Number 01, 2020
Издательский дом «Литейное производство» выпускает два специализированных научно-технических журнала с периодичностью: «Литейное производство» – ежемесячно, «Металлургия машиностроения» – 1 раз в 2 месяца.
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Dolgii L.P., Kalinichenko V.A., Kalinichenko M.L., Lushchyk P.E. Production some responsible purpose product based on wear-resistant cast iron modified 16% chrome and 2% molybdenum
In the article are presented some results of computational and experimental studies of the features of obtaining and heat treatment cast iron modified with chrome and molybdenum. With the help of developed simulation modeling of casting and crystallization of casting alloys method the most effective methods of adiabatic thermal insulation and heating of the Gating-feeding system of alloys with a wide crystallization interval was determined.
Key words: Wear-resistant cast iron, shrinkage, liquation, heated and heat-insulated steel, heat treatment, distribution of elements, structure.

Bublikov V.B., Bachinsky Yu.D., Yasinsky A.A., Yasinskaya E.A. Improvement of the properties of high-strength iron
The data on increasing the properties of high-strength iron due to the separate alloying with nickel and copper and changes in the cooling rate of castings are presented. It was shown that an increase in the cooling rate has a positive effect on the structure and mechanical properties of both unalloyed iron and high-strength iron alloyed with 1% Ni.
Key words: High-strength cast iron, composition, alloying, structure, properties, cooling rate.

Gatsuro V.M., Rovin S.L. Integrated approach to improving quality and reliability of thick-walled steel castings of responsible purpose
The article is devoted to the problem of obtaining large-sized steel castings intended for use in loaded constructions of responsible designation. The most effective methods for producing large steel castings with a given structure and properties are considered, including by modifying and creating conditions for directional crystallization.
Key words: Steel castings, modification, structure, properties, crystallization, reliability, durability.

Batyshev K.A., Batyshev A.I. Properties of aluminum alloys
The review is focused on the composition, properties and applications of cast aluminum alloys, the main trends in improving their properties (modification, refining, degassing). Measures to improve the quality of castings in the course of sand casting, lost foam casting and high-pressure die casting are considered. Information is provided on the hot isostatic pressing of castings, which contributes to an increase in their density, as well as on hardening of the castings surface by micro-arc oxidation and anodizing.
Key words: Aluminum alloys, compositions, properties, applications, casting, castings, quality

Vasenin V.I.,Bogomiagkov A.V., Sharov K.V. Investigation of the work of the vertical ouble-ring-shaped gating system
The description of the laboratory vertical double-ring-shaped gating system (GS) is provided. In the system the feeders be found at four levels, upon upper and lower levers be found on one feeler, at two middle – by two feeders. Theory of calculating of flow speed and liquid flow rate, depending on the quantity of at the same time working feeders are stated. In system fluid perhaps approach to feeder with three side at different levels, therefore to give direction movement fluid and speed fluid. Calculation makes of method successive approaching before receipt of a tasked size difference between tasked and calculated meaning speed movement fluid. The possibility of using Bernoulli’s equation (BE) to the stream sections with different flow may be regarded as proven, i.e. for calculations of gating systems with many feeders. But BE is derived for the stream with constantly consumption, i.e. for calculations of GS with one feeder.
Key words: Pouring basin, sprue, runner, feeder, head, resistance coefficient, expence coefficient, stream speed, consumption of liquid.

Marshirov V.V., Marshirova L.E., Marshirov I.V. Digital technologies for recording and highly accurate temperature control in the foundry
The algorithm of high-precision temperature control in the manufacture of castings is presented. Elements are described that provide the control computer with thermocouples and with switching devices. Software has been developed that provides coordinated control of four heating devices and temperature recording from eight thermocouples.
Key words: Digital technologies, temperature recording, temperature control.

Lysenko T.V., Kreutzer K.A., Yasyukov V.V., Kozishkurt E.N., Morozov A.L. On the features of mold evacuation during injection molding of magnesium alloys
The process of mold evacuation during injection molding of magnesium alloys is considered. A feature of the process is the presence of labyrinth channels for air suctioning from the mold. An improvement in the quality of magnesium alloy castings is registered.
Key words: Magnesium alloys, injection molding, evacuation, castings, quality.

Table of content

To the 90th anniversary of CNIITMASH. Alexandrov N.N., Nuraliev F.A. Foundry technology for nuclear and power engineering

Dolgii L.P., Kalinichenko V.A., Kalinichenko M.L., Lushchyk P.E. Production some responsible purpose product based on wear-resistant cast iron modified 16% chrome and 2% molybdenum

Bublikov V.B., Bachinsky Yu.D., Yasinsky A.A., Yasinskaya E.A. Improvement of the properties of high-strength iron

Gatsuro V.M., Rovin S.L. Integrated approach to improving quality and reliability of thick-walled steel castings of responsible purpose

Batyshev K.A., Batyshev A.I. Properties of aluminum alloys

Vasenin V.I.,Bogomiagkov A.V., Sharov K.V. Investigation of the work of the vertical ouble-ring-shaped gating system

Marshirov V.V., Marshirova L.E., Marshirov I.V. Digital technologies for recording and highly accurate temperature control in the foundry

Lysenko T.V., Kreutzer K.A., Yasyukov V.V., Kozishkurt E.N., Morozov A.L. On the features of mold evacuation during injection molding of magnesium alloys

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