Marukovich E.I., Stetsenko V.Y. Scientific problem of metal melts. Solutions
In the existing theories of liquid state of met¬als and alloys the basic structural element is atom. It creates a serious problem in scien¬tific understanding of the mechanism of pro¬cess of melt and properties of metal melts. For the solution of this problem it is neces¬sary to read that the basic structural element of liquid metals and alloys is the nanocrystal. As a result of researches it is set that metal melts are the equilibrium two-phase sys¬tems consisting on average for 97% from nanocrystals and for 3% – from atoms which form an unstructured zone.
Key words:Melt, nanocrystal, crystallization centers, at¬oms, microchip, clusters, metals, alloys.
Chaikin À.V., Chaikin V.À., Kolpakov V.V., Maslov D.V., Zakoptelov E.P. Applying dispersive deoxidizing mixtures for increase of steel 20GFL qualitive indicators
The article describes benefits of the techno¬logical process for the diffusive deoxidazing of steel 20GFL for wagon casting production with the help of a dispersive diffusive alu¬minum deoxidizer. The application of REM (rare earth metals) allowed to refine the met¬al more effectively, to increase the stability of the toughness of steel with an acute cut at the negative temperature, and to reduce the cost of castings. The described techno¬logical process has been implemented at the AO «Altayvagon» Rubtskov branch.
Key words:Steel, slag, statistical analysis, inoculants, defusive deoxidizing.
Zolotukhin V.I., Gordeyev E.I., Provotorov D.A., Golovko A.G. Complex solutions of the Vulkan-TM Company for metallurgical and foundry production industry
Some examples of the developments of the SME “Vulkan-TM” for pouringand out-of-furnace processing of metal at metal¬lurgical enterprises and foundries are given. The flexibility and modular configuration of the products offered, including those made on individual orders, ensures their easy adaptation to any production condi¬tions.
Key words:Molded refractory, bottom blowing, stop¬per ladle, wire feeding machine, slide gate, monolithic ladle lining.
Titov V.I. Phase analysis in research structure – properties of high-strength steels for aircraft equipment
With the help of the method of phase phys¬ico-chemical analysis, the nature of phase separation during long-term operational heating of high-strength martensitic aging steels has been established. It is shown that in the temperature range 400…500°C with 1000-hour heating the material is strength¬ened and the levels of impact strength and resistance to stress-corrosion cracking de¬crease. At a temperature of 450°C, an a–Cr phase forms, which reduces the properties of the material. It is proposed to reduce the temperature of heating the steel for quench¬ing from 900 to 830°C, which made it pos¬sible to reduce the supersaturation of mar-tensite by chromium and molybdenum by binding the alloying elements to the phases l1 and ? formed during the quenching pro¬cess.
Key words:Phase physicochemical analysis, martensitic aging high-strength steels, phase composi¬tion, mechanical properties.
Lovshenko F.G., Lozikov I.A. Mechanically alloyed submicrocrystalline modifying ligatures for the production of chrome bronzes
The results of a complex investigation are presented which show how the composition of mechanically alloyed ligatures, conditions for their production and the introduction of copper into the melt affect the forma-tion of composition, structure, and proper¬ties of chromium bronzes for electrical ap¬plications.
Key words:Production, composition, properties, submi¬crocrystalline modifying ligatures, chrome bronzes.
Chumanov I.V., Lutkov V.N., Sergeev D.V. Development of a complex of equipment for producing hollow billets by the ESR method using a single-electrode scheme
This work is focused on development of complex of equipment for electroslag refin¬ing based on the stand A-550. The design of the piercing mandrel and its feed gearbox, as well as, the electrode rotating mechanism has been completed. The kiln conversion has been produced based on the development.
Key words:Electroslag remelting, hollow billets, elec¬trode, piercing.
