Leushin I.O., Chistyakov D.G. Analysis of the processes of carbide-formation in the surface layer of castings glass-molds
The operation of details of glass molds is carry out in the complex thermo-mechanical conditions. One of the conditions of reliable work of the details of this type is the creation of a fine-grained structure in the areas of contact with molten glass. The creation of such a structure is accompanied by the formation of a large number ofcementite and cementite ledeburite in the surface layer. Control over the processes graphitization and carbide-formation in the surface layer of the workpiece will allow to control the process of the creation of casting with the required structure.
Keywords:Cast iron, glass-mold, modifier, metal refrigerator, chill, cementite, ledeburite.
Pankratov S.N., Semyonov K.G., Batyshev K.A. Effect of Small Additions of Alloying Elements on the Soundness of Cu Alloy Castings
Results of an investigation into the effect of small additions of silicon and nickel on the casting properties of copper are presented. Dependence of casting soundness on the structure of cast specimens is discussed.
Key words:Alloy, alloying, structure, soundness.
Krushenko G.G. The perfection of founding the pumps cases of turbo-pump assembly of liquid-fuel rocket engine technology
The results of several technologies, means and mechanisms use that provides thequality increasing of the pumps cases of turbo-pump assembly of liquid-fuel rocket engines founded of aluminum-silicon alloy are described.
Key words:Liquid-fuel rocket engines, cases of turbo-pump assembly, aluminum-silicon alloy, technologies.
Doroshenko V.S. About monitoring system of the Ice Pattern Casting Process
Development of eco-innovative technologies and information systems monitoring the casting process are considered as two parallel processes. A scheme of the process sequenceIce Pattern Casting and a list of characteristics to monitor these operations. The physicochemical processes underlying the filtration molding оn the ice pattern.
Keywords:Ice Pattern Casting, lost ice pattern, monitoring, filtration molding, ecology, shell mold.
Uglev N.P., Poilov V.Z., Kazantsev A.L., Ordin D.A., Merzlyakov K.S., Zvezdin V.L., Shilov A.V., Petrov A.Y., Trubkina S.N., Samosudov A.A. Thermomechanical Properties of Ceramics for Investment Casting
20 types of casting ceramics based on alumina and silicon mechanical and physicochemical properties research results are represented. Correlation between ceramic compositions compound and their technological properties is revealed. Correlation between ceramic compositions compound and DTA results of firing is also disclosed.
Keywords:Ceramic, ceramic compound, binding, ceramic slurry, ceramic mechanical properties.
Batyshev A.I. Pressure Die Casting of Steel
Presented is the basic information on pressure die casting of steel, including casting selection, dies to be used, and materials for them, alloys for castings, casting technology.
Key words:Casting, pressure, steel, dies, technology, castings.
Pivavarchyk A.A., Michalzov А.М. Effect of dividing methods of applying coatings to a thickness of cutting the separation layer of aluminum casting alloys under pressure
The results of studies to determine the thickness of the lubricant layer separation, depending on how they are applied to the surface of the casting equipment.
Key words:Release coating, die casting, aluminum alloys, thickness gauge, cutting the spacer layer.
Gruzman V.M., Musinov M.V., Burdakov K.A. Study of Regime of Binder Settling on Sand Grains in Fluidized Bed
Proposed is a method of comparative determination of the critical sand fluidization rate in a molding sand preparation plant. Existence of an optimal fluidization rate is shown. Tendency towards lower sand strength during additional, after binder settling, “boiling” has been established.
Key words:Binder, sand, boiling bed, critical fluidization rate.
Guriya I.M., Lyutyi R.V., Keush D.V., Smolskaya V.S. Core Sands with a Binder Based on Orthophosphoric Acid and Alkaline Metal Salts
The article presents the results of the development of new core mixtures based on previously unexplored binding system of phosphoric acid and inorganic salts of alkali metals. In the composition of the mixtures are used sodium tripolyphosphate, sodium chloride and potassium chloride, that are react with phosphoric acid. Established that binders in core mixtures, which provide higher total and surface strength, are potassium and sodium phosphates that are formed directly in the mixture at thermal strengthening of its components. Cores provide produce quality castings in iron and steel.
Key words:Phosphoric acid, strength, binding composition, core mixture, sodium tripolyphosphate, sodium chloride, potassium chloride.
Refractories and Products Based on Alumosilicate Fibers and Inorganic Binders
The “Fibrous Refractories” Company is a developer of technologies and producer of materials and products for high-temperature insulation based on alumosilicate fibers and inorganic binders. The products are manufactured at their own production facilities in Togliatti.
Popov А. Dynamics of development of foundry production in NAFTA countries from Laempe experience
The article considers the economic development tendencies of leading foundries in the NAFTA member countries (the USA, Canada and Mexico) and their modernization experience by introduction of modern automatic core-making lines and robotic centers for Cold box technology based on the equipment of the global leader Laempe, Germany.
Keywords:Tendencies of foundry production, innovation in production of core moulds, assemblies, blocks.
Table of content
Leushin I.O., Chistyakov D.G. Analysis of the processes of carbide-formation in the surface layer of castings glass-molds
Pankratov S.N., Semyonov K.G., Batyshev K.A. Effect of Small Additions of Alloying Elements on the Soundness of Cu Alloy Castings
Krushenko G.G. The perfection of founding the pumps cases of turbo-pump assembly of liquid-fuel rocket engine technology
Doroshenko V.S. About monitoring system of the Ice Pattern Casting Process
Uglev N.P., Poilov V.Z., Kazantsev A.L., Ordin D.A., Merzlyakov K.S., Zvezdin V.L., Shilov A.V., Petrov A.Y., Trubkina S.N., Samosudov A.A. Thermomechanical Properties of Ceramics for Investment Casting
Batyshev A.I. Pressure Die Casting of Steel
Pivavarchyk A.A., Michalzov А.М. Effect of dividing methods of applying coatings to a thickness of cutting the separation layer of aluminum casting alloys under pressure
Gruzman V.M., Musinov M.V., Burdakov K.A. Study of Regime of Binder Settling on Sand Grains in Fluidized Bed
Guriya I.M., Lyutyi R.V., Keush D.V., Smolskaya V.S. Core Sands with a Binder Based on Orthophosphoric Acid and Alkaline Metal Salts
Refractories and Products Based on Alumosilicate Fibers and Inorganic Binders
Popov А. Dynamics of development of foundry production in NAFTA countries from Laempe experience