Baranov D.A. Mechanism of Vermicular Graphite Formation during Cast Iron Solidification
The article proposes a mechanism of vermicular graphite formation based on incomplete covering of the gas bubble surface with a graphite film. As calculated, the length of a graphite inclusion is 10 times its radius. Factors promoting the vermicular graphite formation in cast iron are analyzed.
Lubyanoi D.A. et al. Out-of-furnace Treatment of Liquid Blast-Furnace Iron for High-Quality Casting Production
OAO ZSMK together with CNIITmash have developed A process for out-of-furnace treatment of liquid blast-furnace iron by the method of resonance-pulsing refining. The process allows producing structural flake-graphite cast iron for castings of various applications and high-quality charge material in the form of pig iron, including low-sulfur grades (< 0.01% S), refined with magnesium, for foundries of machine-building plants.
Zamatayev N.G. et al. Experience with Increasing Wear Resistance of Pump Parts Made of Chromium-Nickel Iron
Following conclusions can be made during exploitation.
Resource of pump working details has increased on 20...30 per sent.
The pump working details, produced by "MZMM", can compete with pump details of "Varman".
Application of improving composition cast iron has permitted to stabilize exploit durability of pump details and decrease consumption of ferroalloys on 10 per sent, because of narrowing limits of alloying elements contend as well.
Further improving of chrome-nickel cast iron chemical composition is excepted, because it is impossible to change it structure substantially without using additional alloying elements. For increasing pump details durability they need essentially new structure, which can be provided by cast iron with principle new alloying complex (ex: chrome-vanadium cast iron).
Kovrizhnykh N.I. Immersion Casting. Potentials and Application Outlooks
Immersion casting provides conditions for directional solidification of a casting, and allows using pure metal without nonmetallic inclusions. This process is recommended for use in the production of critical castings, with higher requirements in respect of density, impermeability, life time and other quality characteristics. The preferable casting configuration is body of revolution.
Examples of successful application of the process for some castings, in particular, in the aircraft industry, are given.
Werning H. et al. The Vacuum-Film Molding Process for High-Quality Casting Production
The vacuum-film molding technology for high-quality casting production is presented. A brief description of the process and advantages of the technology are given. The latter are accompanied with a detailed analysis of dimensional accuracy of a number of castings.
Budanov Y.N. Choice of Techniques for Manufakturing Steel Castings for the Railkar Fleet
Tikhomirov M.D. et al. Peculiarities of Solidification of Aluminum Alloys in a V-Process Mold with a Chill
Analysis of the existing methods of sand mold casting production shows that the V-process using chills is a promising method of making high-quality castings. An in-depth analysis of the thermal-physical processes running in the mold is given, which allows to optimize the process, including use of numerical and analytical simulation. Recommendations with process parameters of chills are given.
Degtyarenko G.I. Art Castings as an Element of a Building Structure
Yaskevich I.A. Metalcasting Industry: High-Quality Castings Based on Efficient Technology
Degtyarenko G.I., Ivanov V.N., Ruskol V.I. Review of International Information
The 3rd Paderborn Symposium on Lost Foam Casting - Lost Foam 20041