Shinsky O.I. Development Prospects for Metalcasting Industry in the Ukraine
Kvasha F.S. et al. Possibilities of Stabilizing Unit Sand Quality in Foundries. Part III
Part III of the article presents an analysis of an important stage of molding sand preparation, in particular, cooling and preliminary dampening of spent sand. It is emphasized that this stage is essential, one of the components of improving quality and stabilizing the ready sand properties. In many cases these operations can be performed without high capital cost and stopping the production process. Effect will show in lower consumption of new molding materials, lower casting fettling and cleaning costs, reduction of rejects.
Serebrykov S.P. et al. Development of the Mechanikal Methods of Afekting Cast Structure Formation
Voronin Y.F. et al. Computer-Aided Determination of Defects, Causes of Their Origin and Method of Elimination
The article discusses the issue of creating a computer-aided system "Expert System for Determination Causes of Origination of Defects". The system consists of 3 basic subsystems: visual-logical system of casting defect classification enabling a technologist to easily determine the actual casting defect; tabular classifier of causes of defect origination with determination of their influence on the origination of rejects; analysis and revealing of causes of defect origination in a tabular-graphic form with output of brief and extended information on the elimination of rejects.
The expert system allows simulating the effect of changing the process parameters on the improvement of casting quality. Apart from rapid reduction of rejects, the system may be useful in designing a casting manufacturing process (trying variants of influence of casting design parameters on the origination of shrinkage defects, cracks, revealing the conditions of gashole origination and determining a way to create an efficient ventilation system and others).
Sabirov D. Kh. et al. Modern Methods of Designing and Manufacture of Casting Tooling
The article gives an example of modern approach to the initial stage of mastering casting production - development of casting technology, designing and manufacture of casting tooling. The advantages are incontestable: tooling costs are comparable, and for complex castings even lower than in case of using conventional technology, time of manufacture - 2…3 weeks in usual operation conditions; tooling quality - CNC machine tools and computer-aided design of tooling and simulating casting technology allow avoiding many mistakes characteristic for the conventional technology.
Degtyarenko G.I. Review of International Information