Abramov A.A. On determination of hydrogen content in liquid aluminum alloys
Some methods for determination of the hydrogen content in liquid aluminium alloys are discussed in the article, and features of these methods are described. It is noted that the quality of a melt depends not only on the concentration of hydrogen, but also on the content of solid inclusions of aluminum oxide in the melt. On this base, a method to evaluate the quality of Al melts by the meniscus geometry in a vacuum-hardened sample is recommended for the use under working conditions.
Key words:Aluminum melts, hydrogen, evacuation, porosity, oxides, gas saturation.
Rovin S.L., Koreniugin S.V. Causes of defect of castings for finning and the search for ways to prevent it
This article describes the causes of defects in castings of the type finning are considered and methods for their elimination are analyzed.
Key words:Defects in castings, finning, non-stick coatings, sand.
Komarov O.S., Rozenberg E.V. Application of sodium aluminate as a binder in casting paints
Comparative tests of casting paints using liquid glass, lignosulfonate and sodium aluminate as binders have been carried out, showing that sodium aluminate can be successfully used as a binder component. It is established that in dyesensilimanite and zircon based paints, its application provides a high level of durability of the paint. Addition of sodium aluminate in paints with water-soluble organic binders stabilizes the properties of the paint when heated to high temperatures.
Key words:Foundry paint, sodium aluminate, lignosulfonate, sodium silicate, strength, technological properties.
Vdovin K.N., Feoktistov N.A., Pivovarova K.G., Ponamareva T.B. Investigation of physical and chemical transformations in zirconium coating for steel casting
In the present work the physicochemical transformations occurring in the zirconium coating applied to the surface of the mold prepared for pouring steel are studied. Its interaction with liquid metal and form is considered. The studies were carried out by thermoanalytic and x-ray phase methods. Separately considered zircon concentrate and found that zircon when heated does not undergo allotropic transformations, has a high resistance to thermal dissociation and thus the coating does not peel off from the surface of the mold and is less prone to cracking. The basic physical and chemical processes occurring in the coating during its high-temperature heating are established. The influence of physical and chemical processes on the formation of the strength of the zircon coating is considered.
Key words:Zircon, zircon paint, coating, strength, hardness, thermal analysis.
Illarionov I.E., Sadaddinov S.V., Strelnikov I.A., Zhirkov E.N. Effect of lithium metaborate, sodium and potassium phosphate on the properties of cold mixtures
Discusses the technological properties of alumot and magnetostatic cold-mixes, which is infused with lithium metaborate, sodium metaborate and potassium metaborate. It was found that the lithium, sodium and potassium metabolate increase survivability, increase compressive strength, reduce residual strength and crumbling, as well as improve the formability of aluminum phosphate, magnesium phosphate molding and rod mixtures.
Key words:Alumophosphate, manifestatie binder, metaborate lithium, sodium, potassium, molding and core mixture.
Sadokha M.A. About features of chill casting technology
The options for increasing the resistance of chill molds by implementing a thermal circuit for compensating thermal stresses are considered. A number of one-position and rotary chill machines are presented.
Key words:Casting, efficiency, chill mold, cast iron, aluminum alloys, chill machine.
Livshits V.B., Kushnir A.P. Compensation of changes in the metallostatic pressure in machines for casting with backpressure
The paper proposed a method and implemented a device for making changes in the metalostatic pressure of changes in the level of the metal. For this purpose, a non-contact high-temperature inductive transducer, operating according to the transformer-differential circuit, was used. The proposed method of improving the quality of work and reducing the percentage of defective products, as it becomes generally accepted level of metal content in the crucible, indicates the time of the termination of work.
Key words:Metallostatic pressure, inductive converter, counter-pressure casting.
Gruzman V.M. Improvisation on the topic of mathematical modeling
For a particular enterprise, the model parameter must be its own. The models based on the techno-economic variables of a given, particular enterprise, accumulated in its information dump, have the most own parameter. An example is given of a possible preliminary sketch-out design of the stopper resistance model for a large casting ladle by production engineers. The dependencies of the stopper resistance on technological production factors were obtained and studied, and directions for making management decisions were determined.
Key words:Model parameter, information blade, natural variables, coded variables, technological factors, modeling, improvisation, draft version, expert ranking.
Lazarenkov A.M. About of the influence of working conditions on indicators of industrial injuries in foundries
The influence of working conditions on workers in the foundry production is considered. The results of the analysis of industrial injuries in foundries with different nature of production are given. It is noted that the most of accidents at the place of their incident falls on the fettler-cleaning shops, forming and melting-pouring shops of foundries, and the most traumatic professions are fettler-cleaner, former, furnace-operator, filler and repairman. Analysis of the causes of industrial injuries in foundries showed that about 74% of all industrial injuries occur due to organizational reasons, for technical reasons – about 16%, for sanitary and hygienic reasons – about 7% and for psychophysiological reasons – about 3%.
Key words:Foundry shop, industrial accident, injury rates, working conditions, worker.
Table of content
Marukovich E.I., Sadokha M.A., Sobolev V.E. Foundry of the Republic of Belarus
Abramov A.A. On determination of hydrogen content in liquid aluminum alloys
Rovin S.L., Koreniugin S.V. Causes of defect of castings for finning and the search for ways to prevent it
Komarov O.S., Rozenberg E.V. Application of sodium aluminate as a binder in casting paints
Vdovin K.N., Feoktistov N.A., Pivovarova K.G., Ponamareva T.B. Investigation of physical and chemical transformations in zirconium coating for steel casting
Illarionov I.E., Sadaddinov S.V., Strelnikov I.A., Zhirkov E.N. Effect of lithium metaborate, sodium and potassium phosphate on the properties of cold mixtures
Sadokha M.A. About features of chill casting technology
Livshits V.B., Kushnir A.P. Compensation of changes in the metallostatic pressure in machines for casting with backpressure
Gruzman V.M. Improvisation on the topic of mathematical modeling
Lazarenkov A.M. About of the influence of working conditions on indicators of industrial injuries in foundries