Number 6, 2008
Издательский дом «Литейное производство» выпускает два специализированных научно-технических журнала с периодичностью: «Литейное производство» – ежемесячно, «Металлургия машиностроения» – 1 раз в 2 месяца.
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V.Yu. Stetsenko Elements of Structural Heredity during Solidification of Metals and Alloys
Grounds of stable existence in melts of nanocrystals of phases above the temperature of liquidus for metals and eutectic alloys are presented on the basis of thermodynamic calculations. It is shown that at their hardening and fusion thermodynamically merging and disintegration processes of nanocrystals are most probable as they occur without expenses of free energy. Hence, the scheme of processes of fusion and crystallization in metals and alloys, explaining the mechanism of hereditary crystallization is proposed. Nanocrystals of phases together with surface-active elements are its elements.

V.V. Vologdin et al. Bulk Material Flowmeters for Charge Preparation
The article gives an overview of modern flowmeters used for charge preparation in the foundry and metallurgy industry.

Irinin A.L. Effect of Small Zirconium Additions on the Properties of High-Temperature Alloys
Results of investigations of the effect of small zirconium additions on the micro- and macrostructure and mechanical properties of ЭП437, ЭП708, ЭП437 БУ, 2×21Н11ВЗЛ, Х18Н12Л and ЖС6К alloys are presented. It has been found that a zirconium addition improves the properties of those alloys.

V.K. Afanasyev The Siberian physicist-metallurgists' 50th anniversary
The Chair of Physics of Metals and New Materials at the Siberian State Industrial University (the former Siberian Institute of Metallurgy) is 50 years old.
The Chair’s history is briefly set forth. Achievements in the field of creation of materials and methods of their treatment by the example of ferrous (cast iron, steel) and aluminium-based alloys are shown. The main lines of the Chair’s activities are listed with a hope for cooperation with metallurgical and machine-building enterprises.

V.S. Ivanova (IMET, Russian Academy of Sciences) et al. Nanoscience as a Theory of Controlling the Structure and Properties of Nanosystems
On the basis of synergetic approaches being a theory of self-organizing systems, and the fractals theory, it has been shown that the development of a theory of controlling the structure and properties of nanosystems is related to establishing conditions under that the nanostructuring occurs not due to supplied energy, but due to spontaneously released elastic energy as the system loses its space-time symmetry being an independent source of energy. In this respect, a promising line in the solution of nanotechnology problems is the obtaining of nanosystems under the conditions far from thermodynamic equilibrium ensuring self-organization of fractal structures adapting the system to external action using an independent source of energy.

V.L. Smirnov et al. Thermal Analysis of Aluminium Alloys of the Al-Zn-Mg-Cu System during Melting and Solidification
In the work carried out by the method of thermal analysis followed by numerical time differentiation of heat and cooling curves (with a description of the methods), the processes of melting and solidification of specimens of industrial large-size homogenized ingots with a cross-section of 400×1320 mm from alloys in grades 7475, 7175, 7075 and 7050 with a specific chemical composition have been studied. Values of non-equilibrium and equilibrium solidus temperatures, start of linear shrinkage and liquidus of said alloys have been established. Total temperature range of non-equilibrium crystallization and effective crystallization range have been determined for each alloy. Special features inherent to each alloy have been found.

M.S. Oglodkov et al. (FGUP «VIAM»**) Fine-Tuning of the Process of Manufacturing Pressed Profiles from High-Strength Grade B-1461 Alloy of the Al-Cu-Li-Zn System
Creation of aircraft of the new generation requires application of Al alloys having a strength level of up to 600 MPa combined with a lower density. The objective of this work is to fine-tune the process of manufacturing semi-finished products from a new high strength, corrosion-resistant, lower density alloy B-1461 of the Al-Cu-Li-Zn system. The work consisted in choosing pressing modes for the intermediate billet and profile, speed of pressing the profiles, and evaluation of their mechanical properties and structure.

D.K. Lykasov et al. (Urals State Teacher-Training University, Yekaterinburg) Effect of the Method of Alloying Grade 2124 Alloy with Manganese on the Structure and Heat Capacity of Ingot
To improve the process of making ingots from grade 2124 alloy, effect of the method of alloying with manganese on the microstructure and heat capacity of metal has been studied. Samples taken from homogenized 2124 alloy ingots different by the method of introducing manganese into the melt were compared: one lot of samples were taken from ingots alloyed with a Mg80F20 tablet, and the other lot of samples were taken from ingots that had been produced with introducing manganese in the form of an Al-13%Mn bar.

Experimental data on precrystallizinq rearranqrments of calcium phosphate solution modified with ultradispersed powders (UDP) are reported.
Dissipation of energy excess during the change of state occurs via formation of lamellar crystals (lamellae) and their organized motion in the solution. Before crystallization starts, the motion of lamellae slows down and the bulk of them dissolves.
Increase of concentration of UDP results in decrease of lamellae’s size and in growth of their quantity and instensity of the motion.

Table of Content:

A.G. Zhurilo On the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the Ukrainian Metal Research Institute

D.K. Lykasov, et al. Effect of the Method of Alloying Grade 2124 Alloy with Manganese on the Structure and Heat Capacity of Ingot

V.V. Vologdin et al. Bulk Material Flowmeters for Charge Preparation

V.K. Afanasyev The Siberian physicist-metallurgists' 50th anniversary

V.Yu. Stetsenko Elements of Structural Heredity during Solidification of Metals and Alloys

V.L. Smirnov et al. Thermal Analysis of Aluminium Alloys of the Al-Zn-Mg-Cu System during Melting and Solidification

A.L. Irinin Effect of Small Zirconium Additions on the Properties of High-Temperature Alloys

V.S. Kaskov et al. Stability of Strength Characteristics of Grade ВАБ-1 Alloy Produced by Suspension Casting

V.S. Ivanova et al. Nanoscience as a Theory of Controlling the Structure and Properties of Nanosystems

Review of papers. Equipment and Technologies for Heat Treatment of Metals and Alloys

M.S. Oglodkov et al. Fine-Tuning of the Process of Manufacturing Pressed Profiles from High-Strength Grade B-1461 Alloy of the Al-Cu-Li-Zn System

V.V. Vashkovets et al. On the Determination of Wear Resistance of Beaters of Coal -Grinding Hammer Mills

V.P. Samarai Optimization of Scientific Search Using DBMS "Catalogue of Literature on Ferrous Metallurgy"

The 1st International Conference "INTECHMET-2008"

Русская версия

Number 5, 2008      Number 1, 2009

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