The Policy of Enhancing the Competitiveness of Russia's Economy. The National Report (continued)
Kryukov V.S. Metallurgical Production Facilities at the Kovrov Electromechanical Plant
The article is dedicated to the development history of the leading
enterprise of the defense industry - Kovrov Electromechanical Plant and
its main departments - foundry and general mechanical rubber goods and
plastics. Higher demands on the product quality stimulated re-equipment
and creation of alternative ecologically clean production processes,
which allowed improving the products' properties and manufacturing
competitive products.
Melting. Melt Treatment
Ryabchikov I.V. Materials for Out-of-Furnace Treatment of Iron-Carbon Melts The
development of the promising trend to using processes of microalloying
and inoculation of steel and cast iron is impeded by the complexity and
relatively high cost of technical solutions to produce materials. The
main concept consists in providing energy- and resources saving in the
ferroalloy production, steelmaking and stocking facilities, as well as
safety, manufacturability, and high technical-and-economic indicators
of production and use of materials.
Doroshenko M.M. et al. Production of Measured Charge Billets from Casting Rejects of Heat-Resistant Alloys by Electroslag Remelting The
process of refining casting rejects of heat-resistant nickel-based
alloys is discussed. The process proposed consists in electroslag
remelting (ESR) of electrodes made without preliminary remelting of
casting rejects, and electrodes made from casting rejects, but
pre-melted in a vacuum furnace. The ES ingots produced are cut to
measured charge billets for the production of complex shaped castings
in vacuum. The ESR of casting rejects allows utilizing the return of
the own production in the charge, which considerably increases the
metal recovery without lowering the product quality and reliability.
Modern Materials
Ivanova V.S. Modified Chart of Materials' Structure Adaptation to Exposures The
modified structure adaptation map of the construction materials to the
external influence with the aim of their optimization for the given
exploitation conditions has been developed.
Materials, to which a multifractal structure described by
pseudospectrum corresponds, improve their adaptation properties with
the aid of cumulative feedback.
Semyonov V.I. et al. Spontaneous Processes and Melt Structure Near Equilibrium Solidification Temperature Mechanisms
of intra- and interatomic interactions determining spontaneous
processes in the melt are discussed. A concept of melt structure near
equilibrium solidification temperature is formulated. The duality of
properties of liquid state is explained, and the active natural
influence of melt structure on the formation of a primary cast
structure is noted.
Guzenkov S.A. et al. Forecasting of constructional durability of products from pure steel In
the paper it is experimentally shown that increase of chemical
cleanliness of metal does not guarantee additive increase in
constructional durability of finished articles, especially in the field
of fragile destruction.
On the basis of the conducted investigations the conceptual
mathematical model of forecasting of steel constructional durability
with very low maintenance of impurity which allows not only to expect
characteristic of its properties and structures with a high share of
probability, but it also can be applied for designing technology of
manufacturing of preparations with an optimum combination of these
21st Century Technologies
The Energy of the Future (continued)
Khoroshilov O.N. Optimizing Continuous Casting Parameters The
work has revealed and investigated the main continuous casting process
parameters aimed at higher yield. The expediency of decreasing the
deformation of the billet surface, and its minimum value to ensure the
necessary engagement between the billet and the withdrawal-roll set
have been determined.
Information. News Items
Degtyarenko G.I. Review of International and Domestic Information