Verin A.S. et al. Mathematical Modelling of Microstructure of the Locking
In this paper we are shown a numerical method that can be used to approximate the microstructure with respect to meshes Using the natural (microstructure) framework we analyze a residual a concentration of Al in solid-liquid phases of intermetalic compound Ni3Al-NiAl-Al2O3 obtained by DDS casting method. An iteration procedure for numerical mapping is presented which is based on the Laplace grid. This effort is justified by the well-known fact that a Dirichlet problem for the Laplace equation can be solved by different methods if the problem domain is the interior of a unit circle.
Yevstigneyev A.I. et al. Slurries with Polymer Stabilizers for Making Shell Molds by the Electrophoresis Method
Properties of slurries using water-soluble polymers as stabilizing additions have been investigated. As a result of the investigations, the optimum content of stabilizing polymers and potential-forming electrolyte in the slurry has been determined. Some properties of the investigated slurries and shells based thereon have been determined.
Nazaratin V.V. Investigation into Performance of Fly-Ash-Based Heat-Insulating Mixes
Performance of fly-ash-based heat-insulating mixes has been determined. The highest performance is shown by mixes based on the Ekibastuz fly ash, the lowest - by those based on the fly ash from the Kuznetsk coals. The optimum thickness of the riser's heat-insulating layer is 0.20 ... 0.25 of its diameter. Use of fly-ash-based heat-insulating mixes increases the casting yield to 70%, makes it possible to save up to 300 kg of steel per 1 ton of good castings, and electric energy up to 150 kW/h.
Prudnikov A.N. Linear Expansion of Alloyed and Hydrogen-Saturated Silumins Crystallized under Pressure
Influence alloy and hydrogenation processings liquid metal on linear expansion eutectic and hypereutectic silumins is studied. Dependences α - Тtest are constructed. (up to 450°С) which can be useful to development of structures and technology industrial piston silumins, the details intended for manufacturing by a method of moulding under pressure.
S.V. Skripnik et al. Production of Large-Size Conical Castings from Grade 20X13 Steel by Centrifugal Electroslag Casting (CESC)
A manufacturing scheme for conical CESC castings measuring diam. 720 / diam. 480 mm, height 500 mm, weighing 0.6 t from grade 20X13 heat-resistant steel is proposed. Information on the chemical composition, structure, mechanical properties of electroslag steel 20X13 as compared to wrought steel of similar chemical composition is given. Optimal heat treatment conditions are given. Outlooks for using CESC castings in the production of turbine casing parts are shown.
Birol Y. et al. Critical Material Issues in Cast Aluminium Cylinder Heads
Regulations calling for emission control and fuel savings and thus lightweighting of vehicles have increased the use of aluminium in the manufacture of vehicles. A major application of aluminium in the automotive industry is cylinder heads. In this application, the main advantage of aluminium, besides its lower density, is the excellent thermal conductivity, which allows the combustion heat to be extracted more rapidly. As a result of the permanent increase of combustion pressures and temperatures, material issues play a key role in the performance of aluminium cylinder heads. These material issues and their effect on performance are discussed in this paper.
Monastyrsky A.V. Casting Process Simulation
The ProCAST casting process computer simulation system is a powerful, flexible system with a huge set of features. Some casting processes (lost foam casting, centrifugal casting, directional solidification with liquid metal cooler, and others) can be adequately simulated only with the use of that program. The MeshCAST mesh generator, casting material properties generator, User Functions, numerous special modules make the ProCAST really unique.
Table of Content
Prudnikov A.N. Linear Expansion of Alloyed and Hydrogen-Saturated Silumins Crystallized under Pressure
Birol Y. et al. Critical Material Issues in Cast Aluminium Cylinder Heads
Yevstigneyev A.I. et al. Slurries with Polymer Stabilizers for Making Shell Molds by the Electrophoresis Method
Skripnik S.V. et al. Production of Conical Castings from Grade 20X13 Steel by Centrifugal Electroslag Casting
Nazaratin V.V. Investigation into Performance of Fly-Ash-Based Heat-Insulating Mixes
State of World Casting Production in 2007 (translation)
Monastyrsky A.V. Casting Process Simulation
Verin A.S. et al. Mathematical Modelling of Microstructure of the Locking
Piece of Gas-Turbine Engine Blades