Boldyrev D.A., Muratkin G.V., Popova L.I., Prasolov S.G. Evaluation of the influence of residual stresses on the geometric parameters of the brake drum-type parts
The reasons for the deterioration in the performance of brake drums when braking motor vehicles are identified. The factors causing the deviation of the geometric parameters from the specified values are revealed. The results of experimental studies of residual stresses in cast billets and products after annealing and subsequent edge-tool machining are presented.
Keywords: Brake drums of motor vehicles, operability of brake mechanisms, vibrations of the front suspension during vehicle braking, residual stresses, deviation from roundness of products.
Livshits V.B., Kushnir A.P., Mamedova I.Yu. Effect of thermal processing on the structure and properties of alloys of the Al–Cu system during back pressure casting
The results of the study of an influence of heat treatment conditions on the structure and properties of Al-Cu alloy castings made by pressure casting with counterpressure and low pressure casting are presented. An effect of the strengthening phase and homogenization time on the mechanical properties of castings is considered.
Keywords: Back pressure casting, thermal processing, heat treatment, mechanical properties, hardening, phase.
Semenov K.G., Chernov V.V., Batyshev K.A., Georgievsky M.G., Pankratov S.N. Simulation of the process of solidification of low-alloy copper alloy castings
A computer simulation of the process of solidification of castings made from a low-alloyed copper alloy with 2.65% Fe during investment casting was carried out using the ProCAST software. The adequacy of the developed digital prototypes was confirmed by physical simulation at the investment casting.
Keywords: Copper alloys, copper, iron, castings, solidification, computer simulation, investment casting.
Abdullin A.D. Castability analysis of part design in a new ProCAST module Co-Design and effective cooperation of design and technology services
The article discusses the capabilities of the new Co-Design module in the ProCAST software (ESI Group, France) which is used for rapid evaluation of part design for its castability in foundries, as well as for effective cooperation of design and technology departments.
Keywords: Computer-aided engineering, casting, sand casting, design process, part castability, casting defects, ProCAST, Co-Design.
Popov A. Implementation of Laempe core-making technologies at the factories of three leading global foundry nations during the 2020…2021 crisis
The article provides an analysis of the state of the world foundry production, the leading countries are distinguished in terms of production volumes. The level of equipping foundries with modern samples of foundry core equipment is described.
Keywords: Foundry Modernization, Core Technology, Cold box amin-process.
Budanov E.N. US foundries are trying to catch up with Russian plants in mastering the vacuum molding technology for production of large railway castings
The article assesses the development of the production of railroad castings in Russia and the USA. Examples of successful completed projects based on vacuum-molding technology in Russia and the first experience of mastering similar vacuum castings in the USA are shown. The nuances and main advantages of this technology for this and other groups of castings are presented.
Keywords: Modernization of foundry production, vacuum molding, quality of molds and castings, railway castings «frame» and «bolster».
Table of content
Boldyrev D.A., Muratkin G.V., Popova L.I., Prasolov S.G. Evaluation of the influence of residual stresses on the geometric parameters of the brake drum-type parts
Livshits V.B., Kushnir A.P., Mamedova I.Yu. Effect of thermal processing on the structure and properties of alloys of the Al–Cu system during back pressure casting
Semenov K.G., Chernov V.V., Batyshev K.A., Georgievsky M.G., Pankratov S.N. Simulation of the process of solidification of low-alloy copper alloy castings
Abdullin A.D. Castability analysis of part design in a new ProCAST module Co-Design and effective cooperation of design and technology services
Popov A. Implementation of Laempe core-making technologies at the factories of three leading global foundry nations during the 2020…2021 crisis
Budanov E.N. US foundries are trying to catch up with Russian plants in mastering the vacuum molding technology for production of large railway castings