Nemenenok B.M., Slutsky A.G., Sheinert V.A.,Salenko I.B. About use of V-containing waste for alloying Fe–C-alloys
Expansion of production volumes of qualitative castings from iron-carbon alloys is actual nowadays. The alloying process is widely used for these purposes practically, which allow due to the impact on the microstructure of the alloy to significantly improve the mechanical and operational characteristics of the material. Their use makes it possible to carry out economical alloying of cast alloys, as well as to dispose of waste. Studies have shown that these wastes contain vanadium in the oxide phase and for its extraction it is necessary to conduct a reduction melting.
Key words: Vanadium-containing wastes, thermodynamic analysis, recovery options, lab cast iron smelts.
Dzhuraev T.D., Gazizova E.R., Hakdodov M.M., Rakhimov F.K. Small-crystalline ligature as a matrix of the genom in modification of Al-alloys
The substantiation of the modifying effect on the structure of aluminum alloys by the refractory chemical compounds of aluminides, borides and carbides of transition metals is presented and their genome is proposed. The requirements which modifying additives must meet to were determined by the results of the research. The direction based on taking into account the structural heredity of alloys was called genetic modification.
Key words: Modifiers, ligatures, melt, metals, aluminum, alloys, heredity, genome.
Laponogova P.A., Kolisova M.V., Goncharov A.V., Dzuyba G.S. The application of scandium for the modification of aluminum alloys on the examples
Data on the use of scandium to modify VAL 10 aluminum alloy are presented. A significant increase in hardness of the structural components made of this alloy after addition of 0.1% Sc (of the melt mass) was observed. A positive effect of transition metals on the mechanical properties of billets from Al – Si and Al – Cu alloys was confirmed.
Key words: Aluminum alloys, grade, modification with scandium, structure, hardness.
Marukovich E.I., Stetsenko V.Y. Structure of metal melt
Modern conventional notions of metallic melt structure are associated with clusters that have no interfacial boundaries. The maximum time of formation and life of the cluster is 10-7 s. Clusters are formed statistically, randomly. According to probability theory, even an elementary cubic crystal cannot be formed in a time of 10-7 c. The probability of forming a cluster with 100 atoms is zero. It should be considered that the metallic melt is mainly composed of nanocrystals.
Key words: Melt, structure, metals, microcrystal, cluster, nanocrystal, atom.
Gavrilin I.V. On the periodic system of dual elements of matter and space in metals and gases
Some attempts were made to build a system of elements of space taking as a base the Mendeleev periodic system. In this case, the author imitates the order of this system to create continuity and identify points of similarity and difference. As expected, it turned out that the principle of systematization based on mass is unsuitable for the elements of space; that is why a search for another principle is required.
Key words: Periodic system, elements of space, elements of matter, attribute of mass, principle of duality.
Novitsky V.G., Shipitsin S.Ya., Lakhnenko V.L., Loktionov-Remizovsky V.A., Kalchuk N.A., Gribov N.N. The use of 120X15Yu cast steel for parts of pumping equipment
The comparative tribological characteristics of 20X13 deformed steel and 120X15Yu cast steel under conditions of boundary friction (in humid environment) and the secondary structure formation processes happened during friction are presented. Lower wear rate is shown. The test results of deformed and cast steels can be used to select material for energy pump parts.
Key words: Steel, grades, properties, friction wear.
Tebyakin A.V., Fokanov A.N. Beryllium as the alloying element in the alloys developed at FSUE «VIAM»
Beryllium in alloys on the basis of copper, iron and nickel is an element of a dispersive hardening. Copper alloys with beryllium (beryllium bronze) at a certain thermal processing possess high strength and electro – thermal conductivity properties. Alloys on the basis of the iron, containing beryllium have the high module of elasticity and hardness that allows to use them for manufacturing of the wearproof elements working in all climatic conditions. The alloys use nickel-beryllium possessing high strength characteristics at low electroresistance in instrument making. On a level with invaluable technological properties of beryllium, it possesses sharply revealed toxic properties. In this article alloys with which on health regulations at work with beryllium and its connections, probably, to make the every possible mechanical, thermal processing.
