Andreev V.V., Nuraliev F.A. Cast samples for determination of mechanical properties of ductile iron with nodular and vermicular graphite
The weight-size parameters of separately cast U-shaped samples of type I (GOST 24648-90) were determined. The regularities of changes in mechanical properties of iron with vermicular (ChVG40) and nodular (VCh50) graphite were studied for the case of an increase in the wall thickness of the gauge length of the sample made from the metal of one melt. The actual possibility to control mechanical properties of nodular graphite large castings with wall thicknesses of more than 200 mm using the cast-on bar specimens with a wall thickness of 70 mm was confirmed.
Keywords: Iron with nodular and vermicular graphite, structure, mechanical properties, separately cast and cast-on bar specimens.
Leushin I.O., Titov A.V., Maslov K.A., Subbotin A.Y. The problem of knockout rods in the production of aluminum casting of cold box amin-process
The most probable causes of insufficient knockout of rods by the cold box amin-process from aluminum castings are considered. The existing methods for solving the problem are analyzed. The requirements for technological additives that improve the knockability of the rods are formulated.
Keywords: Cold box amin-process, cold hardening mixtures, knockout, aluminum alloys.
Illarionov I.E., Sadetdinov Sh.V., Strelnikov I.A., Pestryaev D.A. Modification of metallic phosphate binders and mixtures with oxygen compounds of boron
One of the foundry's urgent tasks is to develop new effective modified metallophosphate binders and mixtures. Studies have shown that the addition of oxygen compounds of boron – lithium, sodium and potassium tetraborates to the composition of aluminum phosphate and magnesium phosphate binders and mixtures improves their processing characteristics. Effective binders and mixtures made of aluminum phosphate borate and magnesium phosphate borate have been developed and recommended for the manufacture of molding sand mixtures and core mixtures used in foundry.
Keywords: Aluminum phosphate and magnesium phosphate binders, mixtures, oxygen compounds of boron, lithium, sodium, and potassium tetraborates, compressive strength, crumbling, formability, durability, residual strength, knock-out of castings.
Shinsky O.I., Maksyuta I.I., Kvasnitskaya Yu.G., Neima A.V., Mikhnyan E.V. The use of hot dissolution of polystyrene foam models in the production of shell castings
The results of studies of ways to intensify the dissolution process of casting models made from different types of polystyrene foams by the hot dissolution were presented. An influence of temperature-time process conditions for several types of solvents was established. Advantages of the proposed method are shown in comparison with the investment casting in terms of both improving the surface quality and reducing the time input when producing complex-shaped castings.
Keywords: Heat-resistant alloy, ceramic molds, polystyrene foam, hot dissolution, thermokinetic characteristics, porosity.
Kulikov V.Yu., Issagulov A.Z., Ibatov M.K., Kvon Sv.S., Kovalyova T.V. Properties of shell moulds made under variable pressure conditions
In production conditions, shell shapes of "Cover" part are made. The effect of the compaction method on the strength and hardness of the resulting shell molds was considered. Castings made in such molds for mechanical stresses have also been investigated. It has been determined that variations in the concentration of mechanical stresses along the length of the sample are small, which makes it possible to claim good casting qualities of the shell mold made at non-stationary pressure, namely good compliance, small slag formation, reduced gas release, etc.
Keywords: The shell, a form, casting, density, durability, pressure, pulverbakelit, quality.
Barinov A.Yu., Tukabayov B.N., Nikitin K.V., Nikitin V.I. Producing burning-out models using additive technologies by method of layer-by-layer fusing
The results of research for the manufacture of burning-out models, applied in the casting in refractory ceramic molds, using additive manufacturing tools are presented.
Keywords: Additive manufacturing, foundry, burning-out models, layer-by-layer fusing, refractory ceramic molds.
Finkelstein A.B., Furman E.L. How disputes between manufacturers and consumers of castings are solved in judicial practice
The article is devoted to the analysis of claims that the customer of castings presents to the manufacturer in the court. Recommendations on how to try to avoid such situations are given. Actual examples of such litigation proceedings are described.
Keywords: Casting, GOST requirements, defective products, customer, manufacturer, litigation at law.
Livshits V.B., Mamedova I.Yu. An influence of the structure and manufacturing technology on the appearance of an artistic article
The paper considers issues related to an influence of a number of factors on the casting structure. It was shown that it is possible to influence preliminarily the structure of a casting by selecting the mold material. It is shown that the surface roughness, dimensional accuracy, and sometimes, manufacturing technology can be determined with the help of the casting macrostructure. All this facilitates the work of designers, artists and technologists engaged in manufacturing an artistic article.
Keywords: Structure, casting, manufacturing technology, surface roughness.
Table of content
Foundrymen during the Great Patriotic War
Andreev V.V., Nuraliev F.A. Cast samples for determination of mechanical properties of ductile iron with nodular and vermicular graphite
Leushin I.O., Titov A.V., Maslov K.A., Subbotin A.Y. The problem of knockout rods in the production of aluminum casting of cold box amin-process
Illarionov I.E., Sadetdinov Sh.V., Strelnikov I.A., Pestryaev D.A. Modification of metallic phosphate binders and mixtures with oxygen compounds of boron
Shinsky O.I., Maksyuta I.I., Kvasnitskaya Yu.G., Neima A.V., Mikhnyan E.V. The use of hot dissolution of polystyrene foam models in the production of shell castings
Kulikov V.Yu., Issagulov A.Z., Ibatov M.K., Kvon Sv.S., Kovalyova T.V. Properties of shell moulds made under variable pressure conditions
Barinov A.Yu., Tukabayov B.N., Nikitin K.V., Nikitin V.I. Producing burning-out models using additive technologies by method of layer-by-layer fusing
Finkelstein A.B., Furman E.L. How disputes between manufacturers and consumers of castings are solved in judicial practice
Livshits V.B., Mamedova I.Yu. An influence of the structure and manufacturing technology on the appearance of an artistic article