Gertsyk S.I., Shishimirov M.V., Vasilenko V.P. Peculiarities of Operation of'Ladles with a Slide Gate
Particularities of foundry ladles with slide-gate operation. At pouring for about 35...40 mines metal in the of slide-gate cool down 5 times faster comparing to the metal in the capacity 30 t ladle. So the fluidity of melt in the "nested block" decreases and this can lead to losses of metal, and a ladle out of operation. Heat transfer calculations to estimate the rate of decrease the mean metal temperature in foundry ladle and separately in the "nest-type block" of a ladle and compile the recommendations about the pouring rate process have been done. The performed computation for estimating the oxygen (argon - oxygen mixture) volume rate blowing the melt at the pouring time to prevent the temperature drop in the melting.
Key words: foundry ladle, slide gate, casting unit, metal cooling rate, nest block, exothermal reactions' heat, blowing
Mikheyev V.A., Zarembo V.I., Kolesnikov А.А., Bibikov A.M. Ensuring Homogeneity of Cast Alloys Composition by Nanophase Inoculation
Effect of acoustic action on the size of primary silicon inclusions in AK9 alloys was determined by investigating the microstracture.
Its change due to structuring action of acoustic wave has been revealed. There has been reached the understanding of the fact that the composition homogeneity is based on the regularities of evolution of systems consisting of objects of molecular and atomic levels. The predominant role belongs to the transitional area of the interface between the liquid and solid phases, being a mesophase.
Key words: Mesophase, structuring, acoustic action, electromagnetic field, crystallization centers.
Afanasiev V.K., Dolgova S.V., Lavrova N.B., Makarova N.M. The particularities of the influence of heating on the contents of gases and mechanical properties of iron without admixtures
In work to studied regularities of the change the contents of gases at heating. It is installed that contents of the hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen renders the solving influence upon toughness and plastic features ferric 008ЖР. The considered relationship microstructure with mechanical characteristic and the contents of gases.
Key words: iron, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, termal processing, microstructure, mechanical properties
Ilyinsky V.A., Kostylyova L.Y , Palatkina L.V. Investigation into Microsegregation Inhomogeneiiy of Dendrite Branches of Gray Iron
The nature of formation in cast iron of "bimetallic" dendrites - that by their structure and properties are the most effective reinforcing elements capable of maximally realizing compositional strengthening of cast iron, imparting it a new quality - has been studied. Mechanism of solid phase growth alternating under the conditions of actual solidification of commercial irons have been identified.
Key words: structural anomaly of iron dendrites, fer-ritic shell, dendritic parameter, coarsening, qualitative and quantitative analysis of microsegregation inhomogeneity, segregation curves, consecutive alternation of solid phase growth mechanisms.
Ten Е.В., Badmazhapova I.B. The Basics of Developing Multifunctional Heat-Resisiant Alloys
It is shown that the possibility of improving heat resistance of Cu-Ni-Cr-Si and Cu-Co-Cr-Si bronzes is related to the more complete realization of the counter-alloying principle. At multiple counter-alloying it is desirable that the strengthening phases be as various as possible by the type of chemical compounds, and their strengthening action be maximally independent from each other. Also realized is the principle of solid-solution strengthening by alloying Cu-based solid solution with nickel.
Key words: heat-resistant copper alloys, alloying elements, precipitation hardening, strengthening phases, microadditives.
Zabbarov R., Bibikov A.M., Zhivodyorov V.M. Structural Changes and Properties of Aluminium Alloys Treated with Magnetic Field
То obtain pre-determined properties in materials, permanent magnetic field during crystallization, non-uniform force fields of centrifugal casting and background acoustic regulation were used. Industrial pilot plants for single-and multi-strand metal casting to produce ingots up to 400 mm in diameter have been developed and produced. Pilot batches of wrought Al-Mg alloys of new compositions with a higher Mg content of up to 10... 12% for car bodies have been produced on the plant.
Key words: magnetic field, continuous casting, crystallization, forging, ingot, semifinished product.
Table of Content:
Gertsyk S.I., Shishimirov M.V., Vasilenko V.P. Peculiarities of Operation of'Ladles with a Slide Gate
Mikheyev V.A., Zarembo V.I., Kolesnikov А.А., Bibikov A.M. Ensuring Homogeneity of Cast Alloys Composition by Nanophase Inoculation
Afanasiev V.K., Dolgova S.V., Lavrova N.B., Makarova N.M. The particularities of the influence of heating on the contents of gases and mechanical properties of iron without admixtures
Ilyinsky V.A., Kostylyova L.Y , Palatkina L.V. Investigation into Microsegregation Inhomogeneiiy of Dendrite Branches of Gray Iron
Ten Е.В., Badmazhapova I.B. The Basics of Developing Multifunctional Heat-Resisiant Alloys
Zabbarov R., Bibikov A.M., Zhivodyorov V.M. Structural Changes and Properties of Aluminium Alloys Treated with Magnetic Field
Kolobov Y.R. On the Formation of Structure and Properties of Three-dimensional Nanostructural Materials
Abuzin Y.A. Non-Equilibrium Structures in Metal Composites
lvanov D.O., Aksenov A.A. Advanced Methods of Producing Foam Aluminium
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