на жаропрочность литейных магниевых сплавов
Gulevsky V.A., Styazhin V.N., Volchkov V.M., Vlasov S.E., Kidalov N.A. The optimization of the chemical composition of copper alloy for impregnating of carbon
Vodennikova O.S. Thermo physical characteristics of carbon-aluminium composites