Egner-Walter A. Determination of Shape Distortions in Thin-Walled Die Castings
Mathematical methods allowing to predict a deviation during casting, fettling or heat treatment have been proposed. On the basis of the obtained results, appropriate optimization measures applicable to the manufacturing process or design of a cast part can be developed.
Kabaldin Y.G. A New Interpretation of the Mendeleev's Periodic Law
The authors have shown that the stability of nanos-tructures is achieved when assembling atoms with identical quantum state. Yet another interpretation of the Mendeleev's Periodic Law allowing to define an atom as a new kind of matter containing energy in the form of mass has been proposed.
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Malinovsky V.S. et al. Recycling of Chips, Scrap, Dross and Other Metal Waste in Machine Building Industry
The most important problem of the modern machine-building industry - recycling of metal waste - can be resolved by using multipurpose DC arc furnaces DPPTU-NP developed and mastered by NTF "EKTA". Metals and alloys made in DPPTU-NP furnaces from scrap and contaminated foundry waste have a high quality, the electric energy and materials consumption being reduced, and working conditions being improved.
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Shalevskaya I.A. et al. Control of Structure and Properties of Cast Matrix of Wear-Resistant High-Chromium Irons
Results of investigations aimed at revealing the nature of the processes of formation of structure and wear resistance characteristics of high-chromium irons are presented. The wear mechanism of the metal surface layer by fatigue fracture taking into account the energy capacity of the processes in metal is discussed. Heat treatment together with alloying ensures high chemical-and-me-chanical properties of metal due to formation of an optimal initial structure. Its effect on the wear resistance of castings has been evaluated.
Results of varying hardness of the investigated alloys upon holding at different temperatures and air cooling for investigating structural and phase transformations during normalization in different temperature ranges are given
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Ivanov O.P. Interaction of Complex Systems and Synergetics of Cumulative Energy Types
Principles of origination of complex systems are discussed. Properties of nonlinearity and complexity of connections in the system, character of behavior and interaction with the environment are basic. Evolution of complex systems occurs in accordance with the dialectical principle of unity of opposites - accumulation - dissipation. Cumulative forms of processes from both sides comply with the principle of minimization of energy consumption and energy transfer speeds. In the nanoworld, in spite of its specificity, the basic aspects of synergetics are realized. Real dissipative structures, presence of fractal structures characteristic for dynamic chaos are shown in super-packed nanostructures and variety of evolution scenarios indicating the complexity of structures in all scales
Blednova Z.M. Controlling Materials' Durability by Applying Self-organizing Shape Memory Coatings on their Surface
The current state of research in the field of surface inoculation of steel using materials with shape memory is briefly reviewed. The synergetic approach to resolving the problem of controlling the durability of self-organizing coatings from materials with shape memory is discussed. It is shown that the creation of coatings from materials with shape memory having improved operational properties is of an essential value for the optimization of designs, enhancement of reliability, saving of resources, improvement of durability and friction properties of products.
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Grabovy V.M. Description of Approaches to Selection of a Process of Electrohydroimpulse Melt Preparation for Pouring
Structuring of methods of melt preparation to ladling by cost per unit and processing efficiency (resonance effect probability) is suggested. The example of choice of physical method of melt loading is shown.
Bublikov V.B. Development of Processes of Manufacturing Cast Crankshafts from High-Strength Iron
Results of several years investigation about creation and improve technologies receipt casting crankshaft from high-strength cast iron are generalized. Technologycal, ecological, sale resources, technical and economical aspects of production and ways increased physical, mechanical and operational properties crankshaft from high- strength cast iron are analised.
Table of Content:
Petrova A.P., Narsky A.R. On the Occasion of the 100th Anniversary of Alexei Tikhonovich Tumanov
Kovalenko L.V. In Memory of Academician Y.K. Kovnesristy
Shanyavsky A.A. On an International Symposium
Ivanova V.S. The 18-Years Long Way to Nanotechnologies in Material Science through Synergetics and Fractals
Ivanov O.P. Interaction of Complex Systems and Synergetics of Cumulative Energy Types
Kabaldin Y.G. A New Interpretation of the Mendeleev's Periodic Law
Shalevskaya I.A. et al. Control of Structure and Properties of Cast Matrix of Wear-Resistant High-Chromium Irons
Malinovsky V.S. et al. Recycling of Chips, Scrap, Dross and Other Metal Waste in Machine Building Industry
Grabovy V.M. Description of Approaches to Selection of a Process of Electrohydroimpulse Melt Preparation for Pouring
Bublikov V.B. Development of Processes of Manufacturing Cast Crankshafts from High-Strength Iron
Tkachenko L.N. Equipment and Technology for Heat Treatment of Metals and Alloys
Events in the field of metallurgy and machine building in 2009
Nonferrous Metal Prices