Malinovsky V.S. Steel Melting Process Management in Versatile DC Arc Furnaces of the New Generation
The article discusses technological, organizational, economic and ecological problems that the creators of DC arc furnaces of the new generation managed to solve.
Key words: DC arc furnace, steel, melt, alloyed elements, charge, melting, arc discharge, electrode.
Nemenenok В.М., Rumyantseva G.A., Tribushevsky L.V., Zadrutsky S.E Dust and Gas Emissions when Melting Aluminium Waste in a Short-Flame Rotary Furnace
The process of dust and gas emissions when melting Al alloy waste in a short-flame rotary furnace with 8.0 and 40.0% flux based on charge mass has been investigated. Use of 40% flux in melting reduces the amount of dust, and its particles have a more stable composition consisting to 70% of NaCl and KCI inclusions. It has been shown that when using short-flame rotary furnaces for recycling Al waste the environmental situation gets more complicated due to using covering and refining fluxes having higher volatility, and accumulating of salt slags that must be disposed of.
Key words: dust and gas emissions, fluxes, salt slags, aluminium recycling.
Litvinenko S.N., Kosinov S.N. Joining Cast and Forged Billets for Large Parts by Flectroslag Welding
The article discusses the main capabilities ot NKMZ in the production of large billets by electroslag welding. Examples of unique large products and techniques of their manufacture are given.
Key words: electroslag welding (ESW), ESW engineering and technology, weld joint, ESW unit for large thicknesses, basic press parts.
Troitsky О.A. Electroplastic Deformation of Nanomaterials
The objective of the work is to attract metallurgists' attention to electroplastic deformation of materials when metal is not pre-heated, and pulse current is fed directly to the zone of metal deformation, virtually not heating the metal. Thereby, the electropulse action plasticizes nanomaterials and reduces their resistance to deformation, cancelling process annealing operations.
Key words: nanomaterials, electroplastic effect, electroplastic deformation of materials, shape memory effect alloys, electropulse machining.
Topolyansky Р.А., Sosnin N.A., Yermakov S.A. Vacuumless Plasma Technology of Strengthening Nanocoating Application
The article considers principal characteristics of non-vacuum plasma technology of coating the metal surface with a strengthening nano-cover based on combinations of silicium, and also properties of this nanocover.
Key words: strengthening, nanocoating, vacuumless plasma technology.
Zablotsky V.K., Korsun V.A. Structure Formation at Boromanganesizing of Carbon Steels
In this work formation of structures is probed at a satiation the coniferous forest and manganese of carbon steel of 45 and U7 in powder-like mixture depending on the terms of satiation, namely sequences of satiation and composition of satiating mixture. Recommendation for industrial application with the purpose of increase of abrasive wearproofness on the basis of the coniferous forest.
Key words: boromanganesizing, carbon steel, powder mixtures, wear resistance, boride layer.
Verin A.S. Mathematical Control of Microstructure in the Transitional Zone of Blade
In this paper, an analysis of the concentration field on AI and microstructure factors occurring in the expression relating recrystallization NiAl-Al203 coating systenron ceramic core for transitive zone of turbine blades with gradient-functional structure Ni3AI-NiAl-Al203 - base obtained by DDS method is provided for first time. Using a real polynomial with one its root on the unit circle we have done an iterative procedure for numerical mapping. For this aim we used the interpolation formula of Lagrang and differential operator. It was shown a possible of alloying the transitive zone of blades by Та.
Key words: microstructure, interpolation, dendrite forms, fatigue, transitive zone of blade.
Table of Content:
Vladimir Ivanovich Yavoisky (On the occasion of the 100th anniversary)
Malinovsky V.S. Steel Melting Process Management in Versatile DC Arc Furnaces of the New Generation
Nemenenok В.М., Rumyantseva G.A., Tribushevsky L.V., Zadrutsky S.E Dust and Gas Emissions when Melting Aluminium Waste in a Short-Flame Rotary Furnace
Litvinenko S.N., Kosinov S.N. Joining Cast and Forged Billets for Large Parts by Flectroslag Welding
Troitsky О.A. Electroplastic Deformation of Nanomaterials
Topolyansky Р.А., Sosnin N.A., Yermakov S.A. Vacuumless Plasma Technology of Strengthening Nanocoating Application
On the Latest World Scientific Developments in the Field of Nanomaterials
Zablotsky V.K., Korsun V.A. Structure Formation at Boromanganesizing of Carbon Steels
Venn A.S. Mathematical Control of Microstructure in the Transitional Zone of Blade
Review of International Information