Novitsky V.G., Shipitsyn S.Ya., Loktionov-Remizovsky V.A., Shatrava A.P., Oleksenko I.V. An effect of the laser processing on tribological characteristics of Fe-18Cr-10Cu-1.2C steel
Properties of cast steel were studied before and after laser processing of the working surface of the sample. It is shown that this processing leads to an increase in wear re¬sistance of steel parts.
Key words:Laser processing, surface fusion, heat-af¬fected zone, wear rate, friction coefficient.
Zhukov L.F., Smirnov M.I., Petrenko D.A., Kornienko A.L. New non-contact thermometric technologies
The article is devoted to the methods of tem¬perature control in metallurgical equipment. The light-guide technologies that provide continuous temperature monitoring of Fe-C alloys in crucible and channel melting fur¬naces, mixers, and pouring furnaces are de¬scribed. The characteristics of instruments for spectral thermometry were investigated.
Key words:Melt temperature, metallurgical equipment, light-guide technologies, optical spectral thermometry.
Table of Content:
Melting. Melt Treatment
To the 130th anniversary of the birth. Ivan Ivanovich Sidorin – the founder of aviation material science
Melting. Melt Treatment
Marukovich E.I., Stetsenko V.Y. Scientific problem of metal melts. Solutions
Chaikin À.V., Chaikin V.À., Kolpakov V.V., Maslov D.V., Zakoptelov E.P. Applying dispersive deoxidizing mixtures for increase of steel 20GFL qualitive indicators
Zolotukhin V.I., Gordeyev E.I., Provotorov D.A., Golovko A.G. Complex solutions of the Vulkan-TM Company for metallurgical and foundry production industry
To the 60th anniversary of the Physical-Technological Institute of Metals and Alloys of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Drozd E.A., Voron M.M. Equipment for electron beam melting and casting of Ti alloys
Berchuk D.N., Bublikov V.B. Ladle and in-mold modification with magnesium-calcium master alloys
Berchuk D.N., Zelenaya L.A., Ovsyannikov V.A. Complex modification of high-strength cast iron
Bublikov V.B., Bachinsky Yu.D., Medved S.N. An effect of the ZhKMK-2R complex modifier on an increase in mechanical properties of high-strength cast iron
Belik V.I., Prigunova A.G., Duka V.M., Semenchenko A.I. Expansion of the technological potentialities to produce billets for rheocasting
Parenyuk A.A., Seredenko V.A. An increase in efficiency of FeCrC master alloy dissolution in copper melt in induction crucible furnace
Sheygam V.Yu., Isaycheva N.P., Prigunova A.G., Shenevidko L.K. On the efficiency of reversive mixing of aluminum alloys
Nuradinov À.S., Sheygam V.Yu., Prigunova A.G., Tsir T.G., Shenevidko L.K. Control of the castings structure formation by means of a vibrating crystallization
Bublikov V.B., Yasinsky A.A., Yasinskaya E.A. An effect of alloying and heat treatment on the structure and mechanical properties of high-strength cast iron
Klimenko S.I., Yakovyshin O.A., Lipetskaya Yu.A., Malyar V.A. Graphitizing briquettes from wastes of foundry and metallurgical industry
Modern Materials
Titov V.I. Phase analysis in research structure – properties of high-strength steels for aircraft equipment
Lovshenko F.G., Lozikov I.A. Mechanically alloyed submicrocrystalline modifying ligatures for the production of chrome bronzes
XXI Century Technologies
Chumanov I.V., Lutkov V.N., Sergeev D.V. Development of a complex of equipment for producing hollow billets by the ESR method using a single-electrode scheme
Novitsky V.G., Shipitsyn S.Ya., Loktionov-Remizovsky V.A., Shatrava A.P., Oleksenko I.V. An effect of the laser processing on tribological characteristics of Fe-18Cr-10Cu-1.2C steel
Zhukov L.F., Smirnov M.I., Petrenko D.A., Kornienko A.L. New non-contact thermometric technologies
Information. Chronicle