Number 2, 2006
Издательский дом «Литейное производство» выпускает два специализированных научно-технических журнала с периодичностью: «Литейное производство» – ежемесячно, «Металлургия машиностроения» – 1 раз в 2 месяца.
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Kovneristy Y.K. et al. IV International Interdiscipline Simposium Fractals and Aplied Synergetics

On the occasion of the 85th anniversary of the Belorussian National Technical University (a topical selection)

Demchenko Y.B. Formation of Initial Casting Skin on the Melt Meniscus
Proposed is a mathematical model that allows to calculate the kinetics of solidification of a hollow cylindrical casting at vertical continuous casting with one-sided melt feed to the crystallizer, taking into account the non-uniform character of distributing and removing heat of superheat proportionally to the volume of solidified melt. Differentiated account of heat of superheat allows to determine the real position of the solidified front, its asymmetry relative to the casting's perimeter and height.

Chichko A.N. et al. The Dynamics of Change in the Skin Thickness of a Round Ingot at its Drawing on a Continuous Casting Machine to Produce Small-Radius Billets
Described is a method of numerical simulation (based on the cellular automata approach) of the dynamics of change in the skin thickness of round ingots during their movement in the crystallizer. A program has been developed for investigating the effect of pouring temperature, heat removal coefficient, and drawing speed on the thickness of the solidifying skin. A linear character of change in the skin thickness depending on the crystallizer's heat removal coefficient and drawing speed and, consequently, the possibility of calculating the skin thickness using multidimensional polynomials depending on the process variables have been established.

Marukovich Y.I. Analytical Account of Effect of Melt's Heat of Superheat on the Process of Casting Formation at Vertical Continuous Casting
Proposed is a mathematical model of the process of formation of initial skin on the melt meniscus at casting with open level, allowing to calculate the thermostressed state of initial skin, taking into account its strength depending on the thermal conditions of casting, and to predict obtaining of continuously cast billets with a high-quality outer surface.

Dovnar G.V. et al. Effect of the Properties of Secondary Dispersed Aluminum Charge Materials on their Metallurgical Yield
Results of investigations into metallurgical yield when melting various dispersed aluminum materials are given. Factors that determine metal loss when remelting chips have been established. Ways of increasing metal recovery from dispersed charge are shown.

Volochko A.T. et al. Analysis and Optimization of The Heating Mode of Drying Aluminium Alloys Chip Waste
Results of analyzing the operation of a nonoxidation Al chips drying system are given. Expediency of using a recuperator in the system is shown, conditions of its optimum heat exchange allowing to increase the coefficient of material utilization up to 0.90…0.95 have been determined.

"Magnesium. New Horizons"
(proceedings of an international conference)

Bach Fr.-B. et al. Economical and Safe Continuous Casting Techniques for Magnesium

Chuvildeyev V.N. Superductility of Magnesium Alloys Produced by the Methods of Intensive Plastic Deformation

Shukhat O. et al. Hot-Pressed Magnesium Tubes and Products Therefrom

Sapunzhi V.V. et al. Features of Manufacturing Pressed Disks of Forged Automobile Wheels from Magnesium Alloys

Melting. Melt Treatment

Luzgin V.I. et al. Multioperator Medium-Frequency Induction Melting Systems

Selyanin I.F. et al. Simulating the Cupola Process with Oxygen Enrichment of Wind
In the work, analysis was based on the provision that with increasing oxygen consumption in the wind the rate of coke filling burnout increases, the rate of charge descent increases, the height of bed charge decreases, the time of iron drops' contact with the surface of glowing coke also decreases.
To reveal the factors of the cupola process that significantly affect the temperature of iron being tapped with an increase of oxygen content in the wind, task-oriented laboratory and shopfloor investigations were conducted.

Industrial Engineering. Economics

Yevseyev V.I. et al. Innovation Activities and Industrial Parks

Information. News Items

Review to monograph by V.S. Ivanova "Introduction to Interdisciplinary Materials Science"

"Magnesium. New Horizons" (proceedings of an international conference)

Detkova O.V. et al. New Trends in the Manufacture of Ingots and Pressed Semi-finished Products from Mg Alloys

Ovsyannikov B.V. Experience in the Manufacture of Semi-finished Products from Wrought Magnesium Alloys at OAO Kamensk-Uralsk Metallurgical Works

Yolkin F.M. The Main Ways of Enhancing Ductility of Wrought Magnesium Alloys

Sadkov V.V. et al. Application of Mg Alloys in Airplanes Produced by OAO Tupolev. Scope of Magnesium Alloys Application

Shanin N.D. Technology of Manufacturing Semi-finished Products from New Structural Materials Based on Granulated Magnesium Alloys

