Vdovin K.N., Feoktistov N.A., Pivovarova K.G., Goltsov A.S. Study of physical-and-chemical properties of carburizers for making synthetic iron
Considered melting synthetic iron using different carburizers. It is shown that the quality of the carburizer can be determined by simultaneous thermal analysis, and it determines the degree of absorption in the process of heating. Using the results of a study can be designed technological melting synthetic iron.
Keywords:Cast iron, carburizer, synthetic iron, induc¬tion furnace, thermal analysis.
Golubtsov V.A., Ryabchikov I.V. Out-of-furnace treatment of steel in the foundry industry
Quality of steel castings can be improved by out-of-furnace treatment of metal, which makes it possible to optimize its temperature in the ladle and the chemical composition before pouring. Metal inoculation on the final stage of metal treatment in the ladle reduces metal contamination with nonmetallic inclu¬sions, improves melt fluidity and mechanical characteristics of the product.
Keywords:Out-of-furnace treatment of steel, ladle-fur¬nace unit, metal dressing unit, powder wire, microcrystalline inoculants.1
Gavrilyuk A.V., Tyutyukov S.A. Methodies for finding rational modernization analytical laboratory for repairing economy
The questions of the designing of the vari¬ants modernization plant’s laboratories are discussed in this article. The purpose of the present paper also is to analyse results of the reconstruction: time carriage analisis after modernization of laboratory diminish in 2,5 time, cost expenditure of materials di¬minish in 6 time. The results of the metall’s analysis show, that difference with require¬ments GOST 22703-2012 on chemical ele¬ments were shorten in 1,5–18 time.
Keywords:Modernization, analytical laboratory, spec¬trometer, expenditure of materials, differ¬ence from chemical structure.
Dzhurayev T.D., Gazizova E.R., Toshev M.T. Crystal-chemical model of melt
On the basis of the crystal chemical theory of a heredity in an inorganic nature the new model of a micronon-uniform condition of a liquid alloy is offered.
Key words:Microheterogeneity in a liquid alloy, ele¬ments of structure of a liquid alloy, modern models of a structure of a liquid alloy, crystal chemical model.
Neyman A.V., Loschinin Y.V., Timofeeva O.B., Kolodochkina V.G. The microstructure and phase composition of Nb-Si-Al-Ti-Cr-Hf-W in-situ composites
The microstructure of Nb-Si high-temperature natural composite material with Al, Ti, Hf, W, Cr additions was investigated. The phases were the Nbss, Nb5Si3, with a lamellar Nbss+Nb5Si3 microstructure formed in alloy.
Key words:Composite material, directional solidifica¬tion, microstructure, niobium silicide inter¬metallics.
Lomov S.B., Sokolova T.V., Malkova M.Y., Balakirev E.V. Study of the structural changes of 40X steel during cold plastic deformation depending on the initial structure and further heat treatment cycles
By means of optical and scanning electron microscopy investigation was study appear¬ance of deformation defects in carbon steel 40Õwith grainy and laminar pearly structure and heal of this defects by thermal cycling technique.
Key words:Steel, cold plastic deformation, structure, thermal cycling technique
Oglodkov M.S., Khokhlatova L.B., Kolobnev N.I. Structure of industrial ingots from b-1461 based on al-cu-li system depending on homogenization modes abstract
By means of optical and scanning electron microscopy investigation was study appear¬ance of deformation defects in carbon steel 40Õwith grainy and laminar pearly structure and heal of this defects by thermal cycling technique.
Key words:Steel, cold plastic deformation, structure, thermal cycling technique.
Nazaratin V.V. Risering for large steel castings
Based on domestic and foreign experience, methods of designing the main parameters of steel casting risers taking into consideration reduced thicknesses, their solidification time and feed deficit as applied to cooling conditions in conventional sand molds, as well as heatinsulating and exothermal heating of risers, have been generalized. The range of economic expedience of using riser heating means depending on their size and effectiveness of heating mixes is shown.
Key words:Riser, reduced thickness, feed deficit, heat-insulating and exothermal heating.
Eldarkhanov A.S., Nuradinov A.S., Akhtayev S.S-S. Peculiarities of formation of continuous-cast billets at gas-pulse and vibration treatment of crystallizing alloy
An influence of vibration and gas-impulsive mixing of melt on hydrodynamic forming process of bloom continuous-cast bar was studied by method of physics observation. It was established methods intensifies hydrodynamic processes in crystallizer and secondary-cooling zone there by its steps up processes of heat- and mass-exchanging in these zone.
Key words:Melt, forming, continuous-cast bar, hydrody¬namic processes, vibration, gas-impulsive.
Kleinbug I.P., Zheleznyak L.M., Solodyannikov D.A. Production of thick-walled high-precision pipes from heavy nonferrous metal alloys
An influence of vibration and gas-impulsive mixing of melt on hydrodynamic forming process of bloom continuous-cast bar was studied by method of physics observation. It was established methods intensifies hydrodynamic processes in crystallizer and secondary-cooling zone there by its steps up processes of heat- and mass-exchanging in these zone.
Key words:Melt, forming, continuous-cast bar, hydrody¬namic processes, vibration, gas-impulsive.
Table of Content:
Vdovin K.N., Feoktistov N.A., Pivovarova K.G., Goltsov A.S. Study of physical-and-chemical properties of carburizers for making synthetic iron
Golubtsov V.A., Ryabchikov I.V. Out-of-furnace treatment of steel in the foundry industry
Gavrilyuk A.V., Tyutyukov S.A. Methodies for finding rational modernization analytical laboratory for repairing economy
Dzhurayev T.D., Gazizova E.R., Toshev M.T. Crystal-chemical model of melt
Neyman A.V., Loschinin Y.V., Timofeeva O.B., Kolodochkina V.G. The microstructure and phase composition of Nb-Si-Al-Ti-Cr-Hf-W in-situ composites
Lomov S.B., Sokolova T.V., Malkova M.Y., Balakirev E.V. Study of the structural changes of 40X steel during cold plastic deformation depending on the initial structure and further heat treatment cycles
Oglodkov M.S., Khokhlatova L.B., Kolobnev N.I. Structure of industrial ingots from b-1461 based on al-cu-li system depending on homogenization modes abstract
Nazaratin V.V. Risering for large steel castings
Eldarkhanov A.S., Nuradinov A.S., Akhtayev S.S-S. Peculiarities of formation of continuous-cast billets at gas-pulse and vibration treatment of crystallizing alloy
Soshkin E.V., Molodyukh L.A. Heat insulation of riser portions of ingots
Kleinbug I.P., Zheleznyak L.M., Solodyannikov D.A. Production of thick-walled high-precision pipes from heavy nonferrous metal alloys
Ivanter V.V. The crisis is caused not by the sanctions, but by the lack of State investments
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