Number 11, 2004
Издательский дом «Литейное производство» выпускает два специализированных научно-технических журнала с периодичностью: «Литейное производство» – ежемесячно, «Металлургия машиностроения» – 1 раз в 2 месяца.
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The 14th Congress of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs

Korniyenko V.A. The Foundry of a New Type

Korolyov S.P. et al. Practice of Manufacturing Compacted Vermicular Graphite Iron Castings
The aim of work is to produce complex inoculants that would allow expanding the area of stable formation of compacted vermicular graphite and create a process of stable production of CV graphite iron castings. Effect of rare-earth metals and alkaline-earth metals in combination with other chemical elements was investigated. Positive results under the conditions of leading industrial plants have been obtained.
Stable processes of manufacturing CV graphite iron castings open new prospects for the application of that structural material in various national economy branches.

Konstantinov V.V. et al. Natural Composites for Gas-Turbine Engines
The work is aimed at obtaining a natural composite structure at directional solidification of eutectic alloys with characteristics meeting the requirements on materials of high-temperature units of gas-turbine engines. Alloys of the types NICHRAL 731 and NICHRAL 734 have been developed, specialized equipment for directional solidification and production of samples and turbine blades from these alloys has been created.

Milyayev V.M. et al. Investigation into Process Properties of Burn-on Preventing Pastes
The basic information of antipenetration paste is presented in this article. There are: purpose, advantages and disadvantages. Two new methods of property tests (sedimentation resistance and spreading ability were developed in order to improve quality of paste and its antipenetration facility. The compound of paste, that was elaborated during experimental work enables to achieve good results in steel casting.

Shian K.Y. Inoculating Binder for Making Hotbox Cores
A new binder for making hotbox cores - AFZM - has been developed. The binder is based on an additive-modified carbamide furan resin. The lower content of nitrogen, free formaldehyde in the new binder improves the hygienic conditions in the work place, which is confirmed by air environment measurements in production areas. The new resin is stable in storage, provides higher strength and improvement of a number of properties.

Serebryakov S.P. et al. Preventing Surface Defects in the Production of Heat-Resistant Prescision Castings
The article gives an analysis of causes of surface defects in heat-resistant steel castings. By thermodynamics method, X-ray analysis, hydraulic simulation, it has been revealed that the most probable cause is slag inclusions brought into the mold cavity during pouring. Measures of preventing the defects are proposed.

Yanishevskaya A.G. et al. Centrifugal Electroslag Casting of Flat Flanges
The method of centrifugal casting of "flange" type products according to GOST 12820-80 in a metal mold is discussed. A mold replicating the outline of the product to be cast is shown. Conditions of electroslag remelting of consumable electrode, and steps of pouring the liquid metal into a rotating mold set on the table of a centrifugal machine are given. Results of mechanical tests of centrifugally electroslag castings as compared to other casting methods are given.

Volodin A.M. et al. Results of Operating a DPPTU-20 Direct Current Furnace at AOOT Tyazhpressmash
A direct current arc furnace DPPTU-20 of the new generation has been created under the production conditions of AOOT Tyazhpressmash (development and patent of specialists of the Scientific-and-Technical Company EKTA). The furnace has provided the production of high-quality steel using an inexpensive material with an arbitrary chemical composition. The commercial operation has shown that the equipment meets or exceeds the world level practically by all technical-and-economic parameters, steel quality, ecology, and energy saving.

Mukhomorov I.A. Head of Technological Bureau - the Key Figure in a Foundry (a letter to the Editors)

Degtyarenko G.I. Review of International Information

Русская версия

October 2004       December 2005

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