Yachikov I.M., Portnova I.V., Bystrov M.V. Technical solutions reduction of graphite electrodes burnout in arc furnaces foundry
A significant part of the cost in the cost of castings of finished products in the foundry industry is the cost of graphite electrodes, so the actual task is to reduce their specific consumption. The paper analyzes the existing methods for reducing the specific consumption of graphitized electrodes in arc furnaces used in foundry, and among the methods considered it has been established that the most promising direction is the use of water evaporative cooling. The economic efficiency of using evaporative water cooling in small-capacity furnaces is determined by the flow rate of the water supplied, the cost of the used graphite electrodes and electricity. It is established that there is an optimal water flow, giving the maximum total specific cost savings.
Key words:Arc furnace, graphite electrode, evaporative cooling, graphite.
Krasny B.L., Ikonnikov К.I., Anikanov V.S., Galganova A.L., Mikhailov M.A. Magnesia crucibles for melting superalloys based on nickel and cobalt
The prospect of using crystalline fused magnesia (FL LC) in the technology of melting crucibles by the method of isostatic pressing is shown. The physical and mechanical characteristics of the obtained products are given. The effect of the CaO/SiO2 ratio on the corrosion and erosion resistance of products is considered. The raw material should have a molar ratio of these oxides of more than 1,7. Pressed crucibles were tested in the production of nickel, cobalt and tin based alloys in a vacuum induction furnace. The effect of clogging by crucible materials during smelting of pure nickel has also been studied. The absence of contamination of the melt with crucible materials such as silicon dioxide, aluminosilicates and oxide films, etc., has been established.
Key words:Large crystalline fused magnesia, crucibles, brucite, vacuum induction furnace, heatresistant alloys, isostatic molding, nickel, cobalt, tin.
Soyfer V.M. About steel casting with the help of stopper ladles with brick and tamped lining
The article presents the results of a study of characteristics of steel casting with the use of stopper ladles having brick and tamped lining. Peculiarities of process operations to prepare ladles for melting, holding of steel in a ladle and steel casting are shown.
Key words:Stopper ladles, lining, metal holding, casting rate, rational capacity, slag thickness.
Tribushevsky L.V., Nemenionok B.M., Rumyantseva G.A., Bezhok A.P., Kulik M.A. The problem of the production ecology and profitability when melting oxidized aluminum waste
The article is devoted to the selection of the best option for remelting the oxidized wastes of Al alloys in a short-flame rotary furnace. The oxidation state of the charge was varied by the addition of Al-scrap, large and small chips, slags and tippings. A non-waste fluxfree technology for processing Al oxidized wastes has been proposed, which provides the quantity of the used products more than 95%.
Key words:Aluminum alloys, oxidized wastes, melting.
Panov A.G. How to control structural heredity in cast iron castings
The article deals with the causes of the phenomenon of structural heredity of cast iron melts and cast iron blanks, its manifestation in the form of defects in the structure of cast iron products. It is shown that the key factor of the phenomenon is an exceptional variety of possible carbon structures, including in combination with partner atoms of cast iron, in particular, the main elements such as iron and silicon, as well as numerous impurity elements. An algorithm of actions has been proposed to improve the accuracy of control of the cast iron structure in cast iron castings.
Key words:Cast iron, casting, structure, control, defect, structural heredity.
Vasilievа A.V., Hetman A.A. Modern materials with special properties
Alloys with high electrical resistance designed for parts of heating devices, rheostats, resistors, strain gauges, etc. are considered. The properties and applications of each specific group of alloys are described.
Key words:Special alloys, properties, applications.
Loktionov-Remizovsky V.A., Kiryakova N.V., Gribov N.N., Smolyanskaya V.F. On the mechanism of wear of railway wheels and rails
It is shown that the total wear of the wheelrail pair is significantly supplemented by the sliding friction wear. The change in the proportion between the rolling friction wear and sliding friction wear during the operation of the wheel-rail pair causes a change in the level of wear of the pair elements.
Key words:Railway wheels, rails, wear.
