Number 6, 2004
Издательский дом «Литейное производство» выпускает два специализированных научно-технических журнала с периодичностью: «Литейное производство» – ежемесячно, «Металлургия машиностроения» – 1 раз в 2 месяца.
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Izosimov V.A. et al. Influence of Chemical Composition of High-Strength Cast Iron on its Mechanical Properties
In cooperation with foundry workers the authors have done work by the results of which a process of nodular iron castings production has been developed and mastered. The results are topical, as in spite of nodular iron advantages over other cast alloys the field of its application and production scale are until lately very limited. The main difficulty is that the metal produced does not always meet the mechanical property requirements, especially ductility and toughness. Castings often have defects in the form of "black" spots, shrinkage defects and small surface gas holes.

Shub L.G. et al. Influence of Metal Charge Composition on the Quality of Grade 25L Steel
At OAO Ikar they investigated the influence of metal charge composition on the chemical composition and mechanical properties, first of all cold resistance of grade 25L steel castings. The quantitative and qualitative charge composition was varied using their own return, common scrap and rolled stock. The conclusions made on the basis of the obtained results are important for practical workers.

Verbitsky V.I. Rheogoniometry procedure of sand blends
In this work the modern technique 'of carrying out of investigations and processing of results is stated, and also results of the investigations executed in foundry laboratory of MSTU by N.E.Bauman. Mechanical properties of sand blends defined on the basis of laws of compressibility, i.e. dependences between working normal pressures and corresponding volumetric deformations in conditions uniaxial compression without an opportunity of side expansion. The design of original test benches and sensors, and also a technique of their calculation, calibration and uses are in detail described. The technique of registration of signals of sensors with the help of remembering oscillographs, and also with the help of a data-acquisition equipment on base ADC and a computer equipped with the original software is stated. Changes of pressures and delormations during loading of sand blends at the test bench by consecutive impacts are described. These results reconstructed in the diagram "pressure-deformation" for which approximating dependence is constructed. This dependence represents empirical mathematical model of process of condensation of the investigated sand blends. This model can be used for the analysis of a course of condensation of the given sand blend on molding machines and test benches.

Sheklein N.S. Rheological Factors of Controlling Casting Mold Quality
To produce a quality mold, a system is required that provides synthesis of three subsystems that condition each other: sand preparation process, mold formation conditions, taking into account flask tooling parameters. The rheological concept of controlling casting mold quality is based first of all on mathematical descriptions using a rheological model of MS, mold compaction processes, optimization of loading conditions (as applied to certain MS compositions) and, on the contrary, optimization of rheological MS properties as applied to certain loading conditions. Signals from a rheological device are transmitted to a computer, wherein the received data is compared with presets, i.. e. the computer accordingly responds to variation of rheological properties.

Kvasha F.S. et al. Possibilities of Stabilizing the Quality of Unit Sands in Metalcasting Industry. Part II
In detail, giving specific calculations and taking into consideration production data (in particular those from AMO ZIL), anticipatory control of the composition and, accordingly, properties of molding sand is presented. It is based on using the refreshing with bentonite, sand, coal and other materials, such refreshing varying subject to the nomenclature of castings to be produced. The necessary condition of the method is the addition of refreshing materials to spent sand that is fed to the muller after shakeout of castings.

Kamensky V.V. Compaction of Molds for Electric Motor Bed Plate by Consecutive Pressing
Compaction method and the whole process of making a casting mold in the production of electric motor bed plates must be very reliable. One of such methods is consecutive pressing (CP). Investigations and establishment of the CP process regularities allowed to develop this method, find new features and possibilities of quality compaction of complicated mold elements, implement new solutions aimed at enhancement of process reliability, improvement of mold and casting quality. A design-and-process solution has been found that allows using the new process of compaction with a moving pattern in combination with compaction with pressing and stripping plates. The positive features of the process are underlying the creation of a new production process and equipment for making electric motor bed plates.

Gruzman V.M. Analysis of Causes of Outbreak of Rejects of a Serial Casting
A detailed analysis of causes of outbreak of rejects related to hot cracks in a serial casting - thin-walled steel casting weighing 368 kg and measuring about 2.5 x 0.6 m has been carried out. Causes of rejects are given, measures taken in the foundry that allowed to reduce the rejects are listed.

Yevstigneyev A.I. et al. Calculation of Stresses and Deformations in an Axisymmetric Mold
The article discusses a mathematical model of the metal cooling process after its pouring into a shell mold consisting of several layers with different properties. The developed program allows performing analysis of temperature differences, distribution of stress and deformation between shell mold layers, which can be realized in praxis to produce quality castings.

Olkhovik Y.O. et al. Complex Evaluation of Mechanikal Properties of Low-Alloy Steel in Castings

Levshin G.Y. et al. Strength of Magnetized Soft Magnetic Molding Materials

Chernov V.P. et al. Features of Solidification and Cooling of Slag-Stone Castings

Русская версия

May 2004       July 2004

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