Kulbovsky I.K., Ilyushkin D.A., Petrakov O.V. Improvement of Strength Properties of Cast Iron for Diesel Castings
Results of experimental work on obtaining vermicular graphite in cast iron structure by using master alloys consisting of ferrosilicobarium with small additions of complex Si-Mg master alloys are presented.
Key words: cylinder liner, inoculation, vermicular graphite iron, master alloy, strength and service properties.
Anikeyev V.V. On the Inoculation of Steel Castings
Effect of in-ladle and in-mold inoculation on the structure and mechanical properties of carbon and alloyed steel castings was investigated.
Key words: inoculants, inoculation, castings, structure, mechanical properties, prime cost.
Belov N.A., Belov V.D. Promising Economically Alloyed Aluminum Alloys for Making Critical Castings
A new Al alloy AK8Ch with high service properties has been developed. The alloy has passed pilot tests under the conditions of OAO "RosALit Foundry" and is used for making cylinder head castings for diesel engines instead of AK8M3Ch alloy.
Key words: complexly alloyed silumin, mechanical properties, high-strength alloy, critical castings.
Solykov D.A., Boldin A.N. Development of the technology providing for production of iron castings with required properties
The article shows that carbon equivalent of iron can be used as a criteria providing for production of iron castings with required properties.
Keywords: iron - grey, ductile, technological properties, defects, gas porosity
Treshchalin A.V. High-Efficiency Equipment for Cold-Hardening Sand Processes
The article gives information on the international seminar organized by the company Omega Foundry Machinery, the process of making cold-hardening sand molds at the Turkish foundry AS CELIC (Samsun) is described.
Key words: molding equipment, vibrocompaction, turn-over device, half-mold, carousel, mechanical reclamation.
Маrkov V.А. , Grigor А.S. The analysis progress processions of desagregation and mechanoactivation of used loam sand
Processions of desagregation and mechanoactivation used sand under dry mix in drum mixer and sand muller is described in the article. Change of grains fineness and activity loam sand has been determined. Activity loam sand and dust fraction determined conductomethrical method of research activity moulding materials.
Key words: desagregation, mechanoactivation, loam sand, drum mixer
Romashkin V.N., Nuraliyev F.A., Stepashkin Y.A., Valisovsky I.V. Introduction to the Thermomechanics of Disintegration of Molding Sands
Presented concept of the mechanism and especially the destruction of cold-forming mixtures, as well as their influence on the formation of various kinds of defects (assignment over, uzhiminy, burnt, polluting). As a result, studies of real thermal conditions mold examined the factors causing the destruction of the mold. The proposed theoretical scheme to destroy the surface layers of thermal stresses can form an idea of the nature of formed surface defects.
Key words: mold, destruction, defects, durability, heat resistance
Sharikov P.V. New Methods of Eliminating Bell Defects
The article describes a new method of repairing cracked bronze bells by sealing a through crack from environment and heating the product in a gas-static unit in a neutral gas medium at a pressure of 1000…2000 atm to plastic deformation temperature followed by dwelling, cooling and pressure relief to initial parameters according to a special schedule. As a result, diffusion welding of the crack and material densification to "pseudowrought" occurs. At the same time, in this method, internal defects in the form of various discontinuities are eliminated, material elasticity and strength are increased, and the bell's sounding is improved. This method has limitations by crack width and because of the size of the loading basket of the gas-static unit. The process has been patented.
Key words: bell, crack, repair, heat treatment, diffusion welding, gas-static unit, correction, internal casting defects, discontinuities, pseudowrought.
Rybkin V.A. Development Trends of Special Casting Methods Technology
The article provides an analysis of production processes of single crystals and products therefrom. Methods of growing single crystals under the conditions of Earth and Space are described.
Key words: single crystal, growth, melt, seed, temperature gradient, floating zone, zone melting, crystallization
Table of Content
Kulbovsky I.K., Ilyushkin D.A., Petrakov O.V. Improvement of Strength Properties of Cast Iron for Diesel Castings
Anikeyev V.V. On the Inoculation of Steel Castings
Belov N.A., Belov V.D. Promising Economically Alloyed Aluminum Alloys for Making Critical Castings
Solykov D.A., Boldin A.N. Development of the technology providing for production of iron castings with required properties
Treshchalin A.V. High-Efficiency Equipment for Cold-Hardening Sand Processes
Маrkov V.А. , Grigor А.S. The analysis progress processions of desagregation and mechanoactivation of used loam sand
Romashkin V.N., Nuraliyev F.A., Stepashkin Y.A., Valisovsky I.V. Introduction to the Thermomechanics of Disintegration of Molding Sands
Sharikov P.V. New Methods of Eliminating Bell Defects
Rybkin V.A. Development Trends of Special Casting Methods Technology