Number 6, 2024
Издательский дом «Литейное производство» выпускает два специализированных научно-технических журнала с периодичностью: «Литейное производство» – ежемесячно, «Металлургия машиностроения» – 1 раз в 2 месяца.
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Marukovich E.I., Stetsenko V.Yu., Stetsenko A.V. About modification of foundry alloys
Crystallization of metal melts is a nanostructural process in which elementary nanocrystals of components of casting alloys and structure-forming nanocrystals of microcrystals of phases play the main role. The modification of cast alloys is an adsorption-nanostructural process. The main demodifying elements of the castings structure, during their solidification, are adsorbed oxygen or hydrogen atoms and molecular hydrogen released on dendritic microcrystals of phases. Adsorbed oxygen or hydrogen atoms reduce the concentration of crystallization centers, and molecular hydrogen prevents the branching of dendritic microcrystals of phases. Modification of casting alloys consists in reducing the concentration of adsorbed oxygen or hydrogen atoms, preventing the release of molecular hydrogen on dendritic microcrystals of phases.
Keywords: Casting alloys, modification mechanisms, nanostructural process, nanocrystals, adsorption, oxygen, hydrogen.

Malinov L.S., Malinov V.L., Lavrova E.V. Differentiated contact arc treatment of cast iron and cast low-carbon steels with a non-melting electrode
Data on the use of differentiated contact arc treatment (ДКДО) with a non-melting electrode with melting of local surface areas of cast iron СЧ35, ВЧ 50 and cast low-carbon steels with an additive of cast iron СЧ35 to increase their abrasive wear resistance.
Keywords: Casting, iron, steel, differentiated contact arc treatment, structural-phase gradients, structure.

Nikitin K.V., Zhatkin S.S., Dunaev D.A., Chernikov D.G. Hybrid technologies in WAAM-surfacing
The paper provides an analysis of the use of hybrid technologies in electric arc WAAM surfacing, a description of the factors influencing the process of formation of surfacing zones, their structure and properties. The results of preliminary studies on hybrid welding and WAAM surfacing with simultaneous magnetic pulse processing (MPT) of aluminum alloy workpieces are presented. Conducted studies on welding and WAAM surfacing of aluminum alloys with simultaneous magnetic pulse processing of welding and surfacing zones indicate the possibility of implementing a hybrid technology “electric arc surfacing - magnetic pulse processing” to change the structure and properties of surfacing zones. A study of the microstructure showed that MPT has a significant modifying effect on the dendrites of the ?-Al alloy Св-AK5, produced using the hybrid process “electric arc surfacing - magnetic pulse processing”.
Keywords: Electric arc surfacing, additive technologies, hybrid technologies, microstructure, magnetic pulse processing, surface modification.

Stepanenko N.A., Kosovich A.A., Partyko E.G., Bezrukikh A.I., Bozhko D.N. Effect of phosphorized copper on the growth of primary silicon crystals in 1379с alloy
The results of a study of the influence of the MF-7 master alloy with a high crystallization rate on the growth of primary silicon crystals during the modification of hypereutectic piston silumin 1379s grade are presented. The paper presents the average size of primary silicon crystals, as well as the results of calculating the proportion of small, medium and large particles relative to the concentration of silikon in the melt.
Keywords: Silumin, primary silicon, modification, phosphorized copper.

Koreniugin S.V., Rovin S.L., Kuzenkov P.P. Changing the properties of core mixtures according to the cold-box-amine process using various metal-containing additives
The analysis of the influence of metal-containing additives of various chemical and granulometric composition (iron meerkat, FerroSAND – magnetite sand, aluminum powder and aluminum PA-4 powder) on the basic properties of sand-resin mixtures used for the manufacture of rods by the Cold box amin-process is presented. The influence of these additives on the strength of the mixtures in the cured state, on their gas content, gas permeability and crumbling was determined. The results obtained were compared with the characteristics of a reference mixture made without the use of additives.
Keywords: Sand-resin mixtures, special additives, Cold box amin-process, tensile strength, gas content, gas permeability, casting defects, finning.

Gruzman V.M., Yasnitskiy L.N. Big data and information environment of the metallurgical production
Brief information on the mathematical treatment of production data accumulated in metallurgy is provided. Attention was drawn to the large volume of these data (3000 and 5000 heats) when determining the relationship between the chemical composition and mechanical properties of carbon steel.
Keywords: Metallurgy, production data, their volume, mathematical treatment, steel.

Kyzembaev S.B., Larionova N.V. Foundry of Kazakhstan
The article provides an analysis of the indicators of the state of foundry production in the Republic of Kazakhstan over the past decades, identifies the problems that exist today, and suggests measures to improve the prospects for the development of this industry.
Keywords: Foundry, shaped casting, output volume, engineering training, Bologna system.

Lazarenkov A.M., Ivanov I.A., Sadokha M.A., Novik A.A. The state and forecasting of industrial injuries in foundries
The influence of working conditions on workers in the foundry is considered. The results of the analysis of occupational injuries in foundries with different production patterns are presented. It is noted that the largest number of accidents at the place of their occurrence falls on the cutting-cleaning, molding and melting-pouring sections of the casting workshops, and the most traumatic in workshops with different types of production are the professions of a chopper, a shaper, a smelter, a filler and a repairman. An analysis of the causes of injuries in foundries showed that about 76% of cases occur for organizational reasons, about 16% for technical reasons, about 6% for sanitary and hygienic reasons and about 2% for psychophysiological reasons.
Keywords: Foundry, accident, injury rates, forecasting, working conditions, nature of production, profession, employee.

Table of content

Marukovich E.I., Stetsenko V.Yu., Stetsenko A.V. About modification of foundry alloys

Malinov L.S., Malinov V.L., Lavrova E.V. Differentiated contact arc treatment of cast iron and cast low-carbon steels with a non-melting electrode

Nikitin K.V., Zhatkin S.S., Dunaev D.A., Chernikov D.G. Hybrid technologies in WAAM-surfacing

Stepanenko N.A., Kosovich A.A., Partyko E.G., Bezrukikh A.I., Bozhko D.N. Effect of phosphorized copper on the growth of primary silicon crystals in 1379с alloy

Koreniugin S.V., Rovin S.L., Kuzenkov P.P. Changing the properties of core mixtures according to the cold-box-amine process using various metal-containing additives

Gruzman V.M., Yasnitskiy L.N. Big data and information environment of the metallurgical production

Kyzembaev S.B., Larionova N.V. Foundry of Kazakhstan

Lazarenkov A.M., Ivanov I.A., Sadokha M.A., Novik A.A. The state and forecasting of industrial injuries in foundries

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