Murokh A.F., Badryzlova М.Р., Aronovich D.A., Klenovich O.N., Khamidulova Z.S. Improvement of Casting Tightness by Using Impregnating and Metal-Filled Compositions
The article is dedicated to the modern sealing methods of porous castings using
acrylic impregnating compositions. Sealing technologies of anaerobic and heat curable
impregnating materials are considered. The most effective trademarks of commercial
compositions are presented in this paper. The possibility to use metal-filled compositions
for elimination of macrodefects and repair of castings surface is also shown.
Key words: acrylic antipores, impregnation technologies, defects, die casting, tightness.
Vogel W. Treatment of Primary Silicon Grains in Hypereutectic Alloys
Casting requirements become ever tougher, and, as a consequence, so do metallurgical requirements on alloys. For this reason, currently, ever more frequently they start to use alloys that used to have a very limited application, for example, cast hypereutectic Al alloys.
Rybkin V.A. Development Trends of Special Casting Methods Technology
The article discusses promising special casting methods that can be used in outer space conditions to produce parts with special properties.
Key words: single crystals, convection, microgravity, adhesion casting, vacuum and electronic melting, plasma furnaces.
Repyakh S.I. On the Criterion of Uniform Dimensional Accuracy of Casting Material
A criterion of casting material evaluation by the parameter of uniform accuracy of its dimensions has been proposed.
Key words: casting, mold, accuracy, shrinkage, material, uniform accuracy criterion
Yevlampiyev А.А., Chernyshov Y.A., Korolyov A.V., Povydchikov D.A. Defects of Seal Ring Castings and Causes of their Formation
The article discusses the main signs of some characteristic defects, and their classification is given. Causes of formation of such casting rejects and recommendations on their prevention are given.
Key words: seal rings, cast iron, defects, rejects, casting, technology.
Nazaratin V.V., Nuraliyev F.A. High-Speed Pouring Modes for Large Steel Castings
The practice of using high-speed pouring modes in the production of large steel castings weighing up to 2001 and more is analyzed. A method of designing the gating system (GS) and a procedure of designing its basic elements for pouring molds allowing a mass rate of feeding liquid metal up to 1500 kg/s and higher have been proposed. For wide application of high-speed pouring modes, specifications and sketches for 10 types of refractory chamotte products with an inner diameter of 120 mm for GS of steel castings have been developed.
Key words: steel casting, high-speed mode, gating system, pouring time, riser.
Treshchalin V.V., Nasupkin V.B., Korneyev S.Y. Design Problems in Foundry Industry
The article points out the problems faced by designers of foundry shops being constructed and reconstructed, related to the evaluation of their operation, choice of equipment and materials.
Key words: design, industrial safety, technical reequipment, technical and economic study, foundry equipment.
Luzgin V.I., Petrov A.Y., Rachkov SA, Sarapulov F.N., Sarapulov S.F., Frizen V.E. Crucible Turboinduction Furnace for Making Special Alloys
The article describes variant designs of induction melting furnaces with different inductor locations, as well as a crucible turboinduction furnace combining several functions in a single unit.
Key words: crucible induction furnace, electromagnetic rotator, inductor, computer programs
Table of Content
Murokh A.F., Badryzlova М.Р., Aronovich D.A., Klenovich O.N., Khamidulova Z.S. Improvement of Casting Tightness by Using Impregnating and Metal-Filled Compositions
Vogel W. Treatment of Primary Silicon Grains in Hypereutectic Alloys
Rybkin V.A. Development Trends of Special Casting Methods Technology
Repyakh S.I. On the Criterion of Uniform Dimensional Accuracy of Casting Material
Yevlampiyev А.А., Chernyshov Y.A., Korolyov A.V., Povydchikov D.A. Defects of Seal Ring Castings and Causes of their Formation
Nazaratin V.V., Nuraliyev F.A. High-Speed Pouring Modes for Large Steel Castings
Treshchalin V.V., Nasupkin V.B., Korneyev S.Y. Design Problems in Foundry Industry
Luzgin V.I., Petrov A.Y., Rachkov SA, Sarapulov F.N., Sarapulov S.F., Frizen V.E. Crucible Turboinduction Furnace for Making Special Alloys
Budanov Y.N. Seven Fundamental Myths and Delusions of Metal Casting