Key words: Beryllium, copper, iron, nickel, bronze, alloy, hardening, age, strength, hardness, thermal conductivity.
Kukareko V.A., Grigorchik A.N., Marukovich E.I., Sazonånko I.O., Kharkov V.A. An effect of alloying on the properties of copper alloys
Cu – Sn – P antifriction bronzes are widely used in the manufacture of sliding bearings, gears, and other parts. However, improving their quality remains an urgent task. Cu –Fe alloys are of interest for new technologies applied in mechanics, electronics, and other industries. However, production of such alloys is still a difficult task. Therefore, the development of production processes to manufacture parts from Cu – Fe alloys is a crucial task.
Key words: Bronze, alloying, phase composition.
Afanasyev V.K., Chernysh A.P., Popova M.V., Sagalakova M.M., Malyutin K.G. About heat treatment of tools made from blast furnace unalloyed white iron
The possibility of a significant increase in the hardness of cast cutting-off tools and ganged blades of disk cutters was stated when studying cast tools made of unalloyed white iron. High-temperature heating reduces the volume fraction of cementite (light) and increases the share of dark one (perlite, transition state and “graphite”), which reduces the hardness during quenching. It is shown that quenching should be made in heated oil, through water to oil, hot water and aqueous solutions, since quenching in cold water leads to the formation of cracks. The study of features of the heat treatment effect allowed us to conclude that it is possible to obtain cast tool from an unalloyed white iron capable of taking its rightful place among tool materials.
Key words: Cutting tool, blast furnace iron, heat treatment, structure, hardness.
Doroshenko V.S. About pore formation in the production of ceramics for filtering of metal melts
Porous materials are made due to the introduction of blowing agents, burnable additives or hollow bodies, by pressing and extrusion molding. Foam ceramic filters are used to purify liquids and gases, to separate solid and dense components from them, and also to purify water. Examples of foam ceramic filters are shown and positive experience of filtering liquid metals through them is stated. Previously developed methods of using granular ice for molding products from sand and ice mixtures were served as the basis for a new cryogenic technology of pore formation.
Key words: Porous material, ceramics, filter, filter ceramics, ice, porosity, liquid metal, evacuation, control of pore size.
Table of Content:
Interview of A.A. Kalashnikov, Director of the Forge Plant of KAMAZ PTC
Nemenenok B.M., Slutsky A.G., Sheinert V.A.,Salenko I.B. About use of V-containing waste for alloying Fe–C-alloys
Dzhuraev T.D., Gazizova E.R., Hakdodov M.M., Rakhimov F.K. Small-crystalline ligature as a matrix of the genom in modification of Al-alloys
Laponogova P.A., Kolisova M.V., Goncharov A.V., Dzuyba G.S. The application of scandium for the modification of aluminum alloys on the examples
Marukovich E.I., Stetsenko V.Y. Structure of metal melt
Gavrilin I.V. On the periodic system of dual elements of matter and space in metals and gases
Novitsky V.G., Shipitsin S.Ya., Lakhnenko V.L., Loktionov-Remizovsky V.A., Kalchuk N.A., Gribov N.N. The use of 120X15Yu cast steel for parts of pumping equipment
Tebyakin A.V., Fokanov A.N. Beryllium as the alloying element in the alloys developed at FSUE «VIAM»
Kukareko V.A., Grigorchik A.N., Marukovich E.I., Sazonånko I.O., Kharkov V.A. An effect of alloying on the properties of copper alloys
Afanasyev V.K., Chernysh A.P., Popova M.V., Sagalakova M.M., Malyutin K.G. About heat treatment of tools made from blast furnace unalloyed white iron
Doroshenko V.S. About pore formation in the production of ceramics for filtering of metal melts
Igor Alexandrovich Nasikovsky
Domestic machine tool building is the technological capital of the future of Russia!