Bessonov A.M. et al. About Some Peculiarities of Magnesium Alloys Casting and Rolling Technology

Melting. Melt Treatment

Shishimirov M.V. et al. Melting Steel in an Arc Furnace to Increase Production Efficiency
There have been presented and proposed techniques aimed at enhancing the technical-and-economic indices of melting carbon and high-alloy steels in a 10-ton arc furnace by:

  • reducing waste of metal by feeding cooling medium onto the bath surface inside the electrode disintegration circle, which lowers the metal evaporation intensity (cooling medium components are specified);
  • forced mixing of metal, which reduces the time of electric arc action and increases the yield, reduces the specific electric energy and electrode consumption per ton of melt;
  • using maximum transformer capacity over the entire melting with screening electric arcs in a foamy slag layer to reduce the negative influence on the walls' lining.

  • The above-mentioned measures allow to increase the yield of a single melting by 0.5%, reduce the specific electric energy and electrode consumption, and obtain an economic effect in melting both carbon and high-alloy steels.

    Soyfer V.M. Certification of Melting and Casting Equipment for the Foundry Industry

    Fishman O. Power Supplies for Induction Melting Systems

    Dzhandieri G.V. et al. Enhancing Durability of Troughs of Ferroalloy Casting Machines
    There have been developed methods of enhancing the durability of troughs of ferroalloy casting machines, which allow prolonging the operation life of troughs by 20% on average. The proposed alternative technical solution is also an effective method of improving such process parameters as casting rate and performance. The proposed methods can be used for manganese, silicon and chromium ferroalloys of virtually any grade and not only for conveyer-type casting machines, but also for carrousel-, screw-type semicontinuous and rotary continuous casting machines.

    Modern Materials

    Kabaldin Y.G. et al. Neuronet Modeling in Synthesizing Stable Nanosystems
    In the last years, nonomaterials and nanotechnologies have been considerably developed. There has been formed a new interdisciplinary line- nanomaterials science, the main objective of which is the creation of materials with predetermined properties. The important tasks being solved by that line include the determination of the nanoparticle (NP) size variation limits, in which the stability of nanosystems' structural state is maintained.

    Muravyov S.N. Application of Wavelet Analysis to Predict Fatigue Strength of Materials
    Nowadays, a trend of increasing demands on both structural materials and methods of evaluating their strength in real-time mode is observed. Such an approach suggests expansion of our conceptions of the nature of strength and mechanisms of destruction of materials, evaluation of their structural stability. This is possible only by using modern physical methods of investigation. One of such methods is the digital processing of acoustic emission signals of a dynamic materials system (wavelet analysis), emerging during their deformation and destruction, and in investigating the material deformation process during fatigue testing. The wavelet analysis is being used in many fields of science and technology: for image identification, numerical simulation of dynamically complex processes and others.

    Kuznetsov A.A. et al. About Possibility of the Study Structured Characteristic Material by Spectral Analysis Methods
    In work is considered possibilities of the checking material facility by atomic-emission spectral analysis expansion. Perspective directions connected with the possibility of the checking the structured particularities material and product, defining their physics and mechanical characteristic.
    For decision of the checking structured parameters and physics and mechanical characteristic problems is designed physical model of the spectral radiation source, linking measured parameters with under investigation. There is considered insulated and balanced checking systems for standard and investigation sample comparatively for the experiment conditions.
    The results of the study different structured parameter and physics and mechanical characteristic are given on example aluminum alloy samples with equal chemical composition. The given results are confirmed by traditional methods of investigation parameter testing.

    Semyonov V.I. Solidification and Growth of Nano-, Micro- and Macrocrystals in the Flow of Melt Being Cooled
    Natural (without forced mixing) development of phase transformation of pure substances, eutectics, hypo- and hypereutectic alloys in the flow is set forth. It is shown how the mechanism of melt solidification, localizing the thermodynamic driving forces in the macro areas of the flow, self-organizes the phase processes. As the macro areas with concentration and heterogeneous boundaries move with the flow, forces of particles' kinetic energy had to be engaged, and their role in local atomic rearrangements to be evaluated and determined.
    Studying of the principles of self-organization of phase processes opens a way to development of new schemes of combined technological impacts on the solidifying melt to produce billets with a desired structure and a predetermined set of properties.

    Information. News Items

    A review of the tutorial by V.K Afanasyev, B.A. Kustov, S.A. Gladyshev, L.M. Poltoratsky, A.V. Sochnev, G.Y. Gromov "Cast Iron and its Properties"

    Русская версия

    Number 1, 2006    Number 3, 2006

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