Parkin A.A., Mulendeyev D.A. On the Application of Plasma and Laser Technologies in Metallurgical Processes
In obtaining Al alloys, the authors investigated the effect of plasma and laser treatment on the properties and structure of inoculants and master alloys. As a result, the time dwelling of melt when introducing small-size inoculants has been reduced, and a fine-grain alloy structure has been obtained.
Key words: alloying elements, inoculant, plasma and laser treatment, fine-grain structure.
Gavrilin I.V. On the Mechanism of Formation of Liquid Cast Alloys
New data on the mechanism of melting metals, and alloys' structure are discussed. It is shown that in the processes of alloy formation in the liquid state it is not the diffusion, but the natural and artificial convection, whose role in the alloy formation used to be neglected, that plays the decisive role. A method of obtaining cast alloys by cold emulsification is told about.
Key words: structure, melting, crystallization, cold emulsification, diffusion mixing.
Popel P.S., Chikova O.A., Brodova I.G. On the Possibility of Affecting the Hereditary Microheterogeneity of Liquid Alloys
Based on the ideas about microheterogeneity and peculiarities of crystallization of Al-based melts, the authors have resolved a number of applied problems on the optimization of production and improvement of product quality. New methods of affecting the structural state of metallic liquid ensuring improvement of service characteristics of metal after solidification are proposed.
Key words: microheterogeneous state, homogenizing heating, cooling rate, structure, heat treatment.
Nikitin K.V., Nikitin V.I., Timoshkin I.Y., Ponamorenko P.I. Rational Utilization of Iron-Containing Waste to Produce Aluminum Master Alloys and Alloys
The hereditary effect of the structure of Al-Fe and Al-Cu-Fe master alloys obtained from aluminum waste and steel wire on the structure and properties of AK12M2, AK4 aluminum alloys and BrA10Zh4N4 bronze was investigated. Use of the main regularities of structural heredity in practice allows to control the structure of master alloys and alloys obtained from recycled metal waste. Alloys prepared using specially treated master alloys are characterized by a more dispersed structure and have enhanced physical-andmechanical properties.
Key words: structure, heredity, chill mold, roll crystallizer, master alloy, acoustic action.
Chernyshova T.A., Kalashnikov I.Y., Bolotova L.K. Tribological Properties of Alumomatrix Composites Inoculated with Nano-Size High Melting Powders
The article is dedicated to materials and methods of investigating cast composites obtained by introducing reactive powders and discrete nano-size fillers to the matrix melt. It is shown that inoculation with TiCN and W-C powders had the greatest effect on the structure and tribological properties of composites.
Key words: composite materials, intermetallides, nanopowders, reaction casting, tribological properties.
Kechin V.A., Vaganov V.Y. The Main Trends in Creation of Nanostructured Materials
Variants of obtaining nanomaterials, including a method of intensive plastic deformation consisting in deforming with high degrees of deformation without changing the outer dimensions of a blank are discussed. It is shown that switching from the two-stage technology comprising casting and subsequent deformation (forging, rolling) to the single-stage technology of blank production not only leads to the reduction of the production cycle, material and energy costs, but also creates conditions for obtaining a finecrystalline structure.
Key words: nanomaterials, intensive plastic deformation, inoculation, sintered powders, strength, ductility.
Makarov G.S. Current State and Prospects of Horizontal Casting of Aluminum Alloys
The author compares the processes of horizontal and vertical continuous casting of Al alloys and shows the advantages of the horizontal process.
Key words: horizontal continuous casting, ingot, crystallizer, metal receiver, metal skin, surface defects.
Kurganova Y.A., Chernyshova T.A., Kurganov S.V. New Processes of Obtaining Dispersion-Hardened Alumomatrix Composites
Processes of obtaining metal-matrix composites hardened with a high-strength dispersion filler are described. It is shown that casting processes are the most promising.
Key words: composites, mechanical mixing, reinforcing filler, reaction casting, powder briquettes.
Mysik R.K., Brusnitsyn S.V., Sulitsin A.V. Resources-Saving Technologies in Making Products from Complexly Alloyed Brass Grades
Manufacturing schemes for semi-finished products from complexly alloyed brass grades are discussed. It is shown that the method of semicontinuous casting is the most suitable for making ingots for subsequent die forming of products.
Key words: complexly alloyed brass grades, semicontinuous casting, die forming, intermetallides, flux, regulated structure.
Muratov V.S. Forced Thermal Treatment of Aluminum Alloys
It is shown that in developing processes of Al alloy product manufacturing, expedient is the approach based on regulating the degree of non-equilibrium of the structure being formed in each process stage. It is suggested that in thermal treatment of castings accelerated water cooling after crystallization should be performed, which allows to reduce the time of alloy's ageing after hardening, and ensure better properties.
Key words: heredity, degree of non-equilibrium of structure, accelerated cooling, thermal treatment, deformation.
Glushkov A.S. On the Integration of Education, Science and Production
Nowadays, the modern specialist's most important task is the ability to extend knowledge by oneself, find one's bearings in the impetuous stream of scientific and technical information, use scientific achievements in one's practical activities. Under these conditions, the most important component of training high-class specialists is to impart to graduates some skills of organizing and conducting research work. The experience of organizing and conducting research work at the Economics and Management Chair of MGVMI allowed to determine the main directions of such work.
Key words: investment project, innovations, small and medium scale business, practical management.
Table of Content:
Parkin A.A., Mulendeyev D.A. On the Application of Plasma and Laser Technologies in Metallurgical Processes
Gavrilin I.V. On the Mechanism of Formation of Liquid Cast Alloys
Popel P.S., Chikova O.A., Brodova I.G. On the Possibility of Affecting the Hereditary Microheterogeneity of Liquid Alloys
Nikitin K.V., Nikitin V.I., Timoshkin I.Y., Ponamorenko P.I. Rational Utilization of Iron-Containing Waste to Produce Aluminum Master Alloys and Alloys
Chernyshova T.A., Kalashnikov I.Y., Bolotova L.K. Tribological Properties of Alumomatrix Composites Inoculated with Nano-Size High Melting Powders
Kechin V.A., Vaganov V.Y. The Main Trends in Creation of Nanostructured Materials
Makarov G.S. Current State and Prospects of Horizontal Casting of Aluminum Alloys
Kurganova Y.A., Chernyshova T.A., Kurganov S.V. New Processes of Obtaining Dispersion-Hardened Alumomatrix Composites
Mysik R.K., Brusnitsyn S.V., Sulitsin A.V. Resources-Saving Technologies in Making Products from Complexly Alloyed Brass Grades
Muratov V.S. Forced Thermal Treatment of Aluminum Alloys
Glushkov A.S. On the Integration of Education, Science and Production