Gorokhov Yu.V., Uskov I.V., Gubanov I.Yu. New alloys on the basis of palladium for soldering the jewelry articles
An experimental testing of boron at a content of 2,2 to 3,1% by mass as a substance of the palladium forming the eutectic in solder alloys was carried out, and a methodology and technological regimes for obtaining a new solder alloy based on palladium with a temperature melting at 1200°C. Conducted in the conditions of the jewelry production of JSC «Krasnoyarsk plant of non-ferrous metals» tests of this alloy gave positive results, on the basis of which the final composition of the new alloy was determined and patented. This technique was applied in the development of new compositions for precious metal alloys that are protected by patents.
Key words:Palladium, solder, precious metal alloys, complex systems, boron alloying.
Chumanov I.V., Anikeev А.N., Stakh I.М., Sedukhin V.V., Sergeev D.V. Production of a finger-type part using electroslag remelting technology
The product finger – not threaded fasteners in the form of a short cylindrical rod, which is inserted into the eyelets and provides mobility of connections. In particular, this product is intended for the ladles of trawls, cleaning the riverbeds. This product is highly loaded, works in a corrosive environment, and also experiences the effects of abrasive particles. Fingers made by casting do not have sufficient resistance. Traditionally, this product is obtained by cutting into dimensional lengths of rolled or forged workpiece with subsequent machining. The cost of processing is quite significant, so the authors in the manuscript offer an alternative technology for obtaining the product, followed by a study of the structure and properties.
Key words:Еlectroslag remelting, chemical composition, microstructure, electrode, rental.
Malinov L.S. Increased properties of steels of ecological steep hardening due to the production of metastable residual austenite in the structure
The data of the author's work with collaborators and other studies, showing the possibility of increasing the properties of steels by step hardening without using non-ecological melts of salts and alkalis, providinga multiphase structure in which, along with other components, metastable austenite ispresent and self-hardening effectrealized under loading.
Key words:Resource saving, structural steels, mechanical properties, wear resistance, metastable austenite, self-hardening effect.
Ganeyev A.A., Smirnov V.V., Nikitin V.I. Methods for designing heat resistant nickel-based alloys
Calculation methods are examined from the point of view of their applicability and effectiveness in solving the problem of designing new heat-resistant nickel-based alloys.
Key words:Nickel-based alloys, heat resistance, designing.
Table of Content:
Adashkevich Yu.V., Tkachenko S.S. Domestic innovative machine-tool industry is the basis of the technological and economical independence of Russia ...2
Yachikov I.M., Portnova I.V., Bystrov M.V. Technical solutions reduction of graphite electrodes burnout in arc furnaces foundry
Krasny B.L., Ikonnikov К.I., Anikanov V.S., Galganova A.L., Mikhailov M.A. Magnesia crucibles for melting superalloys based on nickel and cobalt
Soyfer V.M. About steel casting with the help of stopper ladles with brick and tamped lining
Tribushevsky L.V., Nemenionok B.M., Rumyantseva G.A., Bezhok A.P., Kulik M.A. The problem of the production ecology and profitability when melting oxidized aluminum waste
Panov A.G. How to control structural heredity in cast iron castings
Vasilievа A.V., Hetman A.A. Modern materials with special properties
Loktionov-Remizovsky V.A., Kiryakova N.V., Gribov N.N., Smolyanskaya V.F. On the mechanism of wear of railway wheels and rails
Gorokhov Yu.V., Uskov I.V., Gubanov I.Yu. New alloys on the basis of palladium for soldering the jewelry articles
Chumanov I.V., Anikeev А.N., Stakh I.М., Sedukhin V.V., Sergeev D.V. Production of a finger-type part using electroslag remelting technology
Malinov L.S. Increased properties of steels of ecological steep hardening due to the production of metastable residual austenite in the structure
Ganeyev A.A., Smirnov V.V., Nikitin V.I. Methods for designing heat resistant nickel-based alloys
Metal-Expo’2019: results of the anniversary forum