Timoshkin I.Y., Naberezhnev A.I., Krivopalov D.S. Production of microcrystalline aluminum charge stock using crystallizer and magnetic-pulse treatment of melts
The paper presents a comprehensive method for the preparation of the aluminum melt to the casting, combining magnetic-pulse treatment of the melt and the high cooling rate during solidification of alloys. The combined process of casting and magnetic-pulse treatment ensures the formation of the microcrystalline structure of the alloys. This method is most appropriate to use technologies for micro- and nanostructured master-alloys and modifying remelts for aluminum alloys.
Key words:A special treatment methods of charge, alloys of Al–Si system, magnetic-pulse treatment, crystallization with high cooling rates.
Tyutyukov S.A., Andreev A.V., Gavrilyuk A.V. The aspects of resurses economy in time of smelting foundry’s steels in a electric arc furnace
The economical and technological aspects for using of perspective materials (for example, iron of direct reduction, silicon (17%) – manganese (65%) alloy) are discussed in this article. The content P, S, Cu, Ni was 1,5–2,0 time less in the steel 32Х06ФЛ (C-Mn-Si-Cr-V foundry’s steel). The economic effect in time of smelting foundry’s steel with using silicon(17%) – manganese (65%) alloy in a electric arc furnace was 54,7...554,1 money/ ton. The emission СО2 was 1732,9...2079,1 kg CO2 /ton of steel. Mechanical properties of steels from experimental smeltings corresponded to requirements technical standart TU В3-362-89. The purpose of the present paper also is to analyse results of the reconstruction of spectral laboratory.
Keywords:Silicon, manganese, economy, steelmaking, metallic scrup, iron of direct reduction, emission CO2.
Nikitin K.V., Nikitin V.I., Chernikov D.G. Hereditary influence of structure of magnalium on their deformability at cold rolling
The experienced flat ingots from alloys of the system Al–Mg casting method immersion were obtained. It is established that the grain refinement of these alloys by additives of master-alloy AlSc2,4 increases the degree of deformation at cold rolling without intermediate annealings.
Keywords:Flat ingots, casting by immersion, aluminum deformable alloys, alloys of system Al–Mg, cold rolling, degree of deformation.
Baglyuk G.A., Kurovsky V.Y. Mechanical and tribotechnical properties of hot-formed iron-glass composites
The effect of glass phase composition in the metal-glass materials on the basic physical-mechanical and frictional properties of the composites, made by means of hot forging, have been investigated. It is shown that insertion in the material composition 2% or more of glass powder result in marked decrease of strength and plasticity properties, but diminishes friction coefficient and significantly increase wear resistance of the composite.
Key words:Composite, metal, glass, forging, coefficient of friction, wear.
Golod V.M., Saveliev K.D., Dobosh L.Y., Orlova I.G. Computational thermodynamics as instrument of casting technology
The paper reviews the development of physical chemistry apparatus that allows us to estimate the role of modern computational thermodynamics in the dataware of computer modeling of casting technology and to predict the perspective directions of its development. The efficiency of the thermodynamic support casting to achieve technological adequacy of the simulation results. Examples of the use of the thermodynamiccalculation of phase transformations for casting alloys as a basis for numerical modeling of non-equilibriumcrystallization of multicomponent systems.
Key words:computational thermodynamics; computer modeling of foundry technology; equilibrium (nonequilibrium,paraequilibrium) crystallization; peritectic transformation; thermodynamic support casting.
Likhoshva V.P., Timoshenko A.N., Bondar L.A. Obtaining suspension metal melts by using laser radiation
In the article is considered a continuous process of formation of a metal suspension melt. A new mixing reactor design is developed and on the basis of mathematical modeling is researched hydrogas dynamics conditions for obtaining the suspension melt. There is investigated the trajectory of the particle motion by using two types of lances.
Key words:Cast composite material, lance, suspension melt, mixing reactor, form of liquid free surface, three-phase mathematical model, cavity, funnel.
Skripnik S.V. Application of elektroslag technologies for manufacture and operation of dies
Shown is the possibility of electroslag recycling of worn-out and rejected dies from tool steels. Discussed are several variants of assembling (welding) consumable electrodes from cylindrical dies of different thickness. It has been found that the most expedient method of assembling consumable electrodes is the electroslag welding. Cast electroslag dies excel wrought metal dies in their mechanical and service properties.
Key words:Recycling of dies, electroslag remelting, electroslag welding, mechanical properties, cost efficiency.
Kosovich A.A., Veretnov A.G., Veretnova T.A., Shestakov I.Ya. Increase of electrocontact cutting efficiency by control of the technological modes
In this paper theinfluence assessment results of heat exchange processes in the cutting zone on the specific electric energy consumption, quality of the processed surface and productivity are presented. The method of the advancing of electrocontactcutting is proposed. The introduction of electrophysical equivalent is proved.
Key words:Electrocontact cutting, technological modes, electrophysical equivalent.
Kuzmina Y.V., Marushchak L.N., Zheleznyak L.M., Knyazev K.V. Improvement of technology of manufacturing machine-building products from leaded brasses
In order to substantially cut production costs by adding scrap of various grades and own production waste to charge materials, production of industrial lots of semifinished items from leaded brasses that are widely used at the plants of the machine-building complex has been organized. the articles completely comply with the requirements of the normative documents.
Key words:Leaded brasses, scrap of various grades, own production waste, semifinished items.
Table of Content:
Melting. Melt Treatment
Timoshkin I.Y., Naberezhnev A.I., Krivopalov D.S. Production of microcrystalline aluminum charge stock using crystallizer and magnetic-pulse treatment of melts
Tyutyukov S.A., Andreev A.V., Gavrilyuk A.V. The aspects of resurses economy in time of smelting foundry’s steels in a electric arc furnace
Sezonenko A.Y. Modern melting of aluminum alloys. Energy audit
Nikitin K.V., Nikitin V.I., Chernikov D.G. Hereditary influence of structure of magnalium on their deformability at cold rolling
Modern Materials
Afanasiev V.K. On the Fe-C diagram
Baglyuk G.A., Kurovsky V.Y. Mechanical and tribotechnical properties of hot-formed iron-glass composites
XXI Century Technologies
Golod V.M., Saveliev K.D., Dobosh L.Y., Orlova I.G. Computational thermodynamics as instrument of casting technology
Likhoshva V.P., Timoshenko A.N., Bondar L.A. Obtaining suspension metal melts by using laser radiation
Skripnik S.V. Application of elektroslag technologies for manufacture and operation of dies
Kosovich A.A., Veretnov A.G., Veretnova T.A., Shestakov I.Ya. Increase of electrocontact cutting efficiency by control of the technological modes
Kuzmina Y.V., Marushchak L.N., Zheleznyak L.M., Knyazev K.V. Improvement of technology of manufacturing machine-building products from leaded brasses