Gavrilin I.V. On the development of the theory of liquid eutectic alloys
Equations were derived for calculation of the heat of eutectics melting, eutectic temperature, and eutectic concentration when developing the cluster theory of liquid eutectic alloys. The results of calculations by the proposed formulas are shown, which showed a good agreement with the experimental data.
Key words: Liquid eutectics, clusters, elements.
Piirainen V.Y., Nikitina T.Yu. New in the production of cast armor plates ball mills
On the example of ball mills, one of the main types of special equipment of domestic mining and enrichment enterprises, the concept of using hybrid materials for making wear elements of armor plates used for lining the cylindrical part of the drum of the mill is considered.
Key words: Hybrid materials, interlocking, stress concentration, shock-abrasive damage, the internal architecture of the material.
Yamshinsky M.M., Fedorov G.E., Kovalchuk A.G. Physical and chemical processes occurring in the castings at the wear-resistant surface alloying
Brief information is given on the surface alloying of castings including a dependence of the alloyed layer thickness on the melting temperature of FХ800, FХ 015, FМn78, and FМn1.5 ferroalloys which are a part of coatings applied to the rods. It is recommended to introduce high-carbon ferromanganese, pure Mn, and mechanical mixtures of carbide-forming elements into the compositions for surface alloying of castings.
Key words: Surface alloying, ferroalloys.
Batyshev K.A., Batyshev A.I. Methods for production of castings from aluminum alloys
The ways to improve the quality of aluminum alloy castings produced by sand casting, lost foam casting, and die casting were considered. Mechanical properties of castings achieved by the usage of the above casting processes were given.
Key words: Aluminum alloys, castings, sand casting, lost foam casting, quality, structure, properties
Seredenko E.V., Seredenko V.A. Changing the shape of intermetallic compounds in an Al–Cu alloy doped with rare-earth metals by application of a magnetic field to a hardening melt
An effect of a constant magnetic field with induction of 0.1 T on the shape of intermetallic compounds in an Al-Cu alloy doped with rare-earth metals was studied. It has been shown that the configuration of intermetallic compounds has being modified as follows: the growth of their smooth faces was transformed into a cellular one and a zone of small inclusions appeared at the surfaces of intermetallic compounds.
Key words: Aluminum alloy, solidification, structure, magnetic field.
Kalinichenko M.L., Dolgiy L.P., Kalinichenko V.A. Modern technologies for production of equipment for small-scale foundry
The article presents modern data on the materials used to create model kits, the method of their installation for use on any Casting Workgroups, specializing in the repair and creation of castings by experimental or small-scale batches. The analysis of the materials used, adhesive compositions used for their fastening, as well as economic indicators of the costs necessary for their production were made. The properties of adhesive compositions used for fixing both plastic components of forms and their combinations with metal parts are shown.
Key words: Model tools, adhesives, plastic model, parts of model kits, mechanical breaking test.
Strelnikov I.A., Pestryaev D.A., Sadetdinov Sh.V. New compositions of peat-containing heat-insulating mixtures for warming the casting heads
An analysis of the scientific literature on foundry technology has revealed that peatcontaining heat-insulating mixtures for warming the casting heads have high heatinsulating properties, but low strength characteristics, which inhibits their practical application. Studies have shown that the addition of ammonium-, lithium-, sodium- and potassium pentaborates to the composition of peat-containing heat-insulating mixtures reduces their friability, improves formability and increases strength characteristics. An effective composition of such a mixture was developed for warming the casting heads (%): quartz sand – 53, peat – 20, tripoli – 10, magnesium-aluminum phosphate binder – 8, and Na (K) pentaborate – 9.
Key words: Peat-containing heat-insulating mixture for warming the casting heads, ammonium-, lithium-, sodium- and potassium pentaborate, friability, formability, compressive strength, tensile strengt:h
Volkov D.A., Volkov A.D., Efimenko A.V. Production of large-sized grinding balls by casting in a lined chill mold
The promising new technology for the production of large grinding balls in casting the coated mold is presented; the benefits of new technology provides is described. The technical and technological characteristics of the six-position carousel-chill casting machine for casting in chill mould is presented. It is a competitive counterpart in the mass production of large grinding balls, in comparison with Chinese casting line in the coated metal mold and company Disamatic line.
Key words: Cast grinding balls, lined mold, carousel-chill machine.
Livshits V.B., Shumilin V.K. Production of art castings by extruding metal into closed cavities
The paper considers the possibility of manufacturing bulk products by injection molding with crystallization under pressure, i.e. extrusion of metal into closed cavities carried out on press equipment. Injection molding with crystallization under pressure is described as applied to the manufacture of 3D products. Casting into one-time inserts made from inexpensive materials was carried out with the use of gypsum copies of the author’s plasticine original products. 5XHM heat-treatable steel was used to manufacture metal parts of tools.
Key words: Model, forming insert, extrusion during crystallization.
Lasarenkov A.M. Research of influence of working conditions on workers in foundries
The working conditions of workers in foundries and their impact on occupational illness are considered. The results of the distribution of occupational diseases in the casting departments and according to professions working in foundries are given. It was found that the working conditions of foundrymen lead to such occupational diseases as silicosis and dust bronchitis, vibration disease and neuritis of the auditory organ. It is noted that about 60% of vibration disease, about 40% of neuritis of the auditory organ, about 80% of silicosis and dust bronchitis from the total number of similar occupational diseases in machine-building enterprises account for workers in foundries.
Key words: Working conditions, occupational diseases, workers, noise, vibration, dust level.
Table of content
Gavrilin I.V. On the development of the theory of liquid eutectic alloys
Piirainen V.Y., Nikitina T.Yu. New in the production of cast armor plates ball mills
Yamshinsky M.M., Fedorov G.E., Kovalchuk A.G. Physical and chemical processes occurring in the castings at the wear-resistant surface alloying
Batyshev K.A., Batyshev A.I. Methods for production of castings from aluminum alloys
Seredenko E.V., Seredenko V.A. Changing the shape of intermetallic compounds in an Al–Cu alloy doped with rare-earth metals by application of a magnetic field to a hardening melt
Kalinichenko M.L., Dolgiy L.P., Kalinichenko V.A. Modern technologies for production of equipment for small-scale foundry
Strelnikov I.A., Pestryaev D.A., Sadetdinov Sh.V. New compositions of peat-containing heat-insulating mixtures for warming the casting heads
Volkov D.A., Volkov A.D., Efimenko A.V. Production of large-sized grinding balls by casting in a lined chill mold
Livshits V.B., Shumilin V.K. Production of art castings by extruding metal into closed cavities
Lasarenkov A.M. Research of influence of working conditions on workers in foundries
Women in the foundry
Female images in the urban